释义 |
lag¹ /læɡ/ vi. | vt. | n. | a. | phr. I (lagged; lag·ging) ❶ vi. 1. 走得慢;落后;滞留;延迟 Some of the runners began to lag. 有些赛跑选手开始落后了。 The afternoon lagged by in a slow haze of heat. 下午在炎热中慢慢过去了。 Business continued to lag. 市面仍然萧条。 2. 减弱;衰退 Interest in the project began to lag. 对这项计划的兴趣开始减退。 The President is making certain that the peace momentum does not lag. 总统在努力确保和平的势头不致减退。 Conversation lagged and the silences got longer. 谈兴渐衰,冷场越来越长。 The thought of escaping spurred his lagging senses. 脱逃的念头使他有些麻木的神经兴奋起来。 3. 【物】滞后 4. (弹子戏)将弹子掷(或弹)至目标线以决定弹击顺序 5. 【台】(为决定击球顺序而)撞球 ❷ vt. 1. 落后于 He lags the others in the race. 他在竞赛中落后于他人。 2. 【物】滞后于 3. 【统】定期随…之变而变 Changes in employment tend to lag changes in wholesale prices. 就业状况往往随着批发价格的变化而变化。 4. (向目标)投掷(弹子、钱币等)
II n. 1. 落后;滞后;延缓;延迟;衰退 This work must go forward without lag. 这项工作必须做下去,不得延滞。 a lag in sales 销售呆滞 a lag in production 生产停滞 A definite lag came in business and industry. 工商业出现了明显的衰退。 2. 落后程度;迟滞量 She wondered at how great a lag there was between his thinking and his actions. 她对他的思想和行动之间的距离如此之大感到惊讶。 3. (事件或现象之间的)间歇 The author got nothing from the publisher in the lag between composition and publication. 在排版到出版的间歇里作者从出版商那儿什么也得不到。 4. 落后者;(比赛中的)最后一名,最差者 the lag of all the flock 羊群中最后一头羊 5. (弹子戏)将弹子掷至目标线以决定弹击顺序 6. 【台】撞球以定击球顺序
III a. 1. 最后的 the lag end of one's life 生命的最后一刻 2. 迟的;慢的
phr. lag behind 见 behind [? 与 MDan lakke to go slowly 有关] |