

单词 memory
释义 mem·o·ry /ˈmemərɪ/ n. | phr.
1. 记忆力
have a bad (或 poor) memory 记忆力差
have a good memory for numbers 善于记住数字
have a short memory 健忘
a man of long (short) memory 记性好(不好)的人
lose one's memory 丧失记忆力
It happened in 1911, if my memory serves me right. 如果我没有记错的话,这事发生在1911年。
2. 记忆
A few things stand out in my memory. 在我的记忆中有几件事显得很突出。
bear (或 have, keep) sth. in memory 记住某事物
His name escaped (或 slipped) my memory. 他的名字我一时记不起来了。
come to sb.'s memory 为某人所记起
Sometimes she played from memory, sometimes from music. 她演奏有时凭记忆,有时看乐谱。
I have no memory of the incident. 我不记得这一事件。
3. 回忆
be absorbed in memory of one's childhood 沉浸在对童年的回忆中
4. 记忆中的人(或事物)(人或事物)留在记忆中的印象
He has become a memory. 他已作古,唯留记忆而已。
the pleasant memories of an Italian summer 在意大利度过的夏天留在记忆中的种种赏心乐事
The song brings back many sad memories of the old days. 这支歌使人回想起许多伤心的往事。
He left an ineffaceable memory with many people. 他在许多人的记忆中留下了不可磨灭的印象。
The depression is only a bad memory. 这场不景气只不过是一场噩梦。
5. 记忆范围,追忆所及年限
This has been the coldest winter within my memory. 就我记忆所及,这是最寒冷的一个冬天。
beyond (within) the memory of man (或 men) 在人们记忆所及范围之外(之内)
in (或 within) living memory 在活着的人们的记忆中
6. (亡故者的)灵,人格,名声
cherish (或 revere, honour) the memory of Nelson 缅怀纳尔逊
defame the memory of the deceased 污损死者的人格
7. 纪念
a monument in memory of Columbus 哥伦布纪念碑
erect a bronze statue to the memory of sb. 建立铜像以纪念某人
To the memory of my wife 谨以此书纪念亡妻(著者献词用语)
8. 弹性复原性,塑性记忆
9. 存储器;内存;存储量
[< OFr memorie < L memoria < memor mindful]
phr. commit to memory 把…记住;把…背熟
from memory 凭记忆
speak from memory 凭记忆说
have a convenient (或 an accommodating) memory 只记住对自己有利的事
have a memory like a sieve 记忆力极差,什么也记不住
of blessed (或 famous, glorious, happy) memory 先,故(加在已故君王、教皇等称呼后面,表示尊敬)
King Charles of blessed memory 已故国王查理
refresh one's (sb.'s) memory 1. 唤醒自己(某人)的记忆
Give me a hint to refresh my memory. 给我一点提示以唤醒我的记忆。
2. (温习一遍以)加深自己(某人)的记忆
look at a map to refresh one's memory of the road 查阅地图加深对公路位置的记忆
Let me refresh your memory about the details of our plans in case anyone asks any awkward questions. 让我向你讲一讲计划的细节以加深印象,免得万一有人提问刁难。
to the best of my memory 就我记忆所及




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