

单词 law¹
释义 law¹ /lɔː/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. 法律,法
abide by the law 守法
violate the law 违法
remain within the law 言行不逾越法律
be prosecuted under federal law 根据联邦法被起诉
enact (或 make) new laws 制订新的法律
The law on inheritance gave daughters and sons equality. 有关遗产继承的法律对儿子和女儿一视同仁。
The dictator considers himself above the law. 独裁者认为自己可凌驾于法律之上。
2. 法制
English law is different from French law. 英国的法制有别于法国的法制。
3. 法的威力;法律的制约;(社会民众的)守法
maintain law and order 维持法律与秩序
4. 法律体系,法律系统,法统
a court of law 法院
5. 法学;法律学;法律知识
study law in the university 在大学里学法律(注意:英国用法多作 study the law)
graduate from law school and acquire a law degree (或 a degree in law) 从法学院毕业并获得法学学位
His law is good. 他的法律知识很不错。
6. 法律,权威性断言;权威制约;权威
His word is law (with her). 他的话(对于她)就是法律。
The unruly child obeys no law. 这个顽皮不驯的孩子无法无天。
7. (某一特定领域的)法规
pass (write) a new investment law 通过(起草)一项新的投资法
the law of the sea 海洋法
libel laws 处置诽谤罪的法律
8. (与衡平法相对而言的)普通法,习惯法,不成文法
9. [the law]司法界;法律行业,律师业
enter the law 进入司法界
He left the Government and returned to private law practice. 他离开政界,重新开业做律师。
a law firm 律师事务所
10. [常作 the law]执法者;警察,警官;(美国的)民选县治安官;探员;监狱看守
He went out of the house to meet the law. 他走出屋子去见执法官。
The law arrived just in time to catch the armed robber. 警察及时赶到,逮住武装劫匪。
Two law came up to me and grabbed hold of me. 两名警察走上前来,一把抓住了我。
11. 诉讼
have recourse to the law 诉诸法律
I dared him to take me to law. 我问他敢不敢与我公堂相见。
12. (由最高立法机关通过并与宪法相别而言的)法令,法案
a congressional law 一项国会立法
13. 符合现行法规的事物;合法行为
It may be common sense, but it is not law. 这可能合乎常理,但并不合乎现行法律。
14. 规律;法则;定律;规律性
the law of supply and demand 供求律(或供需法则)
Where they saw chance, we see law. 前人偶然的发现在今人眼里皆是规律。
15. [常作 laws]规则
the laws of poetry 诗律
the laws of the game 比赛规则
the laws of grammar 语法规则
16. 守则;惯例;习俗
the laws of hospitality 殷勤待客之道
the laws of health 养生之道
Having a good breakfast was an absolute law in the household. 在这个家庭中有个惯例,那就是早餐一定要吃好吃饱。
17. 本能
the law of self-preservation 自我保护的本能
18. (数学、逻辑学等的)定理
19. 戒律;[the L-](摩西)律法;律法书,摩西五经(基督教《圣经·旧约》之前5卷)(基督教《圣经》中的)律法;[常作L-]天道
20. (赛跑时让较弱的对手或打猎时让于被猎动物的)先跑时间(或距离);宽限期
A hare is allowed law. 野兔被放出先跑。(指然后再驱猎犬追赶)
21. 恣意放纵

II vi.
1. 主方对…起诉
I won't law you; I'll shoot you. 我不会去法院告你,我要开枪打死你。
2. 伪装警察对…犯罪
3. (动物)致残使之就范
[< OE lagu < Scan; 与 Icel lög things laid down, law 有关]
phr. a law unto oneself (无视惯例而)一意孤行者
That institution has become a haughty law unto itself. 那个机构已成为目无法纪、一意孤行的独立王国。
at law 根据法律,通过法律手段
get one's money back at law 通过法律手段收回自己的钱
be bred to the law 被培养成律师
be good (bad) law (决定、意见等)符合(违反)法律
be within (outside 或beyond) the law (不合)法;在(超出)法律范畴
follow (或 go in for) the law 做律师;准备做律师
give the law to 将本人意志强加于
go to law 向法院提起诉讼,打官司
go to law against sb. 向法院控告某人
The partners decided to go to law to settle the matter. 合伙者们决定通过诉讼来解决问题。
have the law of (或 on) 对…起诉
in law 根据法律
lay down the law 1. 权威性地表态;严令
lay down the law on a question 就一个问题立下规矩
The teacher lays down the law about homework every afternoon. 教师每天下午严格规定学生的家庭作业。
2. (自以为是地)发号施令
3. 呵责
The teacher laid down the law to the two boys who skipped classes. 教师对逃课的两名学生严加斥责。
Necessity knows no law. 见 necessity
read law 学法律;准备当律师
sod's law 铁定的规律,注定的结果
strain (或 stretch) the law 歪曲法律
take the law into one's own hands (或 fists) 不通过法律擅自处理;不顾法律而自行用武力报复
take the law of (或 on) = have the law of (或 on)
There is no law against it. 这没什么不对的。




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