释义 |
lib·er·ty /ˈlɪbətɪ/ n. | phr. n. 1. (行动、言论、选择等的)自由;(政治上的)独立自主 Children have a lot more liberty now than they used to. 如今儿童比以前自由多了。 The constitution guards the liberty of the people. 宪法保障人民的自由。 2. 释放,自由 After two years, the prisoner was given his liberty. 两年后,犯人获得自由。 3. 许可,允准 Students have liberty to use all the library facilities. 学生们可以使用图书馆中所有的图书资料。 4. 自由活动于(或使用)某地的权利 The visitors were given the liberty of the city. 游客们获准可在这个城市随意走动。 You may have the liberty of the third floor. 你可以使用三楼。 5. (水手、水兵等的)上岸短假(一般不超过48小时,在美国海军中不超过72小时);短假期 He came home on his liberty. 他在上岸短假期间回家了。 6. [常作 liberties] 〈口〉失礼,越轨;过分亲昵的言行;未经许可的行为 I think it was a liberty to ask such a question. 我认为提这样一个问题失礼得很。 Using them without asking permission is a bit of a liberty, to put it mildly. 未经同意擅自使用这些东西,说得轻一些,有点失礼。 7. [liberties] 特权,特典 8. [亦作 liberties] 【英史】特权地区,特别行政区;(囚犯的)监外居住地区 9. (硬币上的)自由女神像 10. 【哲】意志自由,选择自由(一种哲学、伦理学范畴,指当人进行道德选择时,拥有可以不受客观因果必然支配的意志自由) [<OFr liberté < L lībertās <līber free] phr. at liberty 1. 自由的,不受监禁的 set a slave (a prisoner) at liberty 解放奴隶(释放囚犯) 2. 获许可的,有权的 I am quite at liberty to act on their behalf. 我完全有权代表他们行事。You are at liberty to leave at any time during the meeting. 会议期间你可随时离开。3. 有空闲的;不占用的 I shall be at liberty after mid-day. 我午后有空。4. 失业的 liberty of conscience 信仰自由 liberty of the subject 〈主英〉宪法规定的国民权利 take (a) liberty (或 liberties) 1. 过于随便 You will not take liberties when you make official visits. 在正式访问时,你不可过于随便。2. 过分亲昵;狎昵,调戏,表现无礼 She would not let any boy take liberties with her. 她不让任何小伙子对她过分亲昵。3. 随意改变 (规则等);歪曲 (事实或论据等)take liberties with the translation 随意信手翻译 He takes liberties with the truth. 他歪曲事实真相。4. 冒险 take foolish liberties with one's health 愚蠢地冒损害自己健康的危险 take the liberty to do (或 of doing) sth. 擅自做某事;冒昧地做某事 May I take the liberty of asking you to read this booklet? 我可以冒昧地请你读读这本小册子吗? |