

单词 land
释义 land /lænd/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. 陆地;地面,天体(如月球)上的地面
travel by land 陆路旅行
nuclear forces on land 地面核部队
2. 土地,田地
wet (rich, arable, usable) land 潮湿的(肥沃的,适于耕作的,可用的)土地
This land is good for growing vegetables. 这地适宜种植蔬菜。
a piece of land 一块土地
till the land 耕作田地
3. 地产;地皮;田产
invest in land 投资于地产
divide lands among heirs 把地产分给各继承人
They own much land in Florida. 他们在佛罗里达州拥有很多地产。
4. 自然资源
5. 国家;国土;地区
one's native land 祖国
a distant land 一个遥远的国度(或地区)
He lived in many lands. 他曾在许多国家居住过。
6. 领域,范围
7. 人民;民族
The land rose in rebellion against the conqueror. 人民起来造反,反对征服者。
8. 地域,地带;境界
a desolate rocky land 一个荒凉多岩石的地域
desert (forest) land 沙漠(森林)地带
In this zone lie the dry lands. 在这区域内有一个干旱地带。
in the land of dreams 在梦境中
9. [the land]农业地区,农村;农村生活;农业工作
He's the only one of the family to take to the land. 他是家庭中惟一从事农业的成员。
Many people left the land for jobs in town. 许多人离开农村到城里谋求工作。
He decided to return to the land from his city job. 他决定辞去城市的工作回乡务农。
10. (用犁沟隔开的)一块田地;未耕作的一块地
11. [lands](南非)庄园中的耕地
12. 刀棱(面)(塑料模塑设备中的)溢料面;(枪炮的)阳膛线;(唱片的)槽脊
13. [用于感叹句]上帝,主
We've only got another week, for land's sake. 天啊!现在我们只剩下一星期了。
My land! If he sees me here he'll kill me. 天啊!如果他看到我在这儿,准会把我宰了。

II vi.
1. 靠岸,靠陆;(飞机或宇宙飞船等)着陆
The ship landed at the pier on Saturday. 船在星期六靠码头。
At noon the plane landed at the local airport. 中午时分,飞机在当地机场降落。
2. 上岸,登陆;下机
The marines landed at noon. 海军陆战队在中午登陆。
You'll land in Haneda Airport, Tokyo at six in the evening. 晚上6时你将在东京羽田机场下机。
3. 落下;跌下;碰到地面
The ball landed in the pool. 球落到水塘里去了。
His eyes landed on me. 他的目光落在我身上。
Blow after blow landed on the boy's head. 拳头接二连三落在小男孩的头上。
The egg slipped from the spoon but landed safely on the plate. 鸡蛋从调羹滑落,但安然掉在盘子上。
land on one's head (hands) 头部(双手)着地
4. 停止;到达;陷入
The bird landed on the branch. 鸟儿落在枝头。
I took the wrong bus and landed on the other side of town. 我乘错了公共汽车,因而到了城市的另一头。
They landed at the theatre too late. 他们到达剧院太迟了。
land in trouble 陷入困境
I landed in hospital with my old back injury. 我因背部旧伤住院。
The project landed in the hands of John. 工程落到了约翰的手里。
His mood darkened as each new report landed in front of him. 随着每份新报告的送达,他的心绪越来越阴沉。
1. 使靠岸;使上岸,使登陆;使降落;使下车;(从船上)卸下
land the spacecraft 使宇宙飞船降落
Who will land the first men on Mars? 谁将首先把人送上火星?
land the cargo 将货物卸下
2. 使到达;把…送到(某地)
The car will land you there in twenty minutes. 汽车将在20分钟内把你送到那里。
3. 使处于;使陷于;使陷于困境
His refusal to pay his debts landed him in prison. 他因拒绝偿还债务而入狱。
An attack of hepatitis landed her in a London hospital. 肝炎使她住进了伦敦的一家医院。
I landed myself in an argument with him. 我使自己陷于和他争论的尴尬境地。
4. 赢得;得到;找到;捞到
land a contract 揽得一份合同
land a trophy 赢得奖杯
land the nomination 获得提名
He landed four goals in the game. 他在比赛中射进4个球。
The coach hoped to land two first-class players. 教练希望得到两名第一流的球员。
land a job as a bank clerk 找到一份银行职员的工作
She has landed more than twenty TV-drama roles in six years. 6年里她谋得在20多部电视剧里扮演角色的机会。
5. 抓住;钓上(鱼等)
The child landed half a dozen trout. 这孩子钓到了6尾鳟鱼。
6. (一拳)
I landed a blow on his chin. 我朝他下巴打了一拳。
They were landing punches pretty even. 他们相互拳击对方,不分上下。
She landed him one in the eye. 她在他眼睛上打了一拳。
phr. how the land lies 事态,形势,概貌
He wants to see how the land lies before taking any action. 他要弄清情况之后再采取行动。
land all over 责骂,痛斥
His boss landed all over him because of his carelessness. 他因疏忽大意受到上司责骂。
Land ho! 看哪,陆地!(航海者见到陆地时的欢呼声)
land o' (或 of) cakes 燕麦饼之乡(指苏格兰,因此地居民多喜食燕麦饼而得此别名)
land of the dead 阴曹,冥府
land of the living 人世;(深居简出、卧病、睡觉等后恢复的)正常活动
The widow returned to the land of the living by accepting an invitation to our party. 那位寡妇接受我们请她参加晚会的邀请,从而恢复了同外界的接触。
land on 1. 美口责骂,痛斥
Mary landed on Robert for dressing carelessly. 玛丽因罗伯特衣冠不整而责骂他。
2. (飞机)降落在航空母舰甲板上
The planes took off and landed on without difficulty, completely independent of the sea. 飞机在航空母舰上起降自如,完全不受海浪的影响。
land on one's feet 见 foot
land onto sb. = land sb. with
land sb. With(负担)推给某人;硬要某人承担(责任)
Someone has landed me with the job of fixing hotel rooms for the visitors. 有人把代订旅馆客房的苦差事交给了我。
I'm landed with his doves for the next six weeks. 在以后6个星期中我得负责照料他的那些鸽子。
land up 1. (用土)(或围、盖、塞);使淤塞
The channel has been partly landed up. 航道已部分淤塞。
2. (旅行或在一段经历后)抵达
He landed up in Paris. 他抵达巴黎。
3. 最终;终于落到某种处境
After knocking about the world for a few years, he landed up teaching in his hometown. 他在世界各地漫游了几年以后,最终回到故乡执教。
Be careful or you'll land up in jail. 小心点,要不然你会落得个锒铛入狱的下场。
land up with 以…告终
live off the land 靠地吃饭,靠狩猎或耕种生活
make land (航行中)发现陆地,看到陆地;到岸
[OE; 与 OHG lant, OIr land open space 有关]




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