释义 |
mon·key /ˈmʌŋkɪ/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 猴;猿 2. 〈口〉猴子似的人;淘气鬼,捣蛋鬼 What have you done, you young monkey! 你干了些什么,你这个小捣蛋! 3. 长毛猴毛皮 4. 打桩锤;锤式打桩机 5. (煤矿的)通风巷道 6. (熔化少量玻璃用的)小坩埚 7. 〈英口〉500英镑;〈美口〉500美元 He won a monkey at the horse races. 他在赛马中赢了500镑。 8. 〈俚〉耍弄的对象,出丑的人 9. 〈美俚〉毒瘾 get the monkey off 戒毒 10. 猴舞(一种现代舞) 11. 〈英俚〉(人背部的)隆肉 12. 〈澳俚〉绵羊 13. 〈俚〉摄影师
II ❶ vi. 1. 胡闹,捣蛋;闲荡,鬼混(about,around) 2. 摆弄,胡弄(with) Stop monkeying with the television set! 不要再鼓捣那架电视机了! ❷ vt. 1. 〈古〉模仿,学…的样 2. 嘲弄 [< ? MLG Moneke, 中世纪叙事诗 the Romance of Reynard (《列那狐的故事》)中类人猿 Martin 之子的名字] phr. a monkey on one's back 〈口〉1. 棘手或烦人的问题 2. 毒瘾 a monkey with a long tail 抵押 as artful (或 clever) as a wagonload (或 cartload) of monkeys 〈英口〉极聪明的;极顽皮的 be more trouble than a cartload of monkeys 见 trouble cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey 〈俚〉〈粗〉(天气)冷得要命 get one's monkey up 〈英口〉生气,发怒 She gets her monkey up if you tell her that she's wrong. 如果你说她错了,她会火冒三丈。 get sb.'s monkey up = put sb.'s monkey up have a monkey on a house (或 up the chimney) 以房产作抵押 have a (或 the) monkey on one's back 〈口〉 1. 毒瘾很深(以致思想上、经济上负担沉重) 2. 有甩不掉的包袱,有大难题,有无法承受的负担 3. 〈废〉生气,发怒 I'll be (或 I am) a monkey's uncle! 〈口〉[表示惊奇]天哪! 哎呀! make a monkey (out) of 〈口〉使出丑,耍弄,愚弄 I suddenly realized that I had been made a monkey out of by my opponents. 我突然意识到我让对手们给耍了。 not to give (或 care) a monkey's (fuck) 〈英口〉〈粗〉一点都不在乎,完全无所谓 I don't give a monkey's if you drop down dead. 如果你倒下死掉我也毫不在乎。 put sb.'s monkey up 〈英口〉使某人生气,激怒某人 suck the monkey 〈英俚〉 1. 自瓶中饮酒;用椰子壳装酒喝 2. 用麦杆(或吸管)插入酒桶吸饮 take the monkey off one's (sb.'s) back = get the monkey off one's (sb.'s) back with one's monkey up〈英口〉生气;发怒 |