

单词 leave²
释义 leave² /liːv/ n. | phr.
1. 许可,准许
He asked leave of the landlord to use his telephone. 他请求房东允许他使用电话。
I beg leave to go. 我请求离去。
You have my leave to stay away from the office tomorrow. 我允许你明天不来上班。
2. 准假;假期;休假;假日
ask for 48 hours' leave 请假48小时
ten days' leave 10天的假期
have only two leaves in six years 6年中只有两次休假
How much leave have you accumulated? 你积了多少休假?
3. 告别;离开
[<OE lēaf, 与OE alÿfan to permit, MHG loube permission 有关]
phr. by (或 with) your leave 请允许我;对不起(常在冒昧行事或说不受欢迎的话时用)
By (或 With) your leave, I'll shut this window, I'm feeling the draught. 请原谅,我觉得有过堂风,想把窗户关上。
get one's leave 被解雇
leave of absence 准假
ask for leave of absence 请假
go without leave of absence 未经准假擅自离开
neither with your leave nor by your leave 不管你喜欢不喜欢
on leave 在休假中,请了假
He went home on leave. 他休假回家。
a sailor on shore leave 获准离船上岸的水手
He is on leave from his newspaper for the campaign. 他为了参加竞选运动,请了假不去报社上班。
take Frenchleave 见 French leave
take leave of one's senses 发疯;行为不正常
They must have taken leave of their collective senses for getting things so wrong. 他们把事情弄得如此糟糕,一定全昏了头。
take leave to do sth. 冒昧做某事,擅自做某事
take (one's) leave (of) (向…)告别;(从…)离开
The guests took their leave.客人们告辞了。
The messenger bowed and took leave of the queen. 信使鞠躬向女王告辞。
We took our leave of the city. 我们离开了那座城市。
without a “with your leave” or a “by your leave擅自,不征得同意




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