

单词 meet¹
释义 meet¹ /miːt/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (met /met/)

1. 遇见;遇到
He met her there by chance. 他偶然在那儿遇见她。
Our car met theirs near the station. 我们的汽车在车站附近遇到了他们的汽车。
2. (迎)
meet one's guests at the door 在门口迎接客人
He met my plane. 他到机场来接我。
The hotel bus meets all the trains. 宾馆接客车在各次列车到站时都来接客。
3. 与…接触;与…碰撞
The ball met the bat. 球碰着球拍。
His hand met hers. 他的手碰到她的手。
Sword met sword in battle. 战斗中剑与剑交接劈刺。
The two cars met each other head-on. 两辆汽车迎头相撞。
4. (某人的目光)相遇;正视
She lifted her eyes to meet her father's gaze. 她抬起头来迎着父亲凝视的目光。
She could not meet my eye. 她不敢正视我。
5. (路、河等)和…连接;和…交叉;和…汇合
There the brook meets the river. 在那里,小溪与河流汇合。
6. (约定地点或时间)和…会面
I'll meet you at the information booth. 我将在问询处和你会面。
He promised to meet her at the hotel at noon. 他答应中午在宾馆和她碰头。
7. 和…会谈
The owners are ready to meet the miners. 矿主们准备和矿工会谈。
8. (经介绍)和…见面,与…相识
John, meet Mr Smith. (介绍他人认识时用语)约翰,这是史密斯先生。
Pleased to meet you. 见到你很高兴。
I know of him but I have never met him. 我知道他,但和他不相识。
9. (景象等)出现在…面前,被(眼睛)看到;被(耳朵)听到;被(鼻子)闻到
A terrible sight met him (或 his eyes) when he opened the door. 他开门时看见一个可怕的景象。
A shriek met my ears. 我听到一声尖叫。
A pungent odour met her nostrils. 她闻到一种刺鼻的气味。
10. 和…对抗;和…交手;和…比赛
meet the enemy in battle 与敌军交战
Harvard meets Yale next week in football. 下星期哈佛队将和耶鲁队进行橄榄球赛。
11. 应付;对付;反对
meet an emergency 应付紧急情况
meet a threat 对付威胁
meet violence with violence 以暴力对付暴力
He met their criticism with indifference. 他以无动于衷的态度对待他们的批评。
His speech was met with catcalls. 对他的演讲,人们报以嘘声。
12. 满足(需要、要求等);达到(目标等)
meet the needs and demands of a new age 满足新时代的需要和要求
Our chief objectives have been met. 我们的主要目标已经达到。
13. 符合(标准等);和…的意见一致
meet sb.'s wishes 符合某人的愿望
He did not meet the qualifications. 他不合格。
We shall do our best to meet the completion date. 我们将竭力设法如期完工。
We met him on the price he suggested. 我们接受了他开出的价。
14. 支付,偿付
meet expenses 支付费用
meet debts 偿付债务
He could not meet his bills. 他无力偿付欠账。
15. 经历,遭到,遭受
meet disaster 遭灾
We met many difficulties in our work. 我们在工作中碰到好多困难。
He met his death in a road accident. 他在一次交通事故中丧生。
1. 相遇;相会
We met at the station. 我们在车站相遇。
Let's meet for dinner. 让咱们在一块儿吃顿饭。
We correspond regularly but seldom meet. 我们经常通信,但难得见面。
2. 集合;聚会,开会
The whole school met to hear the speech. 全校师生集合听演讲。
The committee meets next month. 委员会下月开会。
3. 互相接触;相撞
Their glances met. 他们目光相遇。
Their lips met (in a kiss). 他们接吻。
The two cars almost met head-on. 两辆汽车差点迎头相撞。
4. (路、河等)互相连接;相交;会合
The two lines meet to form an angle. 这两条线相交成角。
The two rivers meet there. 这两条河在那里汇合。
The curtains had been pulled to meet. 窗帘已被拉上。
His coat won't meet. 他的上衣扣不上了。
5. 相识
Have you two met? 你们两位已相识了吗?
I believe we met. 我想我们以前就认识。
6. 交战;交手;比赛
meet on the battlefield 在战场上交战
The two boxers met in the world title match last year. 这两位拳击手在去年世界冠军赛中交过手。
7. (多种品质)并存(in)
Many virtues meet in her. 她具备多种美德。
8. 意见互相一致

II n.
1. 集会;运动会(多指单项比赛,如田径、游泳、体操等)
hold an athletic meet 举行运动会(或田径比赛)
a swimming meet 游泳比赛
a basketball meet 篮球比赛
2. (狩猎前猎人和猎犬的)集合
3. 集会的人们,会众
4. (相向而行的两列火车的)交会点
5. (尤指非法交易的)约会,碰头;(尤指盗贼的)碰头地点
6. 美俚爵士乐即兴演奏会
7. (集)
[< OE mētan < mōt a meeting, moot; 与 ON mæta, OS mōtian 有关]
phr. make (both) ends meet 见 end¹
meet sb. halfway 迁就某人,对某人作出让步
meet up 偶然相遇
We met up again in Chicago. 我们在芝加哥又会面了。
meet up with
1. 和…偶然相遇
It was there that I met up with Louis again. 在那儿我又遇到了路易斯。
2. 和…连接
This track should meet up with the main road. 这条小路大概通大路。
3. 结识
I met up with Mick Burke in the camp. 我在营地结识了米克·伯克。
4. 符合(标准等)
Does this office meet up with your requirements? 这间办公室符合你的要求吗?
5. 遭遇,遭到
The family would have arrived on time, but they met up with a flat tyre. 要不是因为在路上坏了一只车胎,他们一家本可以准时赶到的。
6. 赶上
He started before I did, but I met up with him before we got to town. 他比我先动身,但是进城之前我就赶上他了。
meet with 1. 偶然遇见;偶然发现
He met with two strangers in the wood. 在森林里他遇见两个陌生人。
Such fish are rarely met with in the north. 这种鱼在北方难得一见。
2. 和…会晤
The two scouts met with the officers to talk about plans for the march. 两名侦察员和军官会晤,讨论行军计划。
3. 经历,遭到,遭受;获得
meet with an accident 遇到意外事故
meet with bad weather 遇到恶劣天气
His appeals for aid met with a firm refusal. 他要求援助,遭到断然拒绝。
meet with failure 遭到失败
meet with success 获得成功
The plan met with their approval. 这项计划得到了他们的赞同。
Well met! 幸会!幸会!(遇到久想见到的人时说)




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