释义 |
mod·er·a·tion /ˌmɒdəˈreɪʃən/ n. | phr. n. 1. 温和;中庸 moderation of speech and attitude 言语和态度的温和 He espouses racial moderation. 他主张种族间应互相调和妥协。 2. 缓和;减轻 the moderation of the hot weather 炎热天气的消退 3. 适度;节制 advise moderation in drinking 提倡饮酒有节制 exercise restraint and moderation 实行约束和节制 4. 【核】减速;慢化 5. [Moderations] 〈英〉牛津大学文学士学位的第一次考试 [<LME<OFr<L moderatio(n-)< moderare to control] phr. in moderation 适度地;有节制地 buy those things in moderation 适量地购买那些东西 Even if you only smoke in moderation this is a good time to stop. 即便你抽烟很有节制,也还是趁现在戒的好。 |