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meas·ure /ˈmeʒə(r), ˈmeɪ-/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 量,测量;计量 measure a piece of land 测量一块土地 measure the distance 测量距离 measure the speed of a car 测定车速 measure sb. for a new suit 给某人量尺寸做一套新衣服 2. 拿(自己或自己的力量等)作较量(with, against) The soldier measured his strength with that of his enemy in a hand-to-hand fight. 在一场肉搏战中这位战士与他的敌人拼气力。 measure one's skill against another's (one's rival) 与别人(对手)比本事 3. 打量 measure sb. with one's eye 用目光打量某人 Both men measured each other. 两人彼此打量了一番。 4. 估量,衡量 measure one's foe 估量自己的敌人 measure the importance of an issue 盱衡问题的重要性 5. 斟酌,权衡 measure one's words 斟酌词句 6. 调整,调节 measure a speech by the listeners' reactions 根据听众的反应来调整演讲 measure the output by the demand 按需要调节产量 Measure your needs to your income. 你应量入为出。 7. 用作…的(计)量器 A thermometer measures temperature. 温度计是用来测量温度的。 8. 〈古〉〈诗〉经过(一段距离);走过 9. 〈诗〉定…的界,为…定界 ❷ vi. 1. (测)量;可测量 Can you measure accurately? 你能量得准确吗? White sugar measures more easily than brown. 白糖比红糖易称。 2. 有…长(或宽、高等) This room measures 10 metres across. 这房间宽10米。
II n. 1. (量得的)尺寸,大小,分量 one's waist measure 腰围尺寸 give full (short) measure 给足(短缺)分量 2. 量度,测量 a measure made by a surveyor 勘测员所作的测量 3. 量具,量器 a steel tape measure 钢卷尺 a measure for liquids 液体量器 4. 计量单位,计量标准(如英寸、米、里等);容积单位(如蒲式耳等) a measure of weight 重量计量单位 An hour is a measure of time. 小时是计时单位。 5. 计量制,度量法 the metric measure 公制(或米制) official weights and measures 法定度量衡 6. (比较、估价、判断的)标准,尺度 By any measure, it was one of the most drastic moves ever taken by an American corporation. 不管用什么标准衡量,这都是一家美国公司有史以来所采取的最极端的行动之一。 7. 限度;适度,分寸 a generosity knowing no measure 无限的慷慨 criticism in measure 适度的批评 8. 数量;程度;比例 supply sth. in generous (excessive) measure 大(过)量供应某物 achieve the highest measure of success 获得最大限度的成功 a measure of doubt (compassion, relief) 一定程度的怀疑(同情,宽慰) have a good measure of insolence 相当傲慢 attract a measure of official attention 引起官方一定的注意 win a great measure of support across the country 在全国上下赢得大量支持 It snowed a measure in Canada. 加拿大下了点雪。 There is a certain measure of truth in what you say. 你说的有几分道理。 9. 固定量;已知量 pour a measure into the glass 往玻璃杯里倒入一定的量 10. 本分,份儿 fill the measure of one's duty to the development of the country 为祖国的发展尽自己的一份责任 11. [常作 measures]措施,步骤,办法 security measures 安全措施 take strict measures against all forms of corruption 采取严厉措施对付任何形式的腐败行为 take (或 adopt) strong (或 hard) measures to bolster the country's faltering economy 采取有力措施以支撑国家面临崩溃的经济 suit the measures to local conditions 因地制宜 12. 议案;法令 This measure has passed the Senate. 这项议案已在参议院获得通过。 13. (诗的)韵律;音步 14. 【音】拍子;小节 15. 〈古〉(尤指缓慢而庄重的)舞蹈;舞步 16. 〈诗〉曲调,歌曲 17. 【数】测度 18. 【印】行宽;页宽 19. [measures]〈罕〉【地】层组 coal measures 煤层 [< OFr mesurer < L mēnsūra measure < mēnsus measured < mētīrī to measure] phr. beyond (或 above) (all) measure 无可估量,极度,过分 When he died in 1973 he left a treasure almost beyond measure. 他1973年逝世的时候留下了一笔几乎无可估量的财富。Mr. Smith is greedy beyond measure. 史密斯先生贪得无厌。He loves her beyond measure. 他非常爱她。for good measure 作为外加 (或意外)的东西,另外 He sold me the car at a cheap price and included the radio for good measure. 他廉价卖给我这辆汽车,还奉送了收音机。For good measure he also serves as his country's chief spokesman on diplomatic matters. 此外,他还是国家外交事务方面的主要发言人。have (或 get) sb.'s measure = take sb.'s measure in (a) great(或large) measure在很大程度上,多半 Always certain of what he wanted from the world, Mr Johnson had in large measure obtained it. 约翰逊先生对于自己求诸世界的东西始终一清二楚,而他多半也已经得到。 in a (或 some) measure 在一定程度上,一部分,有几分 In a measure John answered my question. 在一定程度上,约翰回答了我的问题。 It is in some measure true to say that we don't work hard enough. 说我们工作不够努力有几分道理。 in no small measure = in (a) great (或 large) measure made to measure 〈口〉依照尺寸做的;完全合适的 clothes made to measure 依照尺寸定制的衣服 The new flats are advertised as being made to measure for the modern housewife and all her needs. 广告说这种新的公寓套间非常适合于现代主妇及其一切需要。 Measure for measure. 〈谚〉以牙还牙。 measure off量出 He measured off 6 yards of material. 他量出6码衣料。 measure one's length 见 length measure out 1. 按量分配,量出 She measured out the flour, butter and sugar and started to mix a cake. 她按规定量出面粉、黄油和糖,开始配制蛋糕。 2. 分配 measure out rewards according to merits 论功行赏 measure up 合格,符合标准 He did not get the job because he just did not measure up. 因为不够格,他未能获得这份工作。 measure up to 符合,达到,够得上 measure up to required standards 符合必要的标准 She certainly did not fail to measure up to the expectations of the Party and the people. 她确实没有辜负党和人民对她的期望。 set measures to 限制;约束 take sb.'s measure 1. 给某人量尺寸 take sb.'s waist measure 给某人量腰围 2. 估量某人的品格(或能力等) The new colonel had been with us less than a week and we had not yet taken his measure. 新来的陆军上校和我们在一起还不到1星期,我们对他的情况还摸不透。 take the measure of sb.'s foot 估量(或了解)某人的品格(或能力等) tread(或 trip) a measure 〈古〉跳舞 within measure 适度,不过分 without measure 过度,过分 meas·ur·a·bil·i·tyˌmeʒərəˈbɪlətɪ, ˌmeɪ- n. |