lu·cid /ˈljuːsɪd/ a. 1. 明了易懂的,明晰的 a lucid remark 清楚易懂的话 a brief and lucid summary 简单明了的摘要 2. 头脑清楚的;理智的;清醒的,神志清明的 He is erudite and lucid about political affairs. 他对政治事务知识渊博,观点清晰。 The statement was written when his mind was still lucid. 这份陈述是在他神志还清醒时写的。 3. 清澈的;透明的 a lucid stream 清澈的小溪 They were walking in the lucid midsummer evening. 他们在仲夏清朗的黄昏散步。 4. 〈诗〉明亮的,光辉的 5. 【昆】鲜明的;【植】有光泽的 [< L lūcidus full of light < lūx light¹]