

单词 level
释义 lev·el /ˈlevəl/ a. | n. | vt. | vi. | ad. | phr.
I a.
1. 平的,平坦的;水平的
level ground 平整的场地
The road was fairly level. 公路相当平坦。
2. 一般高的,相齐的 (with)
The boy's head is level with his father's shoulder. 男孩的头与父亲的肩膀齐平。
3. (食谱中成分的量)与杯(或匙)口平齐的
a level spoonful of salt 一平匙盐
4. 同等的,不相上下的,处于同一水平的 (with)
The two students are about level in mathematics. 这两个学生的数学水平差不多。
Supply is level with demand. 供需平衡。
The scores of the two teams are level. 两队打平。
5. [用以构成复合词]…级别的,…水平的
a top-level meeting 最高级会议
high-level talks 高级会谈
6. 单调的,平淡的
a level life 平淡单调的生活
7. 平稳的,稳定的;坚定的,不动摇的
The ship is as steady and level as an ordinary living-room. 轮船平稳得像一般家庭的起居室。
give sb. a level look 逼视某人
8. 平静的;冷静的
speak in a level voice 用平静的语气说话
9. 合理的,经过斟酌的,明智的
a level judgement on sth. 对某事的明智判断
10. 均匀的;平均的
level colours 均匀的色彩
level stress 平重音
a level tone 平声调
11. (在一段时期内)支付均衡的
12. 美俚诚实的;直率的
13. 等势的

II n.
1. 平的东西;平坦的表面;平地;平坦地区
little houses built on ascending levels on the slopes of hills 建在山坡梯形平地上的小房子
2. 基准面;基准线
3. 水平面;水平线;水平高度;水平状态
The level of the river rose. 河流水位上升。
Check the oil level of your car. 检查一下你汽车的油面高度。
Their office is below street level. 他们的办公室在街面之下。
Keep the tops of pictures on a level. 把画的顶部都排齐。
4. (建筑物的)
the upper level of the multi-storey car park 多层停车场的上层
The men's clothing department is on the second level. 男子服装部在二楼。
5. 水准器,水准仪;水准测量
6. (观察事物的)角度,层面
On the legal level there are many doubts. 从法律角度考虑,存在许多疑点。
7. 水平,水准;程度;等级
We're writing an English course, intermediate level, for students studying science. 我们正在编写一本供理科学生使用的中级英语教程。
a conference at ministerial level 部长级会议
8. 数量;大小
Attendance levels were not affected. 出席人数未受影响。
9. (血等体液中的)物质浓度,含量
sugar level in blood 血糖浓度
10. 级;电平
sound pressure level 声压级
11. 主平巷

III (lev·el(l)ed; lev·el·(l)ing)

1. 使平坦,弄平;使成水平
The bulldozer level(l)ed the road before paving. 在铺路前,推土机把路铲平。
2. 使成为平地,夷平,摧毁;使倒下
The house was level(l)ed by the fire. 房屋被大火烧毁。
The storm level(l)ed the trees. 风暴把树木刮倒。
3. 击倒(某人)
The blow level(l)ed him to the earth. 他被击倒在地。
4. (枪等)瞄准 (at)
The hunter level(l)ed his gun at the prey. 猎人举起枪瞄准猎物。
5. 使(话、目光、批评等)针对 (at, against)
level a charge at (或 against) sb. 对某人提出控告(或指责)
the criticisms level(l)ed against sb. 针对某人的批评
They level(l)ed their looks at me. 他们的目光逼视着我。
6. 使相等,把…拉平,使平等,消除(差别)
His goal level(l)ed the scores of the two teams. 他的进球拉平了两队的得分。
level rich and poor 消除贫富差别
7. 使(声调)变平;使(颜色)均匀
The colours must be level(l)ed before they can be used. 这些颜色必须调匀后才能用。
8. (用水准仪)(土地)作水准测量
1. (用武器等)瞄准 (at)
2. 变得平坦;达到水平状态
The deck of the ship level(l)ed a little as she slowed down. 当轮船减速行驶时,甲板稍微平了一点。
3. 达到同等水平,拉平
4. 对准 (at)
His eyes level(l)ed at me. 他的眼睛盯着我。
5. 作水准测量
6. 诚恳待人,率直待人 (with)
I don't think you're level(l)ing with me. 我认为你对我不坦率。

IV ad.

1. 直接地
2. 沿水平面(或水平线)
[<OFr livel <? VL lībellum < L lībella, 指小词 < lībra scales, balance, weight]
phr. do one's level best 见 best
find one's (own) level 获得与自己才干相当的地位(或职业)
level down 把…降低至同一水平,通过降低拉平
level down the incomes of the rich to those of the poor降低富人的收入使之与穷人的收入拉平
1. (使)变得平坦,(使)变得平整
She level(l)ed off the icing on the cake with a knife. 她用刀把蛋糕上的糖霜刮平。
Once the top of the ridge is reached, the path levels off. 一到了山脊顶上,山路就变得平坦了。
2. 达到平衡;稳定
The growth rate of population will start leveling off. 人口的增长率将开始稳定。
3. (飞机在着陆前或在爬升、俯冲后)进入平飞
4. (事业上)达到不能再进展的地步
level out 1. = level off
2. 消除(差别)
We are trying to level out differences in the prices of our goods in various shops. 我们正在设法消除我们的货物在各家商店的价格差别。
level up 把…提高到同一水平,通过提高拉平
The idea of equal education was to level up the general standard. 平等教育的观念旨在提高普遍的水平。
on a level with 1. 同…一般高
The ground floor of our house is on a level with the street. 我家房子的底层与街面一样高。
He held up both his hands on a level with his head. 他把双手举得与头一样高。
2. 与…处于同一水平,与…处于同等地位
on the level 诚实的(地);诚恳的(地),直率的(地)
Is his offer on the level? 他的提议真诚吗?
Although he got rich very quickly he did it completely on the level. 他虽然很快致富,但靠的完全是正当手段。
Water finds (或 seeks) its level. 水往低处流。




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