释义 |
at·test /əˈtest/ vt. | vi. | n. I ❶ vt. 1. 证明;(证人)连署以证明(遗嘱等)真实 attest the truth of a statement 证明陈述的真实性 attest a signature 通过连署证明签名是真的 2. (事物)是…的证据;表明 His works attest his industry. 他的作品是他工作勤奋的明证。 3. 证实(词语)的使用 Railroad is attested earlier than railway—by a year. “railroad” 这个词的使用被证实比 “railway” 早——早一年。 4. 使宣誓 5. 使(新兵)宣誓入军籍 the day on which the recruits were attested 新兵宣誓入军籍的那一天 ❷ vi. 1. 证明;表明 (to) I can attest to the absolute truth of his statement. 我可以证明他的话是千真万确的。 His success attests to his ability. 他的成功表明他有能力。 2. (新兵)宣誓入军籍
II n. 〈古〉 1. 证明 2. 证据;证词 [<L attestārī to prove < testārī to bear witness <testis a witness] |