

单词 miss¹
释义 miss¹ /mɪs/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I vt.
1. 未击中;未抓住
miss the target 没击中目标
miss a ball 未击中(或未接住)
miss a catch 未接住球
miss one's hold 未抓住
2. 未达到(某处);未接触到
He missed the bank and landed in the water. 他未能跳到对岸,而掉入水中。
miss one's footing 失足踏空
3. 没找到;没遇到
miss sb. in the crowd 在人群中未找到某人
The house is at the next corner; you can't miss it. 那房子就在下一个拐角上,你不会找不到。
miss the way 迷路
She went to the station to meet her father but missed him. 她到车站去接父亲,可是没有遇到。
4. 未看到,未注意到;未听到;未体验
You must have missed the notice on the bulletin board. 你谅必没有看见布告栏上的通知。
a small detail which many might have missed 可能为许多人所忽视的细节
He missed what you said because he wasn't listening. 他没听到你的话,因为他不在听。
Though it was a frightening experience, he would not have missed it. 虽然那是一种令人害怕的经历,但他不愿不去体验一番。
5. 未理解,未领会
He missed the point of the speech. 他没有领会讲话的要点。
6. 未赶上
miss a train 没有赶上火车
I nearly missed my flight. 我差点儿没赶上班机。
7. (约);缺(勤);缺(课);未出席
miss an appointment 失约
He hasn't missed a day's work in years. 多年来他不曾缺勤一天。
miss one's classes 缺课
catch up on the missed class work 补上缺掉的功课
He missed school all week because of illness. 他因病整个星期没能上学。
I never missed church. 做礼拜我从不缺席。
8. 错过,失却
miss an opportunity 错过机会
miss the farming season 误农时
9. 未得到,未获得
miss a prize 未得奖
miss a promotion 未获得提升
10. 惦念;因没有…而感到遗憾(或不便)
Her mom misses her very much. 她妈妈非常惦念她。
I miss the telephone since we've moved. 自从搬家以来,我因没有电话而感到不便。
11. 发觉遗失;发觉(某人)不在身边
I did not miss my purse until we arrived home. 直到我们回到家里我才发现丢失了钱包。
12. 未做到
He missed winning the race. 他没有赢得这场比赛。
He was disappointed to miss the trip. 他因未能成行而感到失望。
miss one's guess 未猜中(或猜错)
13. 逃脱,幸免于
We just missed hitting the other car. 我们差点儿和另一辆汽车相撞。
He narrowly missed being killed. 他险些送命。
14. 漏掉;略去,省掉
miss a word in reading 漏读一个字
This chapter deals with the topics the author missed in a previous chapter. 这一章讨论作者在前一章略过的那些题目。
He was in such a hurry that he missed his breakfast. 他急急忙忙连早饭也没有吃。
15. [一般用进行时态]缺少
This coat is missing a button. 这件上衣缺少一粒钮扣。
Our team is missing a goalkeeper. 我们队缺一名守门员。
1. 打不中,打偏;未接触到
He fired the final shot but missed again. 他打出最后一枪,但又没打中。
He flicked an ash at an ashtray nearby, but it missed. 他把灰轻轻弹向近旁的烟灰缸,但弹偏了。
2. 失败,未达到目的
This ingenious plan can't miss. 这项巧妙的计划不可能失败。
miss in one's schemes 未能实现自己的计划
3. (内燃机等)不发火,缺火,失火
The engine missed. 引擎发动不起来。
4. 未获得;未找到;未达到(of)
a project which had very narrowly missed of success 险些成功的计划
5. (妇女)停经
I think I'm pregnant. This is the second time I've missed. 我想我是怀孕了,这已是第二次例假没来。

II n.
1. 击不中,失误
The hunter's first shot was a miss. 猎人的第一枪没有打中。
I hit the target five times without a miss. 我击中目标5次,没有一次失误。
2. 失败
The motion picture is a pathetic miss. 这部电影拍得惨败。
3. 逃脱,幸免
That was a lucky miss. 那次没有遭难真是万幸。
4. 主方缺少;失去;因缺少而产生的遗憾(或不便)
Aged people feel the miss of children. 老年人因没有孩子而感到遗憾。
5. (内燃机等的)不发火,缺火,失火
6. 不击中目标球
give a miss 避免击中目标球(以使自己的球处于安全地位)
7. 不热门的唱片
[< OE missan; 与 OHG missan to miss,? L mutare to change 有关]
phr. A miss is as good as a mile.
1. 错误再小,总归是错误。(或最小的失败,总归是失败。)
2. 死里逃生总是生。
give ... a miss 避开…;对…不予理会
We visited the place last time, so we'll give it a miss this time. 上次我们去过那地方,这次就不去了。
give dessert a miss 不吃甜点心
I always see Jack on Friday nights, but I'll have to give him a miss for once tonight. 我星期五晚上总是和杰克见面,今晚只得作个例外了。
miss a beat 见 beat
miss fire 见 fire
miss out (on) 1. 错过机会
miss out on a college education 失去上大学的机会
2. (被) 遗漏;(被)略去
In planning the reception, she missed out on Mr. Wells. 在筹备招待会时,她漏写了韦尔斯先生。
Don't miss my name out of your list. 别在你的名单上漏掉我的名字。
We don't want the kids to miss out. They seldom get such a chance. 我们不愿孩子们被遗漏,他们难得有这种机会。
3. 失败,没有成功
He missed out at the third round. 他在第三回合中输了。
She missed out on getting a promotion. 她未能得到提升。
not miss much 保持警惕
He doesn't miss much. 他为人机警。




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