释义 |
kill¹ /kɪl/ vt. | vi. | n. | a. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 杀死 She killed him with a hammer. 她用𨱍头把他击死。 If I ever find out that you gave me away I'll kill you. 要是有一天我发现你出卖我,我就宰了你。 2. (霜、酷暑等)冻死,枯死(植物) The sun had killed most of the plants. 太阳晒死了大部分植物。 3. (疾病、忧伤、酗酒、战争等)是…的死亡原因;使丧生 Typhoid killed him. 他死于伤寒。 Famine killed thousands. 饥荒使数以千计的人死亡。 be killed in an accident 在意外事故中丧生 4. 屠宰(猪、牛等);宰得(肉) kill pork (beef) 宰得猪肉(牛肉) 5. (在小说等中)让(人物)死去 The author kills the villain in the last chapter. 作者在最后一章中让反面人物死去。 6. 扼杀;消灭,毁灭;使(热情等)完全消失 Television has not killed the cinema yet. 电视尚未扼杀电影。 The flame was killed stone dead. 火焰已被彻底扑灭。 Get a flock of Phantoms airborne and kill that ship now. 马上派一队幻影式飞机起飞去击沉那艘船。 What he said killed all desire for laughter. 他讲的话使笑意全消。 7. 〈口〉勾掉,删除(字、章节等);〈美〉对…不予刊用;【印】拆(版) kill three lines of text 删去3行文字 He refused to kill the insert. 他不同意取消插页。 kill a newspaper story 将一则新闻搁置不用 8. 〈口〉否决,使(议案等)不得通过;撤销,宣布…无效 The veto killed the resolution. 这次否决使那项决议告吹。 If this charge could be proved, the nomination would be killed. 要是这个罪名能被证实,那么提名将被宣布无效。 9. 消除(疼痛、噪音等) use morphine to kill the pain 用吗啡止痛 They put in insulating panels to kill the noise. 他们装上隔音板以消除噪音。 kill odour 消除臭气 10. 破坏,搞糟 The addition of the wrong colour totally killed the portrait. 加涂了那种不协调的颜色后整幅画像都给破坏了。 11. (用碱)中和(酸);抵消(色彩等)的效果 The scarlet carpet kills your curtains. 这条大红地毯使你们的窗帘黯然失色。 The noise killed the music. 噪音淹没了音乐声。 12. 消磨(时间) He drove there to kill a couple of hours. 他驾车去那里消磨一两个小时。 They didn't do much of anything. The day just easily killed itself. 他们没有干多少事。这一天很容易地就打发过去了。 13. 〈口〉使非常痛苦;使极不舒服 By the middle of the afternoon my feet were killing me. 下午还没过去一半,我的脚痛得要死。 My shoes are killing me. 我的鞋轧得我好痛。 14. 〈口〉使筋疲力尽;耗尽…的精力 The heat and the heavy work killed him. 炎热和重活使他精疲力竭。 I was determined to finish the job even if it killed me. 我下定决心,即使把命豁出去也要完成这项工作。 15. 〈口〉使绝倒;使倾倒;使折服;使着迷 That comedian really killed me. 这位喜剧演员真是使我绝倒。 On her first stage appearance she killed the audience. 她首次演出就使全场观众倾倒。 16. (网球、排球等运动中)扣杀;【足】停(球);(赛跑)突然加速甩开(对手) 17. 关掉(发动机、电灯等);截断…的电流;掐灭(烟头) kill the motor to conserve fuel 关掉马达以节省汽油 I killed the light and sat in the dark. 我关掉电灯,坐在暗中。 She killed her cigarette in the ashtray. 她在烟缸里把香烟掐灭。 18. 使(活动等)陷于停顿,使无法继续下去 With this remark he killed further conversation dead. 他的这句话使谈话再也无法继续下去了。 19. 〈口〉喝光(一瓶酒等);吃完 Kill that drink and we'll go. 把这酒喝光,我们就走。 Did you kill your dinner? 你的晚餐都吃光了没有? 20. 【冶】使脱氧 ❷ vi. 1. 引起死亡,致死;杀人 Be careful, words may kill. 说话要审慎,言语会致人于死地的。 Thou shalt not kill. 不许杀人。(《圣经》中摩西十诫之一) 2. 被杀死;(植物)被冻死,被枯死 an animal that kills easily 容易被杀死的动物 These plants may kill in winter. 这些植物冬天可能会冻死。 3. (猪、牛等)适于屠宰 The ox killed well. 那头牛宰杀后得到的肉很多。 4. 使对方佩服得五体投地;产生不可抗拒的后果
II n. 1. 杀死;捕杀;杀人 The hunter's kill was swift and sure. 这位猎人捕杀猎物又快又准。 be indicted for a kill in the downtown of the city 因在市中心区杀人而被提起公诉 2. 被杀死的动物;[总称] (一次狩猎、一个狩猎季节或一段时间中的)猎获物 The lioness took her kill back to her cubs. 那头母狮把咬死的动物拖回去喂幼狮。 huge kills of both fin and shellfish along the coast 海岸上大量已死的有鳍鱼类和水生贝壳类动物 a plentiful kill 大量猎获物 3. 〈口〉击落,击沉,摧毁;击落的敌机,摧毁的敌舰(或潜艇、坦克等) The pilot had four confirmed MIG kills. 那名飞行员被证实击落过4架米格式战斗机。 4. (网球、排球等运动中的)扣杀 5. 〈口〉(拳击中)击倒对方的一拳
III a. 致死的,致命的 kill-probability 致命率 kill capabilities 杀伤力 [< ME cullen, kyllen;? 与 OE cwellan 有关] phr. be dressed (或 dolled up, got up) (fit) to kill 〈口〉(尤指为吸引异性)打扮得花枝招展 be in at the kill1. 猎物被杀时在场 2. (战争、比赛等)结束时在场;获胜时在场;不幸的事发生时在场 I got the story from John, who was apparently in at the kill. 这事的经过我是从约翰那里听来的,看来事件发生时他在场。 go (或 move in, close in) for the kill 采取果断行动以求一逞 (it) won't kill you (him,us,etc)对你 (他、我们等)没有什么大不了的 A little hard work won't kill you.稍稍辛苦一下对你算不了什么嘛。kill off1. 灭绝;杀光 The factory dumped poisonous wastes into the river and killed off the fish. 工厂把有毒的废料倒入河中,把鱼都杀死了。 2. 破坏 (计划等)Many Congressmen voted against the new law and they killed it off. 许多议员投票反对这新法令,把它彻底否决了。 3. 使 (热情等)完全消失 kill off sb.'s interest 使某人兴味索然 4. (作家)让 (笔下人物)死去 5. 〈美口〉消磨 kill off a few leisure hours in the park 在公园里消磨掉几小时的空闲时间 kill oneself 〈口〉1. 自杀 2. 使自己过分劳累;竭尽全力 I had killed myself over my manuscript during the summer. 在夏季我将全部精力都扑在我那篇稿子上。 kill or cure 〈英〉1. (药物、治疗)要么致死要么治好 2. 〈喻〉孤注一掷;不管怎样 a measure designed to kill or cure孤注一掷的措施 I'll try it, kill or cure. 我好歹要试一试。 kill out 1. 灭绝;杀光 The red deer killed out the young native trees in the forest. 赤鹿把森林中的土生幼树都吃光了。 2. (动物)屠宰后得 (肉) on the kill 1. (动物觅食等时)怀着杀害的目的 Capable of killing a man within seconds, these dogs, once on the kill, disregarded commands to stop. 这些狗能在几秒钟内把人咬死,所以一旦想咬就不会听从停止的命令。 2. 为达到目的而不择手段 politicians on the kill in an election year 在竞选年中为达到目的而不择手段的政客们 shoot to kill 往死里打 (指不仅为了警告或击伤) He dropped onto one knee and shot to kill. 他单腿跪下开枪,务求将对方打死。 |