

单词 long¹
释义 long¹ /lɒŋ;lɔːŋ/ a. | ad. | n. | phr.
I (long·er /ˈlɒŋɡə(r);ˈlɔːŋ-/, long·est /ˈlɒŋɡɪst;ˈlɔːŋ-/)

1. (长度、距离)长的
long pants 长裤
He has two long arms. 他有两条长臂。
a long journey 长途旅行
The road is ten miles long. 这条路有10英里长。
2. 长时间的,长久的,长期的
a long performance 时间很长的演出
There will be a long wait until the next bus. 等下一辆公共汽车到来要很长时间。
take a long view of the matter 从长远观点看这件事
a long friendship 绵长的友谊
The programme was three hours long. 节目长达3小时之久。
3. (叙述、阅读等)须花长时间的;篇幅长的
a long story 长故事
A long book may be published in two or more volumes. 一部篇幅长的书可分两卷或多卷出版。
4. 远期的,长期的
a long note 远期票据
5. 含有众多项目(或条款)的;一长串的
The school has a long list of rules. 这所学校的规章制度很多。
a long grocery bill 一长串食品杂货的清单
6. 比通常(或标准)(或大)的;两个(或几个)中较长的
He must have taken the long way home. 他一定是走了较远的那条路回家的。
7. 冗长的;迟缓的
a long, boring report 冗长的、令人厌倦的报告
The members of the committee were long in reaching a decision. 委员们拖了好久才作出决定。
8. 充足的;擅长的 (on)
He was long on humorous anecdotes. 他能讲很多趣闻轶事。
He's long on good ideas. 他有满脑子的好主意。
He is long on experience but short on theory. 他经验丰富,但理论不足。
9. (酒用苏打水、啤酒或果汁)混和的;用深口(酒)杯盛的,大杯的;多量的
Highball is a long drink. 高杯酒是一种混和酒。
two long glasses of beer 两大杯啤酒
10. (时间、空间上)可达久远的;保持长久的
a long memory 好记性
a long look ahead 高瞻远瞩
have long ears 有一对顺风耳 (指听到的消息很多)
11. 困难重重的;希望渺茫的
a long job 困难重重的工作
a long chance of success 渺茫的成功机会
12. 长音的;(诗的音节)重读的
a long vowel 长元音
13. (在股票等市场因行情看涨而)做多头的
take a long position in wheat 做小麦多头
be on the long side of the market 做多头投机生意
They are now long on steel. 现在他们在钢铁交易中做多头。
14. 数量足够的;能满足市场需求的
Cotton is in long supply. 棉花供应充足。
15. 身材细长的;高个子的
a long gaunt woman 身材细长的瘦女子
a long man 高个男子

II (long·er,long·est)

1. 长久;长期地
He did not stay long. 他没有久留。
We talked long into the night. 我们长谈到深夜。
2. 始终;整个
stay away from home all summer long 整个夏天都没待在家里
3. (距某一时间)很久地
long past ten 10点过了很久
long ago 很久以前
not long ago 不久前
long after (before) the war 在战后 (前) 很久
4. 早已;长久以来
They went to the café at the corner, long a meeting place for scholars, newsmen and writers. 他们去了街角那家咖啡馆,那儿一直是学者、报人和作家聚会的地方。
5. (在投机市场)做着多头
go long 500 shares 做500股多头
6. (指球)远距离地

III n.
1. 长时间,长时期
The job will not take long if we work hard. 只要我们努力干,这件工作就不需多长时间。
They haven't been gone for long. 他们走了不多久。
His doctor tells him that he doesn't have long. 他的医生跟他说,他没有多长日子可活了。
2. (莫尔斯电码等的)长信号
The signal was three longs and one short. 这信号是三长一短。
3. 特长号(尤指西装裤尺寸)
4. 长元音;长音节
5. [longs]长期公债券;购买长期公债券的人
The indices showed longs yielded around 8.8 per cent. 指数表明长期公债券的利息为8.8%左右。
6. (投机市场上)做多头的人
[< ME long, lang < OE; 与 OHG lang, L longus 有关]
phr. any longer [用于否定句] (不)
He didn't smoke any longer after the operation. 动过手术以后他不再抽烟了。
as broad as it is long 见 broad
as long as 1. 达…之久
The war lasted as long as eight years. 战争持续了8年之久。
2. = so long as
at long last 见 last¹
at (the) longest 至多;最长
I'll stay here five days at (the) longest. 我在这儿至多停留5天。
before long 不久以后
Class will be over before long. 快要下课了。
long in the tooth 见 tooth
longs and shorts 1. (诗的) 长音节和短音节
2. [总称] (尤指希腊或拉丁文) 古典诗;古典诗写作法
3. (隅石块的) 长短砌合
long since 1. 很久以前
Without the pacemaker, he might long since have died of heart failure. 要是没有起搏器的话,他可能早就死于心力衰竭了。
2. 长久以来
He has long since been recognized as a great writer. 他久已被公认为是一位伟大的作家。
long time no see 见 time
no longer (或 not any longer) 不再;已不
He is no longer living in Shanghai. 他现已不住在上海。
So long! 再见!
so long as 1. 既然,由于
So long as you are going to town anyway, you can do something for me. 既然你反正要进城去,不妨替我办一点事。
2. 只要,如果
You may use the book as you like, so long as you keep it clean. 你尽管用这本书,只要不把它弄脏就行。
the long and (the) short of it 总的情况,要点
The long and the short of it is that he can't cope. 总之,他这人拙于应付。
The money isn't there, and that's the long and short of it. 钱不在那里,情况就是如此。




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