mit·i·ga·tion /ˌmɪtɪˈɡeɪʃən/ n. 1. 减轻 speak for mitigation of the sentence 为争取从轻判决而进言 You have pleaded guilty. Is there anything you wish to say in mitigation? 你已经服罪,还有什么要说以减轻你的罪责? 2. 缓和 cure, prevention, or mitigation of disease 疾病的防治或缓解 3. 起减轻(或缓和)作用的事物 The breeze was a welcome mitigation of the heat. 微风起着宜人的降温作用。 [<LME<OFr; L mitigatio(n-)< mitigare alleviate]