释义 |
lard /lɑːd/ n. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 猪油 2. 〈口〉(人体的)多余脂肪
II vt. 1. (烹调前)把肥猪肉(或腌肉片)嵌于(肉或家禽)中 2. 搽油于,涂油于(食物等) 3. (用比喻、专业词汇等)润色(作品、谈话等) (with) The book is well larded with anecdotes. 书中穿插了不少轶闻趣事。 The sailors' language was richly larded with oaths. 水手的言语中搀杂着不少骂人话。 [OFr<L lāridum bacon fat<largus large] phr. lard in(to) 插入 (广告等)All of the commercials are larded into a short period after the news. 所有的商业广告都插在新闻节目以后的短时间内播映。 |