

单词 mist
释义 mist /mɪst/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. 薄雾
The hills were shrouded in mist. 群山被蒙上薄雾。
the mists of early morning 清晨的薄雾
2. 雾状物
a mist of dust 一阵尘雾
A thick mist of smoke filled the room. 浓浓的烟雾弥漫着整个房间。
3. 霭,(地面水平能见度大于1公里的)薄雾;毛毛雨
4. (使玻璃等表面模糊不清的)水汽,水蒸气
Your breath turns to mist in front of you. 你呵出的气会在你面前变成水汽。
5. (香水、药剂等的)喷雾
A mist of perfume issued from the sprayer. 一阵香水的轻雾从喷雾器中喷射出来。
6. (眼泪、疾病等造成的)视线模糊不清
She did not cry, but a mist came over her eyes. 她没哭出声来,可是她的眼却模糊了。
She could hardly recognize her son through a mist of tears. 她泪眼模糊,几乎认不出自己的儿子了。
7. 迷雾
A mist of prejudice spoiled his judgment. 偏见的迷雾损害了他的判断能力。
The origin of the custom is lost in the mists of time. 形成这种习俗的原因现已湮没在时间的迷雾中。
8. 米斯特(一种加冰块和柠檬皮的威士忌或其他烈性酒)

II vi.
1. [以 it 为主语]起薄雾;下毛毛雨
It was misting a while ago. 刚才起了一阵薄雾。
2. 被蒙上薄雾 (over)
The distant scene misted over. 远处的景色被蒙上一层薄雾。
3. 被蒙上水蒸气;(眼睛等)变得模糊不清(over,up)
The windows are misting. 玻璃窗上正出现水汽。
His spectacles misted over (或 up). 他的眼镜被蒙上了一层水汽。
He took me to his good bosom; his eyes began to mist (over) (with tears). 他把我揽入他的慈怀,开始变得泪眼模糊。
1. 使蒙上薄雾
The sun hung low over the misted trees. 太阳低悬在薄雾笼罩着的树梢之上。
2. 使(表面)蒙上水(蒸)气;使(眼睛等)模糊不清 (over,up)
His breath misted his glasses up (或 over) in the cold air. 在寒冷的空气中,他呵出的气使他的眼镜蒙上一层水汽。
eyes misted with tears 模糊的泪眼
[OE: darkness, mist; 与 ON mistr dark weather, Gr omikhlē fog 有关]
phr. cast (或 throw) a mist before sb.'s eyes 蒙蔽某人
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