释义 |
knell /nel/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 钟声;丧钟声 The bell sent forth its deepest knell. 钟发出了最深沉的声音。 2. 〈喻〉丧钟,(事物)结束的信号 The knell of her carefree childhood was sounding. 她那无忧无虑的童年快将结束了。 3. 哀伤之声 a knell of sobbing voices 一片凄楚的抽抽搭搭声
II ❶ vi. 1. (钟)缓慢庄严地鸣响;鸣丧钟 2. 预报死亡(或毁灭、失败等) 3. 发出哀伤之声 the owl at its knelling 哀鸣着的猫头鹰 ❷ vt. 1. 敲(钟)报丧(或报灾祸) 2. 敲丧钟召集(或宣告);发出丧钟般的声音召集(或宣告) The surrender knelled the downfall of the tyrant. 投降宣告了暴君的垮台。 [< OE cnyll; 与 MHG knüllen to strike, D knallen to bang¹ 有关] phr. ring (或 sound, toll) the knell of 敲响…的丧钟,宣告…的消灭 (或毁灭)Their refusal rang the knell of our hopes. 他们的拒绝宣告了我们希望的破灭。 |