

单词 mesh
释义 mesh /meʃ/ n. | vt. | vi.
I n.
1. 网孔,筛目,筛孔
An 80-mesh screen has 80 meshes to the inch. 所谓80目的筛子就是指每英寸有80孔的筛子。
2. [常作 meshes]网线
The fish were caught in the meshes of the net 鱼被网线钩住了。
3. 网;网状物;网状结构
the mesh of irrigation canals 灌溉网
a mesh of narrow streets 纵横交错的小街陋巷
4. 网眼织物
a mesh handbag 网线袋
5. 网孔
6. 钢筋网
7. [常作meshes]罗网;圈套
the mesh of the secret police 秘密警察的罗网
be caught in the meshes of the law 陷入法网
a mesh of lies 谎言的罗网
8. 啮合
The gears are in (out of) mesh. 齿轮相互(不)啮合。
9. 网格;网格状网络

II vt.
1. 用网捕捉
Lots of fishes are meshed today. 今天捕了很多鱼。
2. 使缠住
be meshed in thought 陷入沉思
3. 像网般覆盖
The city was meshed in the morning haze. 晨雾笼罩着城市。
4. 使啮合
5. 使紧密配合;使互相协调;使融为一体
mesh work and personal life better 使工作和个人生活更好地协调
The chairman meshed everyone's views. 主席集中了众人的意见。
1. 被网缠住;落网
2. 相啮合
3. 紧密配合;互相协调;融为一体
John himself feels that he meshes well with the other two men. 约翰自认为和其他两人配合得很好。
Their characters just don't mesh. 他们的性格就是合不来。
[<? D maesche; 与 OHG masca mesh, Lith mazgos knot 有关]




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