

单词 look
释义 look /lʊk/ vi. | vt. | n. | int. | phr.
I vi.
1. 看,瞧
Look carefully before you cross the street. 穿马路前要仔细看清来往车辆。
Look behind. Someone is following us. 瞧后面,有人在跟踪我们。
look across a room 眼光扫过房间
You have to look hard to find something different. 你非得用心看才能发现差异。
2. 注意;留神
There are some things you don't see unless you look. 有些事情你若不注意就看不见。
3. 找,寻
Where have you been? I've looked everywhere. 你上哪儿去了? 我到处都找遍了。
4. 面向,朝向
Four windows look to the south, and one looks north. 四扇窗子朝南,一扇朝北。
The house looks on the sea. 房屋面向大海。
The cabin looks out over the reservoir. 小屋俯瞰水库。
5. 显得;看上去
He looks younger than his age. 他的长相显得比实际的年岁轻。
These apples look ripe. 这些苹果看来熟了。
How do things look? 情况如何?
6. 显示趋向,呈现倾向
The evidence looks to acquittal. 从证据看有宣判无罪的倾向。
These early inventions looked towards the development of industry. 这些早期发明显示了工业发展的趋向。
1. 看,瞧;打量
She looked him in the face (eye(s)). 她直视他的脸 (眼睛)
Through the porthole I looked the length of the ship. 透过舷窗,我把全船从头至尾扫了一眼。
2. 看上去与(年龄、处境、地位、特征等)相称;看上去与…一样
She doesn't look her age (或 years). 她看来与她的年龄不相称。(指显得年轻)
His appearance strikes a point between two figures. He looks both and dresses them. 他外表上给人的印象介乎两种身份之间。他看上去兼像两者,穿戴也符合两种身份。
He looked a little clerk who should have stayed behind his counter. 他看来像个当小伙计的,原本就该站柜台。
3. 以眼色(或脸色)显示;以长相显示
Caroline looked her perplexity. 卡罗琳脸上显出困惑的样子。
She looked an eager question at her visitor. 她眼中显出急切询问的神色,看着来访者。
Kawa looks his life; he is only forty, but appears to be sixty. 卡瓦的模样显示了他坎坷的经历,他只有40岁,但看上去像是60岁。
4. 用眼色使…
look sb. to silence (submission) 瞪眼使某人缄口 (顺从)
5. 探明,查问清楚
I will look what time the airliner takes off. 我会去查问清楚班机什么时候起飞。
6. [后常接动词不定式]期待,盼望
We look to have immediate success. 我们期待着马上会成功。
I'm not looking to be with him again. 我不想再同他混在一起。

II n.
1. 看,瞧;(一)
Take (或 Have) a good look at this. 请好好看一看这个。
She stole a look at her wristwatch. 她偷偷瞥了一眼手表。
Don't give me such severe looks. What have I done? 别那么严厉地看我,我做错什么事了?
2. 察看;审查,调查;找寻
He took a quick look around before going out. 他出门之前对四周迅速察看了一下。
Take a hard look at the cold facts before cutting defence spending. 在削减国防开支之前,请仔细审视一下严酷的现实。
We might take a look at what wants doing right now. 我们不妨调查一下哪些事情需要立刻就做。
I took a look round. Where've you been? 我刚才四下找了一阵子,你上哪儿去了?
3. 脸色;神态;外表
He wore on his face a look of confidence. 他脸上带着自信的神色。
There is a cheerful look in her eyes. 她眼露喜色。
He has the look of a man of letters. 他外表像个文人。
This fabric has the look and feel of velvet. 这织物具有丝绒的外表和手感。
4. [looks] 容貌;美貌
be endowed with good looks 天生丽质
It's sweet to have looks and youth. 既美丽又年轻,这是何等甜美。
5. [常作 looks] (事物的)外观
from the looks of things 从事物的外观看
6. (服饰、发式、家具等的)时式
This year's look is short skirts and T-shirts. 今年的时装是短裙和T恤衫。

III int.
[用以唤起注意或表示不悦、规劝,可后接 here] 哎,喂;注意
Look, I don't want to talk about this. 哎,关于这个,我不想谈。
Now look here, you can't say things like that to me! 注意,你不可以对我说那样的话。
[< OE lōcian; 与 MD læken, OHG luogen to look out 有关]
phr. a black look (表示生气、厌恶或憎恨的) 瞪眼;怒容,愠色
The boss gave me a black look when I told him that I hadn't done the work. 当我告诉老板那件工作我没有做时,老板瞪了我一眼。
He had a black look on his face. 他面有愠色。
by the look(s) of 照…看来
By the look(s) of it we shan't have much rain this year. 从天气情况看来,今年雨水不会充沛。
look about 1. 环视,往四下看
The sound was terrifying to him, but he had no time to look about him. 那声音听上去很骇人,但他无暇往四下看一看。
2. (事先) 进行全面考虑,审时度势
Look about carefully before making the final decision. 在作出最后决定之前要先周密权衡一下。
look after 1. 照料,照顾,照管
He has looked after his elderly parents for many years. 他照料年迈的父母已多年了。
look after oneself 自己照顾自己
I look after the reading room when he goes away. 他离开时由我代为照管阅览室。
2. 注意,关心
look after one's health 注意自己的健康
look after the interests of local people 关心当地人的利益
3. 目送
She stood at the gate and looked after us. 她站在大门口,目送我们离去。
look ahead 向前看;预作计划,规划未来
look alive 见 alive
look around (或 round) 1. 环顾,往四下看
2. (事先) 进行全面考虑,审时度势
3. 观光;游览
We want to look round the town. 我们想在全城走走看看。
look as if (或 as though) 看来可能,看来像是
It looks as if it were going to rain. 看来要下雨了。
It looks as though he will win the 1500-metre race. 看来他可能取得1500米赛跑的冠军。
look at 1. 看;朝…看;(从评判美丑角度) 看…的长相
We are looking at television. 我们正在看电视。
An elderly man was looking hard at us. 一个老人正紧盯着我们。
That little girl is pretty to look at. 这个小女孩很好看。
2. 看待
look at things in isolation 孤立地看问题
Is he a hero or a villain? That depends on how you look at it. 他是英雄还是坏蛋? 这全看你怎么看问题了。
3. 大致浏览
I've looked at your essay and it's very good. 我看过你的文章了,写得很好。
4. [常用于否定句] 考虑;接受
I wouldn't even look at a job like that. 对那样一种工作我不屑一顾。
The landlady won't look at foreigners. 房东太太不愿接纳外国房客。
5. 检查;察看
I'm looking at the tyres of my car. 我正在检查汽车的轮胎。
You must have your bad tooth looked at. 你必须请医生看一下你的病牙。
6. [常用祈使语气以唤起人们注意或吸取教训] 看看…吧
Look at that woman; drugs didn't help her, she's dead! 看看那个妇人,各种药物都没能把她救活,终于死了!
My God, look at the time. I promised I'd be home at six. 我的天,瞧都什么时候了。我原先说好6点钟准回家的。
look back 1. 回头看
2. 回顾,回忆
look back upon one's childhood with joy 怀着喜悦心情回忆童年时代
3. [用于否定句] 踌躇不前;遭受挫折,停滞
He borrowed $10,000 to start his Hollywood restaurant and never looked back. 他借了1万美元在好莱坞办起一家饭店,从此发达起来。
4. (造访扑空后) 再次走访
look before you leap 三思而后行
look daggers at sb. 见 dagger
look down on (或 upon) 看不起,轻视
The literary establishment generally looks down on artists. 文学界一般说来看不起画家。
look down one's nose at 见 nose
look for 1. 寻找;寻求
He looked for the missing money. 他寻找弄丢的钱。
Don't look for any help from him. 别向他寻求帮助。
2. 惹起,招来
If you yell at a policeman, you are looking for trouble. 你如果朝警察大声吆喝,那是自找麻烦。
3. 期待
We are looking for George to arrive any day now. 我们在期待着乔治,他说不定哪天就到。
look forward to 1. (喜滋滋地) 盼望,期待
I am looking forward to seeing you again. 我盼望着再次见到你。
2. (岌岌不安地) 预期,预料
At breakfast, I looked forward to a difficult day. 我吃早饭时就料到这天不好过。
look in 1. 朝里面看;朝…里面看
I looked in my purse and discovered I'd only got a five-pound note. 我朝钱包里一看,发现只有一张5英镑的钞票。
2. 顺道访问,顺便看望
Thank you for looking in on me. 谢谢你顺道来看我。
He wrote to ask me if I could spare half an hour to look in at him. 他写信问我能否抽出半小时去看看他。
3. 看电视
look into 1. 朝…里面看
I saw Mary looking into a shop window. 我看见玛丽正朝商店橱窗里观看。
He can look with a quiet conscience into the eyes of his friends. 他能问心无愧地面对自己的朋友。
2. 调查,观察
The police are looking into the matter. 警方正在调查这件事。
look into the company's accounts 查公司的账
look into a problem 研究一个问题
3. 浏览 (书籍等);快速翻查 (资料等)
look into the chronicles of the Middle Ages 翻阅中世纪的编年史
look like 1. 长相特征是;外表特征是
What does he look like? 他的长相怎么样?
Try it on. Let's see what it looks like on you. 穿上试试,看看穿在你身上样子如何。
2. 看来像要
It looks like rain (或 raining). 看来好像要下雨。
look like a million dollars 满面春风;气宇轩昂
She suddenly looked like a million dollars the moment she took off her specs. 她一摘下眼镜,便登时显得美丽动人,神采飞扬。
look lively 见 lively
look on 1. 观看;旁观
The coward just stood looking on while an old woman was robbed. 老妇人遭抢劫时,这个胆小鬼只是站在一旁观望。
2. 合看;合读
May I look on with you? 我可以和你一起看吗?
3. 看待,看作
He looks on me as his best friend. 他把我看作是他最好的朋友。
4. (带着特定目光或情绪) 看,望
He looks on me with suspicion. 他以狐疑的眼光看我。
look oneself (或 one's usual self) (在气色、情绪等方面) 看来如常
He doesn't look himself today. 今天他看上去气色 (或神色) 有异。
look oneself again 气色 (或神色) 恢复正常
look out 1. 朝外看;向外探头
look out of the window 朝窗外看
2. 注意,留神;警惕
Look out, or you'll be run over! 当心,别让车碾了。
I shall look out that I don't trust him again. 我将提高警惕,不再信任他。
3. 找出;拣出
I'll look out the photographs you want to see. 我将把你想看的照片找出来。
She looked out a dress for the party. 她拣出一件衣服,准备赴宴时穿。
look out for 1. 留心守候;注意防备
Look out for Simon or we shall miss him. 留心等候着西蒙,免得我们把他错过。
It's a film we shall look out for in the next couple of weeks. 在接下来的一两个星期里,我们将留心注意这部影片的映期。
look out for union problems 防备工运问题
2. 留心寻觅
3. 为…筹措
look out for oneself 为自己筹措一切
look over 1. 从…上方看过去
2. 把…看一遍,把…过目并作修改
Will you please look over my paper before I submit it? 在我把论文交出前,请你过目一下好吗?
3. 睁一眼闭一眼地放过,宽容
4. 察看;参观
be called in to look over the bomb damage 被召来察看炸弹爆炸造成的损失
We were allowed to look over their new plant. 我们被允许参观他们的新工厂。
5. (上下) 打量;(从头至尾) 详尽查阅
He looked them both over and nodded lightly. 他朝他俩打量一番,微微一点头。
We shall look over his accounts. 我们将仔细检查他的账目。
look sharp 见 sharp
look small 见 small
look smart 见 smart
look the other way 见 way
look through 1. 透过…看去
2. 看穿,识破
look sb. through 看透某人的为人
3. 对…逐项粗略看一遍;(从头至尾) 浏览
look through the applications and pick out the best 翻阅所有申请表并挑出其中最佳者
He looks through several newspapers before breakfast. 他在早饭前总要浏览几份报纸。
4. 详尽查核
Please look through the accounts. 请审核账目。
5. 由…显露出,从…可见
Her jealousy looks through her eyes. 她两眼露出妒忌的目光。
6. 对…故意视而不见;(因沉思等而) 对…视而不见
I looked straight through him and passed on. 我只当没有看见他,径自从他身旁走了过去。
look to 1. 朝…看去;朝向
He looked to his left and saw the bus coming. 他向左一看,正见公共汽车开来。
2. 照顾;当心,留意
Would you look to the children please? 请你照顾一下孩子们好吗?
Look to it that everything is ready. 务必把一切都准备好。
3. 指望,依靠
Don't look to him for help. 别指望他的帮助。
He looks to others to structure time for him. 他老是指望别人来替他安排时间。
4. 盼望,展望
He looks to authorship as his career. 他盼望以写作为业。
look to the future with anxiety 忧心忡忡地展望未来
look toward(s) 1. 朝…看去;朝向
The front of the house looks towards the open sea. 房屋的正面朝向大海。
2. 为…作准备;趋向于
They joined in a discussion looking toward a settlement of the dispute. 他们参加了旨在解决争端的讨论。
3. 美口为…干杯
Let's look toward our newcomer. 让我们为新来者干杯。
look up 1. 抬头望
I looked up and saw her. 我抬起头来看见了她。
2. 好转,改善
The national economy is beginning to look up. 国民经济正在开始好转。
Things are looking up now. 现在情况正在改善。
3. (尤指多时不见之后) 看望,拜访
I want to look up an old friend. 我想去拜访一个老朋友。
Look me up when you are next in the area. 下次来本地区时,欢迎过来。
4. (在词典、参考书等中) 查检
look up new words (the meaning of a new word) in a dictionary 翻词典查新词 (一个新词的意义)
I shall look up Smith's number in the directory. 我将翻电话簿查一下史密斯的电话号码。
look up and down (仔细或严格地) 上下打量
He looked me up and down and then let me in. 他朝我上下打量一番后让我进去了。
look upon 1. 看待,看作
2. (带着特定目光或情绪) 看,望
look up to 尊敬;钦佩
This artist is much looked up to for his landscape paintings. 这位画家的风景画备受推崇。
look you! 你注意!
not like the look of 发现…的情况有异,看出…不对头,看出…中有凶险
I don't like the look of the place. 我看这个地方好像有问题。
not much to look at 样子不怎么好看的,相貌平常的
This house isn't much to look at. 这栋房屋样子不怎么好看。
would (或 will) ... as soon as look at you 转眼就会 (干坏事)
You can't trust him at all. He would cheat you as soon as look at you. 你决不能相信他。他这人转眼就要叫你上当。




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