

单词 lost
释义 lost /lɒst;lɔːst/ a. | phr.
I lose 的过去式和过去分词

II a.
1. 遗失的,丢失的;丧失的,失去的;消失了的
a lost purse 丢失的钱包
It's no use thinking about one's lost youth. 老是回想逝去的青春是没有用的。
The dispute cost the firm one million pounds in lost production. 这场争执使公司因停产而损失100万英镑。
win back one's lost supporters 把失去的支持者们争取回来
They were lost to sight in the citrus groves. 他们在柑橘林中消失了。
His eyes were lost in a maze of wrinkles. 他的双眼深陷在纵横密布的皱纹之中。
2. 迷失的,失散的;迷路的
Several lost children were reported. 据报有几名儿童走失。
We got lost in the woods. 我们在森林中迷路了。
3. 迷惘的,不知所措的;失落的,烦乱绝望的
He is lost in discussions of theological theory. 他在那些神学理论讨论中被弄得稀里糊涂。
The woman is lost without her maid. 那女士没有女佣在旁便不知所措了。
I'm a little lost at how to tell you about the matter. 我有点儿不知怎样把事情告诉你才好。
a lost look 失落绝望的神色
4. 失败了的,输掉的
a lost battle 败仗
a lost game 输掉的比赛
a lost prize 未赢得的奖赏
5. 错过的;浪费掉的
a lost chance 错过的机会
a lost advantage 未加利用的有利条件
Lost time had to be regained somehow. 浪费掉的时间非想个办法赢回来不可。
6. 已毁的,遭难的;死了的
a lost ship 遭难船只
the lost platoon 阵亡的全排官兵
7. 不产生效果的,不为注意的 (on)
Good advice is lost on him. 忠告对他不起作用。
The lesson was not lost on the committee. 这一教训并非不为委员会所记取。
8. 不再为人所知的;不复存在的
Walking as a pleasure was becoming a lost art. 曾为赏心乐事的散步正逐渐变成一种失传的艺术。
9. 不再被享有的 (to)
All chance of friendship was lost to him. 他不再享有交友的机会了。
I realized my son was lost to me when he married. 我明白,儿子结婚成了家就不再属于我了。
10. 无感觉的,麻木的 (to)
Their savage behaviour demonstrates that they are lost to all sense of decency. 他们的野蛮行为表明他们丧尽了廉耻。
11. 沉湎其中的;专注的 (in)
He gets lost in his writing, the characters become him or vice versa. 他常常一写就入神,以致笔下的人物变成了他自己,或是他自己变成了笔下的人物。
12. 道德败坏的,堕落的
a lost woman 一个堕落女人
phr. All is not lost. 仍有成功(或恢复)的机会。
get lost [常用作命令句] 走开,别来烦我
Get lost! I want to study. 走开! 我要学习了。
I told them to get lost. 我叫他们走开,别再来打扰我。
give up for lost 认定…已死 (或已无希望)
They were already given up for lost. 他们已被认定完蛋了。
He who hesitates is lost. 犹豫不决,良机尽失。




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