释义 |
mock /mɒk/ vt. | vi. | n. | a. | ad. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 嘲笑,讥笑;嘲弄 He had mocked her modest ambitions. 他曾嘲笑她那一副小家子气的种种抱负。 The naughty boys mocked the blind man. 顽皮的孩子们嘲弄那个盲人。 2. (尤指为了取笑)模仿,仿效 mock sb.'s voice (speech, gait) 学某人的嗓音(讲话,走路样子)来取笑 The mockingbird was mocking him. 嘲鸫在模仿他说话。 3. 使失望;使…的希望落空;欺骗 The weather mocked him. 天公耍了他。 His irresponsibility mocked my trust in him. 他不负责任的态度辜负了我对他的信任。 4. 挫败,使徒劳;向…挑战 The strong fortress mocked the invaders. 坚强的堡垒使入侵者只能望洋兴叹。 The team mocked the visitors' attempt to score. 该队挫败了客队得分的企图。 His actions mock convention. 他的行为是向传统习俗挑战。 ❷ vi. 嘲笑;嘲弄(at) mock at the idea 嘲笑这一想法 It is cruel to mock at the afflicted. 嘲弄苦恼人是残酷的。 When the subject was money, they never mocked; they were serious. 一讲到金钱,他们从来不打哈哈,其态度是严肃的。
II n. 1. 嘲笑,讥笑;嘲弄 take to heart what was said in mock 对挖苦话耿耿于怀 2. 嘲弄的举止;嘲笑的话 3. 〈旧〉嘲笑对象,笑柄 4. 模仿,仿效 5. 仿制品;伪造物,假冒物 6. 〈英口〉模拟考试 take one's mocks next week 参加下周的模拟考试
III a. 1. 假的;仿制的;假装的 mock leather 人造革 mock -Georgian windows 仿乔治王朝时期风格的窗子 mock modesty 假谦逊 throw up one's hands in mock horror 扬起双手假装害怕 2. 模拟的;演习的 a mock battle 模拟战 The students have done mock A levels at school. 学生们在学校里参加过模拟高级考试。 Before each debate, he is expected to engage in mock debate. 在每次正式辩论前,他得先参加演习性的辩论。
IV ad. [常用以构成复合词]假装地,虚伪地 mock -serious 假装严肃的 mock apologize for attacking sth. 对于攻击某事虚伪地表示歉意。 [< OFr mocquer < ?] phr. make a mock of 1. 嘲笑;嘲弄 Don't make a mock of him. 别嘲笑他。2. 糟蹋;证明…是假的 make mock of 嘲笑;嘲弄 mock up 1. 仿制;伪造;模拟;模仿 Certain sections are mocked up accurately. 某些部分仿造得足以乱真。2. 做…的实体模型 put the mock(s) (或 a mock) on sb. 〈澳俚〉挫败某人的计划,使某人的打算告吹 |