

单词 lay¹
释义 lay¹ /leɪ/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (laid /leɪd/)

1. 置放,搁;放下
lay a pen on a desk 把笔放在书桌上
The cards are laid face up on the table. 纸牌正面朝上摊在桌上。
lay emphasis (或 weight, stress) on sth. 把重点放在某事上
2. 把…放下使休息,使躺下
lay a child gently in its crib 轻手轻脚把孩子放到小床里睡觉
3. 把…放在特定位置
lay a finger on one's lips 把手指放在嘴唇上(示意禁声)
The horse laid his ears back. 马竖起了耳朵。
lay the rifle against a tree 把步枪倚树放着
4. 使倒伏;击倒
The tornado laid the house flat. 龙卷风把房屋刮倒了。
A blow laid him to the ground. 他被一下击倒在地。
5. 使平伏;使(忧虑等)平息,驱除
lay the clouds of dust with a spray of water 喷水使尘埃不再成团飞扬
These fears ought now to be laid. 这些疑惧现在可以平息了。
lay a ghost 驱鬼
lay a rumour 辟谣
6. 埋葬
She was laid in a country churchyard. 她葬在乡村教堂墓地。
7. 敷设;把…放入土中
lay a pipeline (a cable) 敷设管道(电缆)
The terrorists laid mines near the pipelines. 恐怖分子们在管道附近埋了炸药。
The Mayor laid the foundation stone. 市长奠基。
lay seeds 下种
8. 铺放;铺,覆盖
lay the keel of a new liner 为一艘新邮轮铺放龙骨
lay a superhighway 铺筑高速公路
lay mats on the floor (或 lay the floor with mats) 在地板上铺地席
lay a cover on a bed 铺床罩
She is busy laying turf. 她正忙着铺草皮。
laid work 贴线刺绣品
9. 设置(陷阱等);布置(餐桌等)
lay a trap (an ambush) 设陷阱(埋伏)
lay a trail (用小标志物或食物残屑等)在地面上留下踪迹
lay the table 摆好餐具准备开饭
I'm not laying a place at table for him. 我不准备在餐桌上给他安排一个位置。
Tea is laid. 午茶已上桌准备好了。
lay a fire in the fireplace 在壁炉里放好燃料准备生火
10. 把…安放妥帖;砌(砖)
lay bricks 砌砖
The tiles were laid in a geometric pattern. 瓷砖砌成几何图案。
11. (股索)成绳;搓编(绳等)
lay up rope (cable) 编绳(缆)
12. 压平,把…弄平整
lay the nap of cloth 压平布的绒毛
13. (为特定目的以某一平面为对象或目标)用上,施以
lay a coat of paint 涂上一层漆
lay a whip (a stick) on sb.'s back 用鞭抽(棍打)某人背部
lay a blow on sb.'s jaw 拳打某人的下巴
14. 使处于特定状态
lay fallow (waste) the land 使土地休闲(荒芜)
The town was laid in ruins. 这个城镇成了一片废墟。
lay sb. under obligation 使某人负有义务
15. (故事等)设置特定地点场景
The first act was laid at a country estate. 第一幕的场景是座乡间庄园。
16. 设计;制定;奠定(基础等)
The prisoners laid an escape plan. 囚犯们谋划越狱。
The conference laid the basis for a series of annual gatherings. 这次会议为后来一系列的年会奠定了基础。
17. (laid 或 layed) (赌注),赌(钱等);就…打赌;同…打赌
He layed $10 on the horse. 他在这匹马身上下注10美元。
I'll lay my life on it. 我愿以生命就此打赌。
I'll lay you ten to one that he will win. 我以一赔十跟你打赌,他准赢。
18. (负担、处罚、税、责任、命令等)加诸于 (on);归(罪)于;把…归咎于 (on, to)
lay a fine 罚款
lay an embargo 实施禁运
19. 提出(声明、控告等);提交(事实、问题等)主英(议案、报告等)提交下议院讨论;(原告)提出(赔偿金额)
lay claim to property 提出对财产的权利要求
Your employer has laid a serious charge of manslaughter against you. 你的雇主已对你提出杀人这一严重指控。
He laid his case before the commission. 他把自己的情况和理由向委员会提出申诉。
20. (卵),下(蛋)(飞机)(弹)(飞机)施放(烟幕)
A turtle lays many eggs at one time. 乌龟一次产许多卵。
21. (犬)循迹追猎
lay hounds on a scent 放猎犬群循臭迹追猎
22. 调节(火炮等)至瞄准位置
23. 驶到看不见(陆地等)的地方
24. 使(船)向某方位行驶;使(船)转到某一位置
lay a vessel alongside the wharf 使船横靠码头
25. 与…交媾
1. 产卵,下蛋
The hens aren't laying in winter. 这些母鸡冬天不下蛋。
2. 打赌
lay with sb. on sth. 同某人就某事打赌
3. 全力以赴;狠打
He laid to his oars. 他奋力划桨。
4. 非规范躺;斜倚
He often lays in bed all the morning. 他经常整个上午躺在床上。
5. 计划,想要;作准备
lay for a chance to escape 筹划出逃的机会
They were laying to rob a bank. 他们正策划抢银行。
6. 就位;定向
lay aft 到船尾就位
lay aloft 上桅
lay close to the wind 接近顶风行驶

II n.
1. [(the) lay] 放置方式;放置方向;位置;地形走向;地理形势
The lay of the ground blocked the view of the sea. 地形阻隔了视线使人无法看见大海。
2. 层,层面
3. 隐藏处,掩蔽处
4. 绳索质地(指索股股数、索股纹路、绳股纤维);绳索绞向;缆绳绞距
a left lay 绳索的左绞
5. (捕鲸船等处用以代替工资的)捕获物分红
6. 美口(雇用、买卖等的)条件
sell sth. at a good lay 以好价钱售出某物
7. (行动)方针
8. 主英俚(尤指可疑的)行当,行业;职业;偷盗,拦劫
be found on one's old lay 被发现干起老本行来了
9. 产卵,下蛋
a hen coming into lay 快下蛋的母鸡
10. 交媾;性交的女方
an easy lay (随便同人发生性关系的)烂污女人
[<OE lecgan; 与 licgan to lie² 有关]
phr. in lay (母鸡等)在产卵期的
lay about (one) 1. (尤指持棍棒等)向周围乱打;四面出击
He began laying about among them with his stick. 他开始抡棒打他们。
2. 奋力干
How they laid about them to fulfill the task! 他们是何等竭尽全力来完成这一任务啊!
3. 设法
lay about sb. (尤指持棍棒等)狠揍某人;猛烈攻击某人
lay about the boys with whips 用鞭狠抽那些男孩
lay aside 1. 把…放在一边;把…搁置一旁
She laid aside her knitting to rest her eyes for a moment. 她把编织活放在一边,休息一下眼睛。
Lay aside your magazine; it is dinner time. 把你的杂志放一放,该吃饭了。
2. 把…储存以供后用;留存
It is difficult to lay aside money now because of the inflation. 由于通货膨胀现在存些钱不容易。
3. 放弃;停止使用(或实行)
Now that his sons are growing up, certain of his responsibilities can be laid aside. 儿子们正长大成人,所以他可以卸掉一些责任了。
lay aside their differences 放弃他们间的不同意见
lay at 对准…打;攻击
lay away 1. 把…储存起来
She laid a little of her pay away each month. 她每月储蓄一点工资。
2. 主美保留(货物)俟货款累积付清交货
3. [常用被动语态]埋葬
He was laid away in his native village. 他被安葬在出生的村子里。
lay back 1. 使向后倾斜
2. 放松
lay by 1. 储存
They've a little money laid by for emergencies. 他们积了一点钱应急。
2. 把…放在一起;把…搁置一旁
3. 美方(作物)进行最后一道田间管理;对(田地)作最后一次中耕
4. 收割(作物);收割后贮藏(谷物等)
5. (使) (船)顶风停住
lay down 1. 放下;放弃
lay down one's arms 放下武器(指投降)
lay down an office 辞职
lay down hopes 抛弃希望
2. 牺牲;献出
lay down one's life for the cause of independence 为祖国独立事业献出生命
3. 阐述,说明;强制性宣称
The umpire laid down the conditions for settling the dispute. 仲裁者阐明了解决争端的条件。
rules laying down what is allowable 阐明可允行为的诸规定
4. 规定;制定
lay down a rule (guidelines, a scale for a map) 制定规则(准则,地图的比例尺)
These prices have been laid down by the manufacturers. 这些价钱已由制造商们确定。
5. 辞职;退出;屈服
force sb. to laydown 逼迫某人辞职
lay down on the prosecution of a swindler 撤回对诈骗犯的起诉
lay down to a coward 向胆小鬼屈服
6. 储存;(在地窑中)贮藏(酒等)
Father laid down a few good bottles before the war. 父亲在战前贮藏了几瓶好酒。
7. (钱)作为赌注;偿付(钱)
8. (开始)建造(轮船、铁路等)
lay down a new ship 建造一艘新船
lay down a concrete causeway 修筑一条水泥堤道
9. 在纸上记下(图表等)
On the map the drains of each field are laid down. 地图上标有每一块地的排水沟。
10. (田); 种(作物);变(田地)为牧场
He laid his melons down. 他把瓜种下。
This field will be laid down to (或 in, with, under) grass next year. 这块地明年要改作草场。
11. 把…对准目标
lay down a barrage 使齐射火力网对准目标
12. 触击
13. 录制(音乐)
14. (爵士音乐用语)(拍子)
lay for 埋伏着等待
The bandits laid for the policemen along the road. 匪徒埋伏在路边准备袭击警察。
lay in 储备,储存
We must lay in food for the party. 我们必须为宴会准备好食物。
They laid in a good supply of coal in the summer. 他们在夏季储存了足够的煤。
lay into
1. 狠打
The two fighters laid into each other as soon as the bell rang. 铃声一响,两个拳击手就使劲对打起来。
2. 责骂;攻击
The senator laid into the opponents of his bill. 参议员激烈攻击反对他所提的议案的人。
3. 大嚼(食物);大口狂饮
lay it on (thick)
1. 露骨地吹捧;过分地责备
To call him a genius is laying it on a bit too thick! 称他为天才有点言过其实了!
He laid it on thick to his rich aunt. 他拼命奉承他那有钱的姑姑。
2. 漫天要价
3. 痛打;严惩
lay (it) on with a trowel 露骨地吹捧;言过其实
lay it on with a trowel to sb. 把某人捧上天
He laid on the horror with a trowel and made everybody feel sick. 他过分地渲染恐怖场面,使大家觉得恶心。
lay low 见 low¹
1. (衣服等)放在一边
lay off one's coat 把外衣放在一边
2. 解雇;使下岗
They laid us off (work) for three months. 他们解雇我们3个月。
The firm had to lay off 100 men. 公司只得解雇100名工人。
3. (暂时)停止打扰(或取笑、批评、干涉等);不理会(某人);戒绝;停止;停下休息
Lay off hitting me! 住手,别再打我了!
Lay off me, will you? 别管我,好不好?
His doctor told him to lay off cigarettes. 医生叫他戒烟。
lay off the use of violence 停止使用暴力
He laid off and went home. 他歇工回家。
4. 划出…的界线;放样,划线
He laid off a baseball diamond on the vacant lot. 他在空地上划出一块棒球场。
lay off sales jurisdictions 划分销售市场
5. (赌场老板为减少风险)(赌注)部分转移至另一赌场老板处;两面下(注)
6. (球)
lay off with (女人)睡觉(指交媾)
lay on 1. 涂抹(颜料等)
lay on a second coat of paint 再涂一层漆
2. 主英组织,安排(茶点、娱乐活动等);提供(交通工具等)
The government laid on an enormous state dinner in honour of the visiting premier. 政府为来访的总理设盛大国宴。
I'll lay on a car tomorrow and have you run down to London. 我明天将安排一辆轿车送你去伦敦。
3. 安装(煤气、水、电等)
We had electricity laid on. 我们叫人接好了电。
4. 猛打;打击;给予(打击等);挥动(鞭子等)
lay on with great energy 用力打
5. (税);把(惩罚等)加诸于;归(罪)
lay a tax on liquor 征酒税
lay the blame (for sth.) on sb. (把某事)归罪于某人
6. (牛等)(肉);增加(体重)
Well-bred sheep lay on flesh quick. 精心饲养的羊长肉快。
lay 10 pounds on in a month 一个月增加了10磅体重
7. 主英雇;租
8. 美俚把…给予
Lay the skin on me. 跟我握握手。
lay advice on sb. 给某人以劝告
lay oneself (或 sb.) open 使自己(某人)易遭攻击(或指责等)
It lays you open to some suspicion. 这容易引起别人对你的怀疑。
The phrase laid itself open to a charge of extreme unorthodoxy. 这句话容易引起指责,被认为极端离经叛道。
lay oneself out 尽力
lay out 1. 摊开(衣物等)
His dinner jacket was already laid out on the bed. 他的晚礼服已摊开在床上。
He selected the right chisels from a pile laid out beside him. 他从身边摊开的一堆凿子中挑出合用的几把。
2. 展开;阐明
The president laid out his views in a speech this week. 总统在本星期的一次演讲中摆出了自己的观点。
3. (根据计划)安排;布置(场地、花园等);筹划,策划;设计
lay out a programme 安排具体方案
lay out a garden 布置花园
I have a job laid out for you. 我已给你安排好一份工作。
lay out an election campaign 筹划竞选运动
lay out a front page 设计头版版面
The architect laid out the interior of the building. 建筑师设计了房屋的内部结构。
4. (大笔的钱);捐(款);投(资)
He had to lay out all he had on the airline tickets. 他得花去所有的钱买飞机票。
I'm going to lay out £500 in fittings for my shop. 我准备花费500英镑装备我的商店。
lay out a capital of two hundred francs 投资200法郎
5. (尸体)作殡葬准备
lay out a corpse 殓尸
6. 责骂;非难;惩罚
7. 击倒;打昏;(在足球等比赛中)使暂时不能发挥作用
A stiff right to the jaw laid the boxer out in the second round. 第二回合时这拳击手下颚挨了右手重拳被打昏了。
lay out a valuable element in the opposing team 把对方球队的主力踢倒在地
8. 杀死
Eclecticism almost laid him out. 折衷主义险些要了他的命。
9. (工件)划线
lay over 1. 涂;铺;覆盖
The dome of the building has been laid over with a gilding of gold. 建筑物的圆顶镀了金。
2. 作短暂停留
We had to lay over here for two hours waiting for a plane to New York. 我们只得在这里停留两小时,等待去纽约的飞机。
3. 使延期
The vote will have to be laid over until next week. 投票不得不推迟到下周举行。
4. 胜过;优于
It lays over anything else of the kind. 它比同类其他东西都好。
lay to 1. (功、罪)
The disaster was laid to faulty inspection. 灾祸被归咎于检查不当。
2. 努力干
He picked up a shovel and laid to with the others. 他拿起铲子同大家一起大干。
3. (使)(船)顶风停住
The captain decided to lay to until the fog lifted. 那位船长决定在雾散之前顶风停驶。
4. (船)进坞(或避风港)
lay to rest (或 sleep) 1. 埋葬
They laid him to rest. 他们把他安葬了。
2. 消除(疑惧等);结束;忘却
The rumour was laid to rest. 谣言平息了。
lay up 1. 储存
Bees lay up honey for the winter. 蜜蜂为过冬储存蜂蜜。
He's laid up no end of trouble for himself. 他自找了无穷无尽的麻烦。
2. [常用被动语态]使因病(或伤残)卧床(或在家休养)
The skier was laid up with a twisted knee. 滑雪运动员扭伤了膝,在家休养。
Have you been laid up with anything serious lately? 最近你是不是得了什么重病一直在家休息?
3. [常用被动语态] (因修理、清洗或报废而)使(船等)不被使用;使(船)进入船坞(修理等)
I lay up a car for the winter. 我在冬天把汽车搁置不用。
The ship was laid up for repairs. 船进坞检修。
4. 高尔夫击近障碍物
the kid (或 kinchin) lay 对送货小厮的拦劫




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