

单词 leave¹
释义 leave¹ /liːv/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr.
I (left /left/)

1. 离去,出发
The train leaves in five minutes. 火车将于5分钟后开出。
We leave for Madrid by the next plane. 我们将乘下一班飞机去马德里。
I must leave with him for a few days. 我必须同他一起离开几天。
2. 停止
1. 离开;脱离
leave a room 离开房间
leave the track 出轨
I left him an hour ago. 1小时前我离开他。
I am leaving England. 我即将离开英国。
leave a society (a political movement) 退出一个团体(一项政治运动)
leave a job 辞去工作
He left school a month before graduation. 他在毕业前1个月退了学。
In despair my self-control left me. 我在绝望中失去了自制力。
2. (从特定方向)经过(某物)
Flying out of the country, we left the cliffs on our left. 飞离那个国家时,我们经过左侧的悬崖。
3. 丢弃,舍弃
He left business for a new job as a school teacher. 他弃商就任教师这一新工作。
He left music to study law. 他放弃音乐改学法律。
Take it or leave it. 或取或舍,悉听尊便。
4. 留下
The wound left an ugly scar on his face. 伤在他脸上留下难看的疤痕。
Let's leave some of the food for late comers. 我们给晚到的人留些吃的吧。
He left a bad impression on us. 他给我们留下一个坏印象。
5. 丢下,遗忘
He has left his gloves in the theatre. 他把手套遗落在戏院里了。
He often leaves his keys in his overcoat. 他常把钥匙遗忘在大衣口袋里。
6. 使处于某种状态;听任;
Fear left her lips stiff. 恐惧使她张口结舌。
The window was left open. 窗敞开着。
Don't leave water running to clean vegetables. 洗菜时不要开着水龙头让水直淌。
Leave the future to take care of itself. 让未来自然发展吧。
The government left its policy open to various interpretations. 政府听凭人们对它的政策作各种各样的解释。
leave things as they are 听任事情自然发展
Leave us (=Let us) go now. 让我们这就走吧。
7. 留给,遗留
He left his investments to his children. 他把投资遗留给自己的子女。
Mother left me £500. 母亲遗留给我500英镑。
leave a widow and two children (死后)留下一个寡妇和两个孩子
8. 把…交出;交托,委托
You may leave your case with the porter. 你可以把箱子交给行李工。
Leave your phone number with the secretary. 把你的电话号码留交秘书。
Leave it to me. 这事交给我来办吧。
In the experiment, we leave nothing to chance. 做实验时,我们绝不靠碰运气。
The prime minister left the question up to state governments. 总理把问题交各邦政府解决。
I'll leave it to you to lock the door. 我把锁门的事交给你了。
He left his assistant in charge of the shop. 他把店交给助手管理。
9. 不管,不注意,不顾
We will leave this for the moment and concentrate on the major problem. 我们要把这事暂搁一下,集中全力解决主要问题。
Leave your drink, darling. 别喝了,亲爱的。
10. 剩余;[常用被动语态]剩下
2 from 4 leaves (you) 2. 4减2得2。
10 minus 2 leaves 8. 10减2得8。
Only a little coal is left for the winter. 只剩下一点点煤过冬了。
11. 留存;寄放
To be left until called for. (邮件等)留局待领。
He left his cat with us. 他把他的猫寄放在我们这儿。
12. 提供(情况)
13. 停止
It is time to leave talking and begin doing. 该停止空谈开始实干了。

II n.
[<OE lǣfan to let remain < laf remnant, what remains]
phr. be left at the post 见 post
be left for dead 被认为已死而舍弃,因无法挽救而被丢弃
He'd been left for dead on the battlefield, but later on he turned up at the base hospital. 人们以为他已战死,可是后来他又出现在基地医院里。
be (或 get) nicely left 1. 受骗,上当
2. 被遗弃
be well left 获得遗产足以维持生活
get left
1. 被遗弃
2. (竞赛中)被超过;被战胜
3. 失望;受挫折
leave about (或 around) 乱扔,乱放
The child does not leave things about. 这孩子不乱扔东西。
leave alone 1. 让独自呆着
He was too much an invalid to leave alone. 他病得太重,不能没人陪着。
2. 不打扰,不干预
He is busy, we'd better leave him alone. 他正忙着,我们最好不去打扰他。
Leave the puppy alone. 不要惹那只小狗。
3. 更不用说
What a strange thing that she and I ever came to meet, leave alone to marry. 我同她会碰在一起已是够奇怪的,更不要说结婚了。
leave be 不打扰
A: The baby's crying! B: Leave him be; he'll soon stop. 甲:小宝宝哭了! 乙:别管他,他就会停的。
leave behind 1. 不带;忘了带
It's a fine day, you can leave your mac behind. 今天天好,你不用带雨衣。
He went off in a hurry and left behind his latchkey. 他匆匆离开,忘了把大门钥匙带上。
2. 遗留,留下
The great influenza epidemic left behind over 20 million dead. 在那次流行性感冒大传播中死了两千多万人。
What kind of government will he leave behind for his successor? 他将留给他的后任一个什么样的政府呢?
3. 放弃
In their withdrawal, much of the heavy equipment had to be left behind. 他们在撤退中被迫舍弃了许多重型装备。
4. 越过,超过
leave go (of) (或 leave hold of) 放开
Leave go of my hair! 放开我的头发!
leave in 1. (打桥牌时)停在同伴所叫的定约上
2. 让…留下
The damper was left in overnight to prevent the fire from burning out. 为防止炉火烧尽,风门整夜关着。
leave it at that 就到此为止,别再说什么(或做什么)
We'll leave it at that. You will pay half the expenses. 这事就这样吧。你得付一半费用。
leave it out 英口住手,停下
leave much (或 a lot, a great deal) to be desired 极不完善
The system of water supply in the city leaves much to be desired. 这座城市的供水系统有许多地方需要改进。
leave nothing to be desired 完美无缺,十全十美
His solution to the problem leaves nothing to be desired.他解决这一问题的办法十分圆满。
1. 停止,中断
The rain hasn't left off. 雨未停。
It's time to leave off work. 是歇工的时候了。
They had to leave off fishing. 他们不得不停止钓鱼。
2. 不再做(或用,穿);戒除(习惯)
It had stopped raining, so we left off our raincoats. 雨停了,因而我们脱了雨衣。
They would not leave off their wild habits. 他们不愿改掉野蛮的习惯。
3. 放弃
leave out 1. 遗漏;省略;排除
She left out an important detail in her account. 她在叙述中漏掉了一个重要的细节。
2. 不理会;忽视
He felt a little left out. 他觉得有点受冷落。
3. 使留在露天
You can leave your car out tonight. 今晚你可以把汽车停在露天。
4. 结束一天的工作
The school leaves out at four o'clock. 学校4时放学。
5. 主美方离开
leave out in a buggy 乘轻便马车启程
leave over 1. 剩下
German mustard-gas bombs left over from World War II 第二次世界大战中留下的德国制芥子气毒气弹
2. 把…留待后用;使延期
We'll leave this pie over for tomorrow. 我们把这块馅饼留到明天吃。
These matters will have to be left over until our next meeting. 这些事得推迟到下次会议上讨论。
leave sb. cold (或 cool) 引不起某人兴趣
The idea of going to school left him cold. 想到要去上学他的心凉了半截。
leave sb. to himself 不要支配某人;听某人自便
He argued that when the economy is left to itself, industrial efficiency and economic success automatically follow. 他争辩说,听任经济自由发展时,工业效益和经济成果就自然而然地接踵而来。
leave sb. with 1. 给某人留下(感觉等)
The dog's experiences left him with a deep distrust for mankind. 这条狗的经历使它对人类产生一种深深的不信任。
Thirty years managing manufacturing industries left him with experience.经营制造业30年使他积累了经验。
2. 使某人负有(责任等)
leave sth. to be desired 不够完美,有待改进
leave sth. unsaid 不明说某事
Some things are better left unsaid. 对有些事情还是不说为佳。
leave well alone (或leave well enough alone) 不要画蛇添足,不要弄巧成拙;不如维持现状
He polished up his car until his friends warned him to leave well enough alone. 他把汽车擦个不停,直到朋友们告诫他不要擦得过了头才住手。




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