lore¹ /lɔː(r)/ n. 1. (有关某一学科的)全部知识;全部传说 the lore of herbs 草本植物知识 bird lore 禽鸟学 He was able to ride a horse, but had not been taught any of stable lore. 他会骑马,但从来没有人教过他养马的知识。 ghost lore 鬼怪传说 Jewish mystical lore 犹太民族的神秘传说 2. 学问,学识;(口头传下来的)传统信仰(或学说) learn the lore of swift hunting in the dusk 学会在暮色中速猎的本领 3. 〈古〉教导,教诲;教训 4. 〈古〉忠告,劝告 [< OE lār learning, teaching; 与 leornian to learn 有关]