

单词 lapse
释义 lapse /læps/ n. | vi. | vt.
I n.
1. 小错,失误,差错
a lapse of the tongue (pen)(笔)
a lapse of memory 记错
a lapse in manners 失礼行为
a spelling lapse 拼写上的小错
2. (时间的)流逝,推移;间隔
the rapid lapse of time 时间的飞逝
with the lapse of time 随着时间的推移
He returned to college after a lapse of five years. 隔了5年他重回大学学习。
3. (兴趣等的)减退;(来源等的)减少;(地位、水平等方面的)下降;(信心等的)丧失
a lapse in the supply of college graduates during the war years 战争年代大学毕业生来源的减少
a lapse from high office 降职
a sudden lapse of confidence 信心的突然丧失
a lapse from grace 失宠
4. 陷入(或进入)(某种状态) (into)
a lapse into silence 陷入沉默
a lapse into crime 滑入犯罪的泥坑
a lapse into premature senility 未老先衰
5. (对正道等的)背离;堕落
a lapse from faith 背教
a moral lapse 道德上的堕落
6. (权利、所有权等的)消灭,丧失;(契约等的)失效;(由于不缴付保险费所引起的)保险中止
The lapse of his claim to the land was his own fault. 他丧失对那块土地的要求权是由于他自己的过错。
the lapse of a lease 租约的失效
7. 废弃;中断
the lapse of a custom 习俗的废除
resume payment after a lapse during the war 在战争期间一度停止后又恢复支付
8. (水的)缓缓流过
9. 塌陷;毁灭
10. (大气层温度、气压等的)直减,递减

II vi.
1. 失误;出差错
2. (时间)流逝;(船等)滑行,滑过;(水等)缓缓流过
Ten years have lapsed since we last met. 自从我们上次会面以来,已经过去10年了。
The mighty river lapses slowly onwards. 大江缓慢地向前流去。
3. (兴趣等)减退;(在地位、水平等方面)下降
His enthusiasm soon lapsed. 他的热情很快减退了。
This singer has recently lapsed from her formerly high standard of performance. 这位歌手的演唱水平过去很高,近来有所下降。
4. 陷入(或进入)某种状态 (into)
lapse into bad habits 沾染坏习气
The audience lapsed into silence when the speech began. 演说开始后听众安静下来。
lapse into dreaminess 堕入恍惚迷离的境界
lapse back into sleep 重新入睡
lapse back into barbarism 倒退到野蛮状态
He lapsed into his native dialect when he returned home. 他回到家就又说家乡话了。
5. 背离正道;背弃信仰 (from)
lapse from good behaviour 行为失检
I lapsed many years ago. 我多年前就不信教了。
6. (权利、所有权等由于不行使、未履行义务等原因而)消灭,丧失;(契约等)失效;(保险契约由于不缴付保险费而)中止保险;(遗赠由于受遗赠人在立遗嘱人未死亡之前死亡而)失效,转归他人
His claim to the land lapsed because he forgot to pay the rent. 他由于忘了交付地租而丧失对土地的要求权。
7. 终止;消失,不复存在
Conversation lapsed for lack of anything to say. 由于没有什么话可说,谈话冷场了。
Your subscription to The Globe has lapsed. 你订阅的《环球报》已到期。
The custom lapsed many years ago. 这种习俗多年前就不存在了。
1. 使失效
2. 丧失
lapse a right 丧失一种权利
lapse one's membership 丧失会员资格
[<L lāpsus error<lābî to glide]




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