释义 |
lat·ter /ˈlætə(r)/ a. 1. [the latter] (通常指两者之间)后者的 Of ham and beef, the latter meat is cheaper today. 就火腿和牛肉而言,眼下牛肉比较便宜。 Jack and Bill are twins, but the latter is taller than the former. 杰克和比尔是孪生兄弟,不过比尔个子比杰克高。 Of pigs and cows, the latter are more valuable. 在猪和母牛两者之间,后者比较值钱。(在三者或三者以上作比较时用 the last-named, the last-mentioned 或 the last 指末项较普通) 2. (一段时间或一个时期的)后一半的;接近终了的 He spent the latter part of his life in Oxford. 他的后半生是在牛津度过的。 during the latter half of the nineteenth century 在19世纪下半叶 the latter days of summer 夏末 3. (时间或顺序上)较后的 the latter stages of a process 一种工序的后面几个阶段 4. 近来的;现在的 He was the sort of admirer she had been having in these latter years. 他是她近几年来不断遇到的那种爱慕者。 in these latter days 当今(in former times 之对) 5. 〈废〉最后的 sb.'s latter gasp 某人的最后一口气 [< OE lættra, 比较级 < læt late; 此是旧比较级形式,现在的形式是 later] |