

单词 make¹
释义 make¹ /meɪk/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (made /meɪd/)

1. 做,制作,制造;建造;创造
make a cake 做糕饼
make a coat 缝制外套
make tools 制作工具
make paper 造纸
He made ketchup from tomatoes. 他用番茄做番茄酱。
The toy is made with animal skins. 这玩具是用兽皮做的。
made in England 英国制造
make a road 筑路
make a park 建公园
a house made of stone 石块建成的房子
make a hole in the ground 在地上打洞
make characters of a play 创造剧中人物
films made from famous stories 根据著名故事拍摄成的影片
We have made some of the best scientists that can be found. 我们造就了一些一流的科学家。
2. 构成,组成;集成
Two pints make a quart. 两品脱为一夸脱。
Three more members will make a quorum. 再有3个成员就可凑足法定人数。
That makes five who won't stay in town. 那样一来,不愿呆在城里的人有5个了。
3. 把…制成;将…变成(into)
make the material into a skirt 把料子做成裙子
make the place into a summer resort 使这地方成为避暑胜地
make a liquid into a solid 将液体变成固体
4. [与某些可作名词亦可作动词的词连用,含义与该词的动词词义相同]作出(某种行为、举动等)
make a promise (a change) 作出许诺 (改变)
make a bow 鞠躬
make a gesture 做手势
make a left turn 向左转弯
He made several attempts to reach her. 他几次设法与她取得联系。
5. 发表;说出
make a speech 发表演说
make an announcement 发布通告
6. 赢得,结交
make sb.'s acquaintance 结识某人
make friends 交朋友
7. 产生,引起,导致
make a mistake 犯错误
make a disturbance 闹事
make much noise 大肆喧闹
make peace 讲和
make a fuss over sth. 对某事大惊小怪
Friction can make sparks. 摩擦能产生火花。
It makes no difference. 那没什么两样。
His tough handling made him many enemies. 他待人处事粗暴,因而树敌很多。
8. 从事,进行
make war on (或 upon) 向…开战
make a trip to France 去法国旅行
make a conversation 交谈
9. [宾语后常接不带 to的不定式,但用被动语态时不定式不省略 to] 使;促使;劝使;迫使
make the machine work 使机器运转
make sb. feel welcome 使某人感到受欢迎
make sb. see reason 使某人明白事理
make oneself heard 让人听到自己的声音
What makes you ask that? 什么使得你问那个问题的?
She was made to leave the room. 她被迫离开房间。
The idea was practical and could be made to work. 这创意符合实际,行得通。
10. 使成为;委派…为,任命…为;选(举)…为
make sb. a star 使某人成为明星
make sb. useful 使某人有所作为
make the dream a reality 使梦想成真
I have to make this an early evening. 今晚我非早归不可。
Make yourself comfortable. (接待宾客用的套语) 请随意。
The President made him his special envoy. 总统任命他为特使。
make sb. chairman 选某人为主席
He was made captain. 他被选为队长。
11. 采用,择定
He'll make this town his base. 他将以这个城市作为基地。
make Chicago one's home 选芝加哥为安家之地
Shall we make it Tuesday then? 那么把日期定在星期二,好吗?
12. 使看上去成为,使显得
The beard makes him quite distinguished. 蓄胡须使他看上去气宇不凡。
This portrait makes her (look) very young. 这张画像使她显得很年轻。
13. (因有某特点、品质等而)足以成为,可发展为,可转变为;宜用作
Rags make the best paper. 破布可制成最好的纸。
He will make a fine teacher. 他将来可以成为一个好教师。
She will make him a good wife. 她将成为他的好妻子。
Peter and Eva certainly make a handsome couple. 彼得和伊娃无疑是一对佳偶。
This piece of cloth will make a skirt. 这块布料宜做 (或够做) 一条裙子。
This magazine makes pleasant reading. 这是份颇有乐趣的杂志。
14. 使形成,使出现,使成为
make a mess of the job 把事情搞得一团糟
make a reality of the dream 使梦想成真
make a success of sth. 把某事做成功
Don't make an ass of yourself. 别干蠢事了。(或:别让自己出洋相了。)
15. 整理,料理(床铺等);准备,烹制(饭菜等);点亮,点燃(灯火等);翻晒(干草)(用腌、熏、晒等方法)加工(鱼、肉等)
make the bed for a guest 为客人铺床
make dinner 做饭
make oneself breakfast 为自己做早饭
make a pot of tea 沏一壶茶
The coffee is made. 咖啡煮好了。
make a fire 生火
make a light (车辆等) 亮灯
make hay 晒制干草
16. 挣得,赚得;获得;(比赛)(分)
make a reasonable wage 挣一份过得去的工资
make a living 谋生
make money 赚钱
make one's fortune 发财
make millions in oil 在石油上获利千百万元
make a name for oneself 使自己成名
make a (home) run(本垒打)
17. 撰写;编著;订立,拟订
make a book 著书
make a dictionary 编纂词典
make verses 赋诗
make laws (rules) 制订法律 (规章)
make a plan 订计划
make a will 立遗嘱
make a price 拟定价格
18. 算作,作为;成为…的一分子,在…占一席之地
This makes his fifth novel. 这算是他的第五部小说了。
That makes the third time he has said it. 那已是他第三次说这话了。
Will you make a fourth at bridge? 打桥牌三缺一,你加入好吗?
He made the basketball team as a freshman. 他大学一年级时就加入篮球队了。
The novel made the bestseller list. 那本小说跻身于畅销书之列。
It will make the headlines. 那将成为报纸的头条新闻。
They'll probably make the front pages of all the papers tomorrow. 明天,他们的事可能会在各报的头版刊出。
He made the FBI's wanted list. 他被列入美国联邦调查局的通缉名单。
19. 等于,相当于;使合计为
Two and two make four. 2加2等于4。
Add one and make it a round dozen. 再加一个,凑满整整一打。
20. 赶上,及时到达
just make the train (bus, plane) 正好赶上火车 (公共汽车,飞机)
If you hurry, you can make the next flight. 抓紧的话你可能赶上下一班飞机。
You won't be able to make the Committee. 你来不及参加委员会的会议了。
He didn't make the first act of the play. 他没有赶上这出戏的第一幕。
21. 抵达,到达
He made London by 3:00 p.m. 他在下午3点左右抵达伦敦。
The ship made port (或 harbour) on Friday. 这艘船星期五到港。
She's tired out; she'll never make the summit. 她累坏了,怎么也爬不到山顶了。
22. 行满,走完(路程、距离);以…速度行进;保持(或达到)…速度
They expect to make 20 kilometres before sunset. 他们期望在日落前走完20公里。
He made a few more yards before he fell down. 他又走了几码之后终于倒下了。
The ship was making thirty knots. 这艘船正以每小时30海里的速度航行。
This aeroplane can make more than 1500 miles an hour. 这架飞机能以每小时超过1500英里的速度飞行。
We are making full speed. 我们正全速行进。
23. (旅途中)顺道访问(某地)(行程中)包括(某地)
intend to make Paris on the return trip 打算在归途中访问巴黎
24. 估计;推测,猜想;认为
I make the distance about 10 miles. 我估计这段距离约为10英里。
I make it 50 miles to the border from here. 从这儿到边境我推测有50英里。
What time do you make it? (或: What do you make the time?) 你看现在几点钟了?
What bird do you make that to be? 你看那是什么鸟?
He is not the fool as some make him. 他并非某些人所认为的那种蠢人。
25. 抱有,怀有
make no doubt about sth. 对某事毫不怀疑
make no scruple(s) of joining the enterprise 毫无顾虑地参加这项事业
26. 提供,提出;给予
make room for sb. 给某人让出地方来
make a suggestion 提出建议
I'll make you an offer of £500. 我愿向你出价500英镑。
He never made me such requests. 他从没对我提出过这类要求。
I must make you an apology. 我得向你道歉。
make sb. a handsome present 送某人一份厚礼
27. 使成功,使走运;保证…发迹
That venture made him. 那次投机冒险使他发了迹。
The novel made the young writer. 这部小说使那位青年作家一举成名。
It is a superb part, and will make whoever plays it. 这是个绝妙的角色,谁演都会走红。
28. 主美口晋升;出任
He made general after a few months. 几个月后他晋升为将军。
She made ambassadress to Ghana. 她出任驻加纳的大使。
29. 使天生合适,注定
Effie, you're not made for such society life. 埃菲,你生来不适合这种社交生活。
No one is ever made to be a hero. 从来没有天生的英雄豪杰。
30. 美口认出,识别出
The guy hasn't made you yet, has he? 那家伙还没把你认出来,是吗?
He made me the minute he saw me. 他一看见我就认出来了。
31. 偷到;进入…偷窃;抢劫
32. 美口懂;理解,领会
I don't make you, kid. 孩子,我不懂你的话。
33. 美口获取(异性)的好感,向(异性)献殷勤;诱奸;与…性交
34. (一墩牌);打出(一牌)赢一墩牌;打满(所叫牌的墩数);做成(合约);叫(王牌);洗(牌)
make two tricks 赢二墩牌
He made his Queen of Hearts. 他打出红桃Q赢了一墩。
make a little slam 做成小满贯
Will you make the pack? 你洗牌,好吗?
35. 发现,(开始)看见
We made a cruiser in the distance. 我们发现远处有一艘巡洋舰。
36. 接通(电路),闭合(电路)
make an electric circuit 接通电路
37. 主方关紧(门)
make a hearty (或 good) meal 美餐一顿
make a good breakfast 吃一顿丰盛的早餐
He made his lunch on bread and cheese. 他午餐吃面包和干酪。
39. 翻译,把…译成
1. 开始;尝试,想做
He made to speak and then stopped. 他欲言又止。
She made as if to hit me. 她好像要打我。
2. (朝特定方向)走去,前进
make straight towards the gate 径直走向大门
We turned right and made as though to go off in a different direction. 我们向右转弯,作出要朝另一方向走开去的样子。
They left the elevator and made directly to her office. 他们出了电梯,径直向她的办公室走去。
3. 制造东西;创造事物;被制造;被处理,(干草)被晒制
The silk makes up beautifully. 这绸织得美极了。
Toys are making in this shop. 这个车间正在生产玩具。
4. [后接形容词,表示以某种方式行事或使成为某种状态等]作,弄;使成为某种状态
make so bold as to offer an opinion 不揣冒昧提一个看法
make clear of the fact 弄清事实
make certain of the date of departure 确认启程日期
make ready to start 准备好出发
Make sure that there is a train at 5:30. 弄清楚5点30分确有一班火车。
5. (向);展(向);趋(向)(to,towards)
All the evidence makes in the same direction. 所有证据都一边倒。
The forest makes up nearly to the snow line. 森林向上几乎延伸到雪线的高度。
6. (潮)涨;(潮)退;(舱水、积雪等)增高,增大;增强
The tide is making now. 现在正涨潮。
The water in the hold was making a foot a minute. 船舱里的水每分钟涨高1英尺。
Light was making in the east. 东方渐亮。
7. 有效果;发生影响
Courtesy makes for safer driving. 礼让有助于安全驾驶。
8. 洗牌;赢一墩牌
9. (冰)冻结
Ice makes in the river. 河水结冰了。
10. 美俚(小孩)拉屎
On occasion he made in his pants. 有时他把屎拉在裤裆里。
11. 赋诗

II n.
1. 制造;制造方法;工序;结构
a milling machine of Chinese make 中国制造的铣床
a bicycle of a very poor make 一辆质量很差的自行车
a garment of first-class make 做工一流的衣服
2. (产品的)牌子;类型,型号;式样
a famous make of shirt 名牌衬衫
What make is your watch? 你的手表是什么牌子?
five makes of tractors manufactured in this factory 这家工厂制造的5种型号的拖拉机
I don't like the make of this coat. 我不喜欢这件外衣的式样。
3. 体质;性情;品格
He has the look and make of a sportsman. 他有运动员的外貌和身体素质。
William is not of this smooth make. 威廉不是这种圆滑伶俐的人。
4. (厂、矿等在一定期间的)产量,出产
5. (电路的)接通,闭合
the make and break of a circuit 电路的接通和切断
6. 叫将牌;叫成的将牌;(桥牌中)叫出的定约;能做成的定约
7. 洗牌;轮到洗牌
It's your make while your partner deals. 你同伴发牌时该你洗牌。
8. 美俚新任命的军士
9. 美俚轰动一时的事物(或人物)
10. 美俚劫得的赃物
11. 得手的盗窃;成功的骗局
12. 美俚婊子,破鞋
13. 美俚(向警察局档案进行的)查证,核实;辨认,认出
He radioed headquarters for a make on the car's license plate. 他用无线电与总部通话,要求核查那辆汽车的牌照。
The woman gave us a make on the guy who slugged her. 那妇女向我们指认了那个猛击她的人。
14. (钻石加工的)精美
[< ME maken OE macian; 与 OFris makia to construct, D maken, Ger machen to make 有关]
phr. be made for each other (或 one another) 互相间非常协调;(尤指男女双方) 天造地设
be made up 英口非常高兴
have (或 got) it made 一定会成功
make after 追赶,追逐
make against 与…相违背;不利于;有害于;有损于
His speech and behaviour make against his status of a scholar. 他的言行与他的学者身份很不相称。
Smoking makes against health. 吸烟有碍健康。
make a House 见 house
make at 袭击;扑向
He made at me with his stick. 他挥起手杖向我打来。
make away 急忙跑掉,匆匆离开
He killed the enemy guard and made away through the forest. 他杀死了敌人的守卫,然后穿过树林跑掉了。
make away with 1. 偷了…溜掉,偷走
The cashier made away with the company's funds. 出纳员偷了公司的资金逃跑了。
2. 挥霍,胡乱花掉
make away with one's money 挥霍金钱
3. 杀死
make away with oneself 自杀
4. 摆脱;丢弃;处理掉
make away with the evidence of one's guilt 毁灭罪证
5. 吃掉,吃光
make away with a big pie 把一个大馅饼吃得精光
6. 把…藏起来
The boy made away with the broken cup when he knew his father was coming back. 小男孩知道父亲就要回来便把打碎的杯子藏起来。
make believe 假装;假扮
He did all that just to make believe. 他干这一切只是为了装装样子。
The children are making believe that they are princes and princesses. 孩子们正在作假扮王子和公主的游戏。
make do 凑合着对付过去;将就使用,勉强应付
make do with biscuits for lunch 吃饼干权当中饭
During the war we had no butter or coffee, but we made do. 战争期间我们没有黄油,也没有咖啡,但还是熬过来了。
He could make one shirt do for one week. 一件衬衫他能凑合着穿上一星期。
We can make do without Middle Eastern oil, but they can not. 没有中东的石油我们也可以过得去,但是他们却不行。
make do and mend 修补旧的将就过去;修修补补继续使用;尽量利用原有的东西
New curtains have become so expensive that people have decided to make do and mend. 新窗帘那么贵,人们只好将旧的缝缝补补再用。
make down 1. (衣服等) 改小
make down an old coat for one's son 把旧外套改小给儿子穿
2. 苏格兰翻下…的被单 (或盖毯)
make for 1. (尤指匆匆地) 走向;朝…前进
It's late; we'd better make for home. 时间不早了,我们最好往家赶吧。
Make for the beach! 向海滩前进!
2. 袭击;扑向
The dog is making for the thief. 狗正向窃贼扑过去。
3. 有助于,有利于;倾向于
Cultural exchanges make for mutual understanding. 文化交流有助于相互了解。
Early rising makes for good health. 早起有益于健康。
4. 导致;造成,促成
The large print makes for easier reading. 大号印刷字体易读。
The music makes for 90 minutes of absolute pleasure. 这音乐给人带来90分钟的莫大愉快。
Plastic covered seats make for shiny bottoms in trousers and skirts. 塑料椅面易使裤子和裙子的臀部磨出光亮。
5. 确认 (看法等)
make for sb.'s view 支持某人观点
6. 构成理想的伙伴关系;天生的一对
make it 1. 达到预定目标;办成,做到;成功;发迹
make it through college 如愿念完大学
The charts showed we had made it, and big. 图表显示我们成功了,大大地成功了。
Tell him I want to see him tonight, at my house if he can make it. 告诉他今晚我要见他,行的话就在我家。
He wants to make it as a writer. 他想作为作家而一举成名。
2. 及时抵达;赶上
He won't be able to make it home at Christmastime. 圣诞节时他到不了家。
We'll make it with a minute or two to spare. 我们可以早一两分钟赶到。
There's some time before the train leaves. I think we shall make it if we hurry. 离火车开车还有些时间,我想如果快点能赶上。
3. 走完路程
The hill is not too steep to climb, but only eleven of us made it. 那座山并非陡峭得难以攀登,可是我们只有11个人爬了上去。
4. (病痛等) 好转;得救
The doctor knew that the patient was unlikely to make it. 医生知道那个病人没什么希望了。
5. 美口感到满足;正配胃口
6. 美口相处得很好,受欢迎 (或尊重),被接受 (with)
She finally made it with the crowd in Hollywood. 她终于受到好莱坞人的欢迎。
Talking that way, he'll never make it with the committee. 他那样说话委员会决不会接受的。
7. 性交,干上了 (with)
8. 吸毒
make it hot for sb. 见 hot
make it snappy 见 snappy
make it up to报答,酬谢,偿还;弥补
Thank you for buying me the ticket — I'll make it up to you later. 谢谢你为我买票——以后我要还你情的。
make like 主美口
1. 假装,装作;模仿
make like a big shot 假充大人物
make like a monkey to amuse the children 学猴样逗孩子们乐
2. 扮演,装扮
Actor Crawford makes like the late FBI chief. 演员克劳福德扮演已故的美国联邦调查局头子。
3. 充当,充任
make like a cook 充当厨师
make no never mind 美俚没有影响,不起作用
Make no never mind what he thinks, I'm going. 不管他怎么想,我去定了。
make of 1. 推断;解释;理解,了解
What am I to make of your behaviour? 我怎样来解释你的行为呢?
2. 对待,处理
Most are eager to see what a country with a backward economy can make of the opportunity. 大多数人都急切地想知道一个经济落后的国家会怎样利用这个机会。
make off 走开;(尤指做了错事后) 匆忙离开,逃走
make off with (尤指未经允许而) 拿走;偷走;拐走
make off with first prize夺走一等奖
Someone has made off with my camera. 有人顺手牵羊把我的相机拿走了。
make oneself understood 见 understand
make or break (或 mar) 成功或失败;要就使…成功要就让…失败
in a key position to make or break sb. 处在可使某人成功或失败的关键地位
It is often the little things that make or break a hotel. 关系到旅馆经营成败的往往是一些小事。
make out 1. 写出,开出;填写
make out a cheque for £85 开出一张85英镑的支票
make out a receipt 打收条
make out a list of reference books 开参考书单
make out an application 填写申请书
2. (勉强地) 看出;辨认出;听出
make out a figure in the darkness 在黑暗中看出一个人影
I can't make out his handwriting. 我辨认不出他的字迹。
It was difficult to make out what was said over the loudspeaker in the square. 很难听清楚广场上的扩音喇叭里在说什么。
3. 理解,了解,弄清
What a queer fellow! We can't make him out at all. 多么怪的人呀! 我们完全不能理解他。
I can never make out what he wants. 我怎么也弄不懂他要什么。
4. 企图证明;把…说成;意指
He made out that he had never been there before. 他想证明以前他从没有到过那儿。
You make me out (to be) an awful fool. 你把我说成一个大笨蛋了。
Things are not as bad as someone made (them) out (to be). 事情并不像有人说的那样糟。
5. 推断出,对…得出结论;对…形成看法 (或意见)
How do you make that out? 你是怎样看那事的?
6. 使装出;假称;装作
He made himself out to be very important. 他装出一副大人物的样子。
Let's make out that we are wrecked on a desert island. 让我们假设我们因船只失事而漂流到荒岛上。
She opened a drawer and made out to be looking for something in it. 她打开一只抽屉,假装在里面找什么东西。
7. 证实,肯定
make out a good case for (against) raising taxes 提出充分理由主张 (反对) 提高税收
8. 凑成,使齐全;完成
We need three more to make out a dozen. 我们还需3个来凑成1打。
9. 把…表示出来,详细描绘
Every feature of the landscape has been faithfully made out. 这处风景点的每个特点都被如实地描绘出来了。
10. 打算,计划
We make out to visit the dam tomorrow. 我们打算明天去参观水坝。
11. 过日子;进展
make out on a minimal income 靠极微薄的收入过日子
How are you making out these days? 你这几天好吗?
How are things making out? 情况 (进展) 如何?
He made out very well as a salesman. 他当推销员干得很不错。
12. (与…) 相处,(与…) (友好) 关系 (with)
How did you make out with your new colleagues? 你和新同事们相处得好吗?
13. 尽力做到;尽力应付
She made out to finish the whole trip. 她尽力完成了全程。
Did you make out OK with that new machine? 那新机器你用得还顺手吗?
I'll make out with this old car for another year. 这辆旧汽车我打算凑合着再用上1年。
14. 亲吻爱抚,亲热地爱抚拥抱 (with)
15. 美口满足性欲;性交 (with)
make over 1. 移交;(尤指以法律形式) 转让 (财产等) 的所有权
make over one's property to sb. 把财产转让给某人
He made over his house for use as a hospital. 他把房屋让出作为医院之用。
2. 翻新;改做;重做;改变;改造
make over an old dress 翻新旧衣
The house has been made over into a school. 房屋已改成一所学校。
Human nature can't be made over so easily. 人性并非那么容易改变的。
3. 重排 (印刷版面);更改 (付印原文)
make something of (it) 见 something
make something out of 见 something
make the most of 见 most
make through with 完成,结束
make up 1. 补充,补足;弥补;补偿,赔偿 (损失等);支付 (费用)
make up a deficiency 补缺
make up the money (to the right amount) 补足钱款
make up the difference 弥补差额
make up a loss 补偿损失
2. 捏造,(尤指为了欺骗) 临时编造,虚构;创造
make up an excuse 编造借口
make up a plot for a novel 虚构小说的情节
This story was partly true and partly made up. 这个故事的内容一部分是真实的,一部分是杜撰的。
3. 编辑,编制;草拟;结算
make up a tourist guide 编写旅游指南
make up a list 制表
make up a document 草拟文件
make up an account 结算账目
4. 配制,合成 (药剂等)
make up the doctor's prescription 配药方
make up a bottle of cough medicine 配制一瓶止咳药
She made up a good lunch from bits and pieces. 她东拼西凑做成了一顿挺不错的午饭。
5. 包扎,捆扎;包装
make up a parcel of books 包扎书籍
make the books up into a parcel 把书籍捆扎成包
make up the butter into half-pound packages 把黄油包成半磅装
6. (由部分) 组成,构成 (全体)
10 chapters make up this volume. 这卷书由10章组成。
make up a table at bridge 组成玩桥牌所需的一桌人
Adventurism and deceit made up their foreign policy in those days. 冒险主义和欺骗构成了他们那个时期的外交政策。
This engine is made up of 540 parts. 这台发动机是由540个部件组装成的。
7. (版);将 (铅字、插图等) 拼版
make up a page of type 把铅字拼成一页版面
8. 裁制;缝制;把 (布料、裁片等) 做成;(布料等) 足够缝制成衣
make up a dress 制衣
Customers' own materials made up. (服装店告示) 承接来料加工。
She made up the remaining cloth into an apron. 她把余下的布料做成一个围裙。
This material will make up well. It will make up into a beautiful dress. 这块料子足够了,它能做成一件漂亮的连衣裙。
9. (为…) 化妆;(给…) 化装
make oneself up 给自己梳妆打扮
make up one's face 往脸上施脂粉
He was made up as an old peasant. 他被化装成一个老农。
The actor made (himself) up for the part of Hamlet. 那演员化装扮演哈姆雷特一角。
10. 解决 (争端等);和解,言归于好
It's time you made up your quarrel. 是你们结束争吵的时候啦。
They are quarrelling and making up by turns. 他们老是一会儿吵架,一会儿和好。
Why don't you make (it) up with her? 你为什么不同她和解呢?
11. 下定 (决心),拿定 (主意)
12. 准备,安排;整理 (床铺、房间等)
make up a bed on the floor 临时搭个地铺
make up marriage for one's daughter 为女儿定亲
make up a room for a guest 为客人安排房间
13. 加添燃料使 (火) 不熄;生 (火)
This wood burns so quickly that we have to make the fire up every hour. 这柴火烧得真快,要使火不灭,我们就得每小时添柴。
14. 补修 (不及格或未修的课程);补 (考)
make up a course 补修一门课
make up an examination 补考
15. 重印;换掉
The printer decided to make up all the defective sheets. 印刷商决定重印全部有毛病的印张。
16. (牌)
17. 积聚;升起
A storm seems to be making up. 看样子要起风暴了。
18. (路面等)
Half the streets in the city are still to be made up. 这个城市还有一半街道需铺设路面。
make up for 补偿;弥补
make up for lost time 补偿失去的时间
make up for an omission 弥补遗漏
make up for a mistake 补救失误
Do you think her beauty could make up for her stupidity? 你认为她的美貌能弥补她的愚蠢吗?
make up to 1. 讨好,奉承,巴结
make up to sb. for sth. 为某事而讨好某人
make up to sb. because of his wealth and influence 因为某人有钱有势而竭力奉承
I don't like being made up to. 我不喜欢人家拍我马屁。
2. 向…前进;走近
make up to the pier 走向码头
3. 向…求爱,追求;和…调情
4. 报答,酬谢,偿还;弥补
How can we make (it) up to them for all the worry we've caused them? 他们为我们担惊受怕,我们怎样才能报答他们呢?
make with 主美口
1. (手、脚、口、眼等) 做动作;使用 (技艺、工具等)
a flirt making with the eyes 媚眼调情的人
Make with the feet into your bathroom. 给我到浴室去。
He didn't answer my question but simply made with the shoulders. 他没有回答我的问题,只是耸了耸肩。
make with the typewriter (用打字机) 打字
2. 作出;产生;供给
start making with the answers 开始回答问题
make with the tears 掉眼泪
make with the jokes 讲起笑话来
I'm hungry; make with the dinner. 我饿了,快拿饭来 (或快做饭) 吧。
on the make
1. 形成中;增长中;成长中;改进中
a newspaperman on the make 成长中的新闻记者
2. 拼命追求利益 (或地位) (地),损人利己以追名逐利的 (地)
She associated with men on the make. 她与追名逐利之辈为伍。
I have never known him do a disinterested action; he's always on the make. 我从来不知道他做过任何大公无私的事。他总是不择手段追求名利。
3. 正寻求异性伴侣;求欢心切的(地),放肆的(地)
put the make on 美口向…求欢,要求跟…性交
run a make 美俚进行辨认查证




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