

单词 as¹
释义 as¹ /强æz,弱 əz,z/ ad. | prep. | conj. | pron. | phr.
I ad.
1. 同样地,一样地
They don't have as many airplanes. 他们没有同样多的飞机。
The temperature is as high today as it was yesterday. 今天气温同昨天一样高。
2. 例如,诸如
capital cities, as London 各国首都,例如伦敦
Some animals, as the fox and squirrel, have bushy tails. 有些动物,诸如狐和松鼠,有蓬毛尾巴。
3. [后接形容词或分词]被认为
man as different from the other animals 区别于其他动物的人类
romanticism as contrasted with classicism 与古典主义相对而言的浪漫主义
4. [后接分词]照…一样
He went as promised. 他践诺去了。

II prep.
1. 以…的身份,作为
Cooke worked as a cashier in a bank. 库克在一家银行里当出纳员。
He is greatly respected both as a person and as a politician. 他作为一个人和一位政治家都受到人们极大的尊敬。
He appeared as an ambitious officer of low birth. 他看上去像一个出身低微却雄心勃勃的军官。
2. 当作
treat trivial things as trivial things 把琐事仅仅当作琐事对待
Most people regarded him as a fool. 多数人把他看作傻瓜。
His reelection is seen as probable. 他被认为很可能重新当选。
3. 像,如同
He was dressed as a woman. 他打扮得像一个女人。
They all rose together as one man. 他们团结如一人而奋起。
The risk is as nothing compared with the gain. 与所得相比,风险微不足道。
4. [表示比较]像…(一样)
He is as intelligent as her. 他和她一样聪明。
The bread was as hard as a brick. 面包硬得像块砖。
as early as 1911 早在1911年

III conj.
1. 当…时;在…的同时
I met John as I was coming home. 我回家途中遇到约翰。
The sun was setting as we reached home. 我们到家时,太阳快下山了。
As a child, he lived in Japan. 他小时候住在日本。
She sang as she went along. 她边走边唱。
2. 以…的方式;如同…那样
She danced as only she could. 她以独特的风格跳舞。
Do as I do. 我怎么干,你就怎么干。
They hunted him as a tiger stalks his prey. 他们像老虎追踪猎物一样地搜捕他。
I have told this story just as it happened. 我已如实地讲了这一情况。
As he predicted, the wind changed. 如他所预测的一样,风向变了。
3. [表示比较]像…(一样)
I'm as tall as you (are). 我和你一般高。
David is not so (或 as) nice as he looks. 戴维不如他外表那样仁慈。
The policy is as cynical as (it is) dangerous. 这一政策既危险又冷酷无情。
One is as light as the other is heavy. 一个之轻正如另一个之重。
The move is as clandestine as a circus parade. 这一步骤犹如马戏团吹打过市,全无秘密可言。
4. 因为,由于
She stayed at home as she had no car. 她因没有汽车而留在家里。
5. 虽然,尽管
Sick as he was, he came to work. 他虽然有病,还是来上班了。
Boy as he was, he behaved like a girl. 他虽然是个男孩,举止却像女孩。
Try as you may, you will never succeed. 不管你怎样努力,你决不会成功。
Gently as her words were spoken, there was no mistaking that she was displeased. 尽管她的话说得很温和,但谁都看得出她生气了。
6. [常与 so 连用,表示比例或关系]正像;随着…
2 is to 4 as 8 is to 16 (或 As 2 is to 4, (so) 8 is to 16). 2比4等于8比16。
As a man lives, so he dies. 有生就有死。
As time went on, (so) their hopes began to wane. 随着时间的流逝,他们的希望开始变得渺茫。
7. [与 so 连用,表示结果]以至于
He so exaggerated as never to be believed. 他夸张得无法置信。
The question is so obvious as to need no reply. 问题清楚得不需要回答。
8. [与 so 连用,表示目的]为了,以便
He turned aside so as to avoid meeting her. 为了避开她,他转向一边。
He left early so as not to be tired. 他早早离去以免疲劳。
9. 根据;[与 go 连用]按照…的一般标准来说
His criticisms, as I remember, were coldly received. 据我记忆,他的批评得到的反应很冷淡。
As lions go, this one seems quite tame. 就狮子的一般兽性论,这一头似乎相当驯服。
It was very cheap as the prices of cars go these days. 就现时汽车价格来说,那辆车很便宜。
10. [引导名词从句,= that]
A: Have you ever tried? B: Can't say as I have. 甲:你试过没有?乙:很难说我已试过。
11. 好像,仿佛 (= as if)
She looks as she had seen a ghost. 她像见了鬼似的。

IV pron.
1. [与 such, the same 或后跟形容词的 as 连用,引导定语从句]…样的人(或事物)
These mangoes are not such as I bought yesterday. 这些芒果不是我昨天买的那一种。
Such people as knew Tom admired him. 认识汤姆的人都钦佩他。
My trouble is the same as yours is. 我的困难同你的一样。
I live in the same place as Tom does. 我和汤姆住在同处。
He smokes as expensive a cigarette as he can afford. 他抽一种他买得起的最贵的香烟。
2. [引导定语从句,= who 或 which]
Those as want to can come with me. 想去的可和我一起去。
It's one of those things as people usedn't to know much about. 这是过去人们所知不多的事情之一。
3. 这一事实,那一情况
He was an Englishman, as they perceived by his accent. 他是英国人,这是他们从他的口音中听出来的。
The night had turned cold, as is usual around here. 夜晚变得很冷,在这一带经常如此。
4. 也一样 (= and so)
Sterling's two children were there, as were Sibyl and Sam. 斯特林的两个孩子在那里,西比尔和萨姆也在那里。
David works hard, as do my brothers. 戴维工作很努力,我的弟兄也一样。
[< OE alswā likewise; 见 ALSO]
phr. as against 与…比较;与…相对照
As against last year, the number of our students increased by 50 per cent. 和去年相比,我们的学生人数增加了50%。
He has an income of $80000 a year, as against the national average of $20000. 他的年收入为80000元,而全国平均年收入为20000元。
as for 至于;关于
As for the burglar, he escaped through the window. 至于那个贼,他跳窗逃走了。
As for my past, I'm not telling you anything. 关于我的历史,我什么都不会告诉你。
as from 主英自…起
The law is effective as from 1st January. 这项法律从1月1日起生效。
He was to be Acting Dean as from July. 自7月起,他将担任代理系主任。
as good as 见 good
as how
1. [引导名词从句,= that]
He bragged as how he could run faster than anybody else. 他吹牛说他能跑得比任何人都快。
2. 是否 (= if, whether)
I don't know as how your father will let you go. 我不知道你父亲是否会让你去。
as if 1. 好像,似乎,仿佛
He treats me as if I were (或 am) a stranger. 他待我如陌生人。
I feel as if we've never parted. 我感到似乎我们从未分离过。
He stood as if rooted to the ground. 他像钉在地上般地站着。
She stared at the girl as if seeing her for the first time. 她目不转睛地看着姑娘,像是第一次见到她。
He opened his mouth as if to speak. 他张开口,像是要说话。
2. [引导名词从句,= that]
It seemed as if the day would never end. 似乎白天永远也过不完。
as (it) is 按现状
We bought the table as is. 那张桌子我们买来就是那个样子。
The rule would be left as is for the time being. 那条规则暂时将保持原状。
as it is (或 was) 实际上
I thought things would get better, but as it is they are getting worse. 我原来以为情况会改善,但实际上情况变得愈来愈糟。
as it were 可以说;在某种程度上
I'm a sort of unpaid adviser, as it were, to the committee. 可以说,我是委员会的义务顾问。
He became, as it were, a man without a country. 在某种程度上,他成了一个无国籍的人。
as long as 见 long¹
as much 见 much
as of 1. 自…起 (= as from)
The new contract takes effect as of July 1. 新合同7月1日起生效。
Notification letters had been delivered to 19 persons as of mid-July. 自7月中旬以来,已向19人发出通知书。
2. 直至;在…时
Following is an analysis of the situation as of this date. 到今天为止的形势分析如下。
I'm supposed to be there as of fifteen minutes ago. 我在15分钟前就该到达那里了。
as per 见 per
as regards 见 regard
as soon as 见 soon
as such 见 such
as though = as if
as to1. 至于;关于
I have no doubts as to your ability. 关于你的能力我毫不怀疑。
Scientists differ as to whether the giant panda belongs to the bear or panda family. 关于大熊猫究竟属于熊科还是熊猫科,科学家意见不一致。
I'm willing to read this book, but as to publishing it, that's a different matter. 我愿意读一读这本书,至于出版这本书,那是另一回事了。
2. 按照,根据
They sorted the eggs as to size and colour. 他们按照大小和颜色拣选鸡蛋。
as was 按以前的状况
as well 见 well¹
as well as 见 well¹
as yet 见 yet
as you were 1. [用作操练口令]原地不动,还原
2. [用于纠正说错的话]
I saw Smith — as you were — I mean Brown. 我见到了史密斯——喔,不——我指布朗。
such as 见 such




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