释义 |
mire /ˈmaɪə(r)/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 泥潭;沼泽;泥沼 The waggon was stuck in the mire. 大车陷入泥潭。 2. 烂泥,污泥,淤泥 a field thick with mire 泥泞不堪的田地 3. 困境 find oneself in a mire of debt 发现自己陷入负债困境 wallow in an emotional mire 陷入感情的泥淖之中而不能自拔
II ❶ vt. 1. 使陷入泥坑;使成为沼泽 The sudden downpour mired the truck and it couldn't be moved. 倾盆而降的阵雨使卡车陷入泥潭而无法前进。 The thaw will mire roads and fields. 融化的冰雪将使道路和田野变成一片泥沼。 2. 使陷入困境;使受困扰 be mired in debt 陷入负债的困境 be mired in disputes (administrative work) 为争执(行政工作)所困扰 3. 使溅满污泥;〈喻〉玷污 The children were mired from head to toe. 孩子们弄得浑身尽是污泥。 be mired with infamy 被弄得声名狼藉 ❷ vi. 陷入泥坑;陷入困境 [< ON mÿrr; 与 moss 有关] phr. drag sb. (sb.'s name) through the mire 使某人 (某人的名字)蒙受耻辱,把某人 (某人的名字)搞臭 |