

单词 much
释义 much /mʌtʃ/ a. | ad. | n. | vt. | phr.
I a.
1. (more /mɔː(r)/, most /məʊst/) [后接不可数名词;在口语中,除用以修饰主语或与 how, too, as, so 连用外,多用于否定句和疑问句]多的,大量的
There isn't much coal left. 剩下的煤不多了。
Has Jack much money? 杰克是不是有很多钱?
Much snow has fallen. 已降大雪。
I know how much trouble you have suffered. 我知道你遭受过多大的痛苦。
2. [常用于否定句,一般作表语]重要的,了不起的
Nothing much has happened since you left. 你走后没发生过什么重大的事。
3. [用于反语]没有 (= no)
Much right has he to interfere with me. 他才无权干涉我哩。
4. 数目大的,众多的
much people 许多人

II ad.
1. (more, most) 十分,非常
The car was (very) much damaged. 汽车损坏十分严重。
I don't much like him. 我不十分喜欢他。
Thank you very much. 多谢。
I was much afraid of earthquakes. 我非常害怕地震。
This is much to my taste. 这十分合我的口味。
2. [用以加强比较级或最高级]到极大程度;最
We are much happier now. 现在我们幸福得多了。
You should give much more attention to your lessons. 你该加倍注意你的功课。
He is much the brightest student in the class. 他绝对是班上最聪明的学生。
3. 常常;好久
Do you dine out much? 你常常在外面进餐吗?
Education is a much debated subject. 教育是个人们常常争论的话题。
I was with him much last night. 昨晚我和他在一起呆了好久。
They are not likely to arrive there much before midnight. 他们总要将近半夜才会到达那里。
4. 实际上;差不多;几乎
He is very much the head of the family. 他实际上是一家之长。
The two children are much of an age. 这两个孩子的年龄差不多。
much of a size 大小差不多的
The patient's condition is much the same as yesterday. 病人的情况几乎和昨天一样。
He looks much the way his father did. 他的样子几乎和他父亲从前一样。
5. [用于反语]一点也不(= not at all)
Much you care about my feelings. 你真是太照顾我的感情啦。

III n.
1. 大量,许多
There is much to be done. 还有大量工作要做。
He gave away much of what he owned. 他送掉了大量财产。
Much of what you said is true. 你的话有许多是对的。
I did not see much of him. 我不大见到他。
This forest did much to isolate the ancient kingdom from the rest of the world. 这片森林在使这个古老的王国与世隔绝这方面起了很大作用。
2. 重要(或意义重大)的事物;了不起的事物
His efforts didn't amount to much. 他的努力没有获得重大结果。
He thought it much to have made even a little progress. 即使稍有进步,他也认为是一件了不起的事。
3. [用于反语]什么都没有(= nothing)
Much you know about the matter! 这事你懂个屁!

IV vt.
Her mother shielded her and muched her. 她母亲庇护她,溺爱她。
[< ME muche large, much < OE mycel; 与 OHG mihhil great, large, L magnus, Gr megas 有关]
phr. a bit much 有点过分
as much 1. 同样数量
He has £50 with him, and I have as much. 他身边有50英镑,我也有这么些。
2. 同样的事;这一点(指上文提到的情况)
Don't thank me; I would do as much for anyone. 不要谢我,即使为别人我也会这么做的。
Did you lose your way? I thought as much when you were late in coming. 你迷路了吧?当你姗姗来迟时我就料到这点了。
I found him very lazy and told him as much. 我发现他很懒,并对他这么实说了。
as much again(as) 见 again
as much as 1. 像…那么多;多达
Take as much as you like. 你爱拿多少就拿多少。
Any tourist wants to see as much as possible the country he is visiting. 任何旅游者都想尽可能在其观光国多看些地方。
My husband sometimes put as much as fifty pounds on a horse. 我丈夫有时对跑马下的赌注多达50英镑。
2. 和…在同样程度
I love you as much as he does. 我同他一样爱你。
3. 实际上;差不多
He as much as admitted that he was a failure. 他实际上已承认自己是个失败者。
as much ... as 1. 和…同样多的
I have experienced as much pain as pleasure. 我经受的痛苦同欢乐一样多。
Return as much money as you borrowed. 你借多少钱就还多少钱。
2. 和…一样,正如
The private wanted to show the sergeant that he was as much a man as anybody. 列兵要向军士长显示他和任何人一样,也是一条好汉。
It is as much your responsibility as ours. 这是我们的责任,同样也是你们的责任。
as much as sb. can do 尽某人最大努力
It was as much as I could do not to laugh. 我尽了最大努力才没有笑出来。
as much as to say 等于说,就好比说
The dog wagged its tail, as much as to say “Thank you.” 狗摇摇尾巴,仿佛说:“谢谢你。”
by much 大大地,到极大程度
He is younger than I by much. 他年纪比我小得多。
ever so much 非常,万分
He liked her ever so much. 他非常喜欢她。
for as much as 由于;既然
For as much as the senator is eighty, he should not run for reelection. 那位参议员既然年已八十,就不应再参加连任竞选了。
half as much again 见 half
How much? 见 how
leave much to be desired 见 leave
make much of 1. 很重视;很尊重;强调
Young people usually don't make much of the customs of their parents. 年轻人往往不很尊重父母的风俗习惯。
Economists have been making much of the point that the prevailing wages are too low. 经济学家们一直在强调这一点,即当前工资太低。
2. 恭维,吹捧;夸大;大肆宣传
Her beauty was made much of. 她的美貌备受恭维。
make much of one's merit 夸大自己的优点
The newspapers all made much of his achievement. 各报对他的成就都大大宣传了一番。
3. 宠爱,溺爱
She made much of her child. 她溺爱自己的孩子。
4. 充分利用
make much of one's talents 充分利用自己的才能
5. [常用于否定句]充分理解
I couldn't make much of his lecture. 他的讲课我听不大懂。
much as 1. 非常像,和…几乎一样
Plants need food, much as animals do. 植物需要养料,几乎和动物一样。
2. 虽然,即使
Much as I'd like to, I can't come. 我虽然很想来,但是来不了。
much less 见 less
much more 见 more
much of a [通常用于否定句或疑问句]了不起的,十分好的
He isn't much of an actor. 他不是什么了不起的演员。
I don't think they have much of a future. 我认为他们并没有多大前途。
Is he much of a doctor? 他是个高明的医生吗?
Much will (或 would) have more. 越有越贪。
not much 1. 不多
There is not much we can do. 我们没有太多的办法。
2. 不十分好,不怎么了不起;不很擅长;不十分感兴趣,不怎么喜欢 (on, for)
The car isn't much. 这辆汽车不怎么好。
She's not much to look at. 她长得不怎么好看。
As a leader, he is not much. 作为一个领导人,他并不怎么杰出。
He is not much on literature. 他不怎么擅长于文学。
I'm not much for politics. 我对政治不太感兴趣。
3. 哪里的话,当然不;未必,不大可能
A: You can speak English very well. B: Not much. 甲:你英语讲得很好。乙:哪里,哪里。
not much of a one for sth. 不十分喜欢某事物
not so much ... as 1. 不如…那么多
I haven't seen so much of the world as he. 我见过的世面没有他那么多。
2. 与其说是…不如说是…
They weren't so much islands as sandbars. 与其说那是些岛屿,还不如说都是些沙洲。
It wasn't so much the clothes as the man himself who impressed immediately. 立即给人以深刻印象的与其说是衣服,还不如说是这个人本身。
not up to much 不十分符合标准;不怎么令人满意
The beer is not up to much. 这种啤酒质量不怎么好。
I didn't think the party was up to much. 我觉得那次聚会不怎么令人满意。
A: How is your mother today? B: Not up to much. 甲:你母亲今天身体怎么样? 乙:不太好。
one too much for 见 one
rather much = a bit much
so much1. 这么多;到这种程度
The students have only so much time to do their lessons. 学生们只有这么点做功课的时间。
He worked for so much a week. 他每星期的工资就是这么些。
Why do you hate him so much? 你为什么这么恨他?
2. 非常,十分
I do want so much to help you. 我确实非常想帮助你。
3. 十足的,纯粹的
It's just so much nonsense. 那简直是一派胡言。
The house burned up like so much paper. 那所房屋就像纸糊的一般被烧了个精光。
4. [后接 the +比较级]那就更…
If they lose their way, so much the better (worse). 要是他们迷了路,那就更妙(更糟)了。
so much as 甚至(= even)
He had received not so much as a scratch in the accident. 他在事故中甚至没有擦伤一点皮。
He left without so much as saying goodbye. 他甚至连“再会”也不说就走了。
If you mention it by so much as a whisper, I'll be sent packing. 这事你要是说出去,哪怕只是私下说说,他们也会立即叫我卷铺盖。
We have to walk a considerable distance to find so much as a newspaper stand. 就连找一个报摊,我们也得走很多路。
so much for
1. 关于…就谈这么多;…到此为止;…只好作罢
So much for that — let's talk about something else. 关于此事就谈到这里,让我们谈谈别的吧。
So much for prayer. 祈祷到此为止。
“So much for today,” said the teacher. 教师说:“今天就讲到这里。”
Now it's started raining; so much for my idea of taking a walk. 下雨了,我散步的打算就只好作罢。
2. [表示轻蔑]原来…不过如此
So much for your bright idea. 你那高明的主意原来不过如此。
so much so that 到这样的程度以至…
He was very weak, so much so that he could not walk. 他身体十分虚弱,虚弱得连路都走不动了。
so much the better (或 worse) 那就更好(或更糟)
that much 1. 那么多;到那样的程度
I have only done that much so far. 到目前为止,我只完成那么点。
Does it really matter that much? 这事真的关系那么重大吗?
2. 那一点
We can never go back again, that much is certain. 我们永远回不去了,这一点可以肯定。
There is not much in it. 1. (比赛中)参赛各方实力不相上下。
2. 两种选择之间差别无几。
think much of [常用于否定句]对…评价很高,认为…很好
I don't think much of his behaviour. 我认为他的品行不怎么样。
Don't think too much of yourself. 别对自己估价过高。
this much 1. 这么多;到这样的程度
I want this much only. 我只要这么多。
2. 这一点
This much I do know, he's left her. 这一点我确实知道:他已经遗弃了她。
too much 1. 太过分,太糟糕,太不像话
This is too much. 这太过分了。
Tom has become so naughty recently — he was really too much yesterday. 汤姆近来非常顽皮,昨天他实在太不像话了。
2. 美口太好啦,太棒啦;妙极了
The last group was just too much! They played and sang really well. 最后那一组实在太棒了!他们的演奏和演唱都是一流的。
too much for 1. 非…力所能及,非…所应付得了
He is too much for me. 我不是他的对手。
The violence of the sea was too much for even the best ships. 海浪汹涌澎湃,即使最好的船舶也抵挡不住。
2. 非…所能忍受
The stench was too much for me. 那臭气我实在受不了。




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