释义 |
at·ro·phy /ˈætrəfɪ/ n. | vi. | vt. I n. 1. 【医】萎缩 muscular atrophy 肌肉萎缩 2. 【生】(器官等的)衰退,退化,减缩(现象) 3. 〈喻〉萎缩;衰退,减退 the atrophy of freedom 自由的消失 an atrophy of talent 才能的减退
II ❶ vi. 萎缩;衰退 These officers were beasts and their emotions had atrophied to the subhuman. 这些军官是畜生,他们的感情已经退化到禽兽一般。 ❷ vt. 使萎缩;使衰退 Disuse atrophies the arm. 不使用会使手臂萎缩。 [<LL atrophia <Gr < atrophos ill-fed < a- not + -trophos <trephein to feed] |