

单词 lift¹
释义 lift¹ /lɪft/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I vt.
1. 提;抬;举;吊;(尤指向上)移动
lift a heavy suitcase 提起一只沉重的衣箱
lift (up) a table 把桌子抬起来
Lift your foot up: you're standing on the hem of my trousers. 请把你的脚抬一抬:你踩住我的裤边了。
She lifted her eyes from the book. 她从书本上抬起视线。
lift one's glass to the health of sb. 举杯祝某人身体健康
One by one, she lifted down the wooden boxes in which the eggs were packed. 她把装蛋的木箱一只一只搬下来。
Reaching inside, he lifted the baby out with both hands. 他伸手进去,把婴儿抱了出来。
The workmen used a crane to lift sacks of cement from the ship. 工人们用起重机把水泥包吊下船来。
He softly lifted the latch and pushed the door open. 他轻轻拨开门闩,把门推开。
2. 提高;提高…的地位
lift prices of commodities 提高商品价格
Bad weather is expected to lift demand for grains. 预计坏天气会提高对谷物的需求。
His position lifted him from the common crowd. 他的地位使他的身份高人一等。
His first book lifted him out of obscurity. 他的处女作使他不再默默无闻。
3. 鼓舞
Such a meal did nothing to lift her spirits. 这样的一顿饭丝毫提不起她的兴致。
4. 撤销,解除;结束,停止
lift censorship on the domestic press 撤销对本国报刊的审查
lift the blockade 解除封锁
lift the siege of the capital 解首都之围
The guerrilla forces will not agree to lift the armed struggle. 游击队不会同意停止武装斗争。
5. 使竖起;使耸立
The dog lifted its ears. 那条狗竖起耳朵。
The church building lifts a tall clock tower. 教堂顶端耸立着高高的钟楼。
6. 提高(嗓门等)
lift one's voice in song 大声歌唱
7. 挖出;拔起
lift potatoes 挖出马铃薯
Should the bulbs be left or lifted? 应当让那些球茎留在土里还是挖出来?
8. 运送;空运
Medical supplies were being lifted in by helicopter. 医药用品正在用直升机空运进来。
Pickpockets often lift money from old women. 扒手常扒窃老年妇女的钱。
10. 剽窃,抄袭
lift a paragraph from another writer 剽窃别的作者的一段文章
11. (从物体表面)(指印)
The policemen are trying to lift fingerprints on the window. 警察正设法取得窗子上留下的指印。
12. 逮捕;拘留
The spy was lifted the minute he stepped across the borderline. 间谍一跨过国境线就立刻被捕。
13. (脸部等)整容
His wife had her face lifted. 他的妻子做了整容手术。
14. 清偿
lift a mortgage 清偿抵押贷款
15. (租金、到期欠款等)
16. 高尔夫(球),挑击高(球)(乒乓球中)提拉(球)
17. 转移(炮火);暂停(轰击)
lift the bombardment prior to the advance of the infantry 在步兵向前推进前暂停轰击
1. 被提(或抬、举等)
The cover of this box won't lift. 这只箱子的盖揭不开。
His hand lifted accusingly. 他像要进行指责似地举起手。
2. (云、雾等)消散,消失
The mist lifted at noon. 中午时分雾散了。
The rain stopped and the overcast lifted. 雨过天晴。
His low spirits lifted as soon as his lost watch was found. 遗失的手表一找到,他满面愁容顿时消失。
3. 受到鼓舞,感到高兴
Her heart lifted at the sight of her baby's smiling. 她一见自己的小宝宝微笑,心里就高兴。
4. 耸立
The mountain peaks lifted above the horizon. 山峰耸立在地平线上。
5. 用力举(或提) (at)
lift at a heavy weight 用力提重物
6. (飞机、火箭等)起飞;发射 (off)
Ten minutes to go before the rocket lifts off. 还有10分钟火箭就要发射了。
The plane lifted off the runway. 飞机离开跑道起飞。
7. (声音)渐响
The wayward music lifted up again. 飘忽不定的音乐声又响起来了。
8. (轰击)转移
The bombardment began to lift, shifting to targets farther inland. 轰击开始转向更远的内地的目标。

II n.
1. 提;抬;举;吊;上升
He gave the suitcase a lift. 他提了提衣箱。
With a graceful lift of her hand, she dismissed him. 她优雅地抬了抬手把他打发走了。
a lift in prices 涨价
a haughty lift of the chin 高傲地撅起下巴
2. 提升高度,上升高度,升程;扬程
the lift of a kite 风筝的上升高度
The canal lock has a lift of ten feet. 运河船闸的提升高度为10英尺。
3. 提升力;升力
A kite depends on the wind to act as its lift. 风筝靠风作升力。
4. 鼓舞;振奋
We received a lift from his speech. 我们从他的演说中得到鼓舞。
Drink it. It's supposed to give you a lift. 把这喝下去。据信它可以提神。
5. (声音的)响亮,嘹亮
the lift of the music 音乐声的激越
“Hallo!” she said. There was no lift in her voice. “喂!”她招呼道,语调低沉。
6. (给步行者的)搭便车,免费搭车
He gave her a lift back to London that night. 那天晚上他让她搭他的车回伦敦。
He got a lift into town. 他搭车进城。
7. 帮助;搀扶
He gave her a lift into the saddle. 他扶她上马鞍。
8. 取下的指印
examine a lift of a latent fingerprint found on the side of the TV set 察看从电视机侧面发现的潜指纹取下的指印
9. 电梯(= elevator)
10. 升液器;起重机;升降机;千斤顶
11. = chairlift
12. = ski lift
13. 运输;空运
air-and-sea lift 海空运输
14. (地面的)隆起,上升
15. (皮鞋的)后跟皮,插跟
wear lifts in one's shoes to make oneself appear tall 穿有插跟的皮鞋以使自己身材显得高些
16. 一次提(或抬、吊等)的重量(或量)
A lift of forty kilos was all the porter could manage. 那个搬行李工人一次最多只能搬40公斤。
17. 偷盗;剽窃
18. 一次采掘的煤层厚度
19. 吊索
20. 一网捕捞量
phr. lift a finger 见 finger
on the lift 美方(因病、饥饿等)虚弱不堪的(地),弱不禁风的(地)
thumb a lift 竖起大拇指(向路过的汽车司机示意)要求搭便车;搭乘便车
We managed to thumb a lift into the next town. 我们设法搭便车到达下一个城镇。
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