

单词 keep
释义 keep /kiːp/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (kept /kept/)

1. 保有;保存;保留
The court decided the widow could keep the property. 法院判决那寡妇可以保有这份财产。
He would not be able to keep his job. 他恐怕保不住他那份工作了。
He keeps a copy of everything he has ever written. 凡自己所写的作品他都保存一个副本。
These old clothes are not worth keeping. 这些旧衣服没有保存的价值。
If you like it, keep it. 你如果喜欢这东西就归你啦。
2. 保守,隐匿
keep a secret 保守秘密
3. (暂时)保管,(暂时)存放;储藏,储存
Will you keep my watch while I go swimming? 我去游泳,请把我的表保管一下好吗?
You may keep your things in here. 你可以把东西存放在这里。
keep grain for seed 把谷物储藏起来留作种子
Are you hungry? They've kept supper for you. 你饿了吧?他们替你留了晚餐。
Keep your card in a safe place. 把你的信用卡妥善藏好。
Where do you keep your saw? 你的锯子放在哪儿?
The bank keeps money for people. 银行为人们存钱。
4. (收费)为…提供食宿
Her aunt keeps several boarders. 她姑妈接受几名搭伙的房客。
5. 供养,抚养;照顾
Not being able to keep himself, he had to move back in with his parents. 他养不活自己,只得搬回去跟父母同住了。
She kept her sister's children. 她抚养她姐姐的几个孩子。
keep sb. in luxury 供养某人过奢侈的生活
6. 雇用;豢养
He keeps two assistants. 他雇用两名助手。
a kept press 一家被收买的出版社
7. 饲养;持有
keep chickens (horses) 养鸡(马)
My mother is keeping my dogs while I'm away. 我不在时妈妈替我喂养我的那几条狗。
have enough resources to keep a car 有足够钱财自备汽车
8. 收拾,料理,保养;保存好
a meticulously kept lawn 一片精心养护的草地
hire a person to keep the farm 雇一个人来照料农场
keep meat by packing it in ice 把肉放在冰块中保鲜
9. 坚持;留在(某处)
She kept her progress in study. 她在学业上不断取得进步。
Keep your seats! 别站起来!
Keep your distance! 不要走近!
He was ill and kept his bed. 他卧病在床。
She kept the house for over a week. 她一个多星期足不出户。
10. 使保持某状态;继续执行;使继续进行,保持
keep sb. in office 使某人留任
Keep that child quiet. 让那孩子别作声。
Keep the fire burning. 不要让火熄灭了。
Sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。
The weather kept us indoors that day. 那天天气不好,我们只好呆在屋里。
Plastic socks may keep water out, they also keep perspiration in. 塑料袜可以防水,但汗也散发不出去。
keep a lookout 持续监视
keep silence 保持安静
11. 阻止,妨碍;防止;控制住
What kept her from joining us? 什么原因使她不能参加到我们中间来?
What kept you? 什么事情把你耽误了?
I'll only keep you for a few minutes. 我只占你几分钟时间。
keep one's temper 按捺脾气不使发作
12. 监禁;拘留;禁闭
keep sb. under house arrest 把某人软禁在家
keep sb. in prison 把某人关在牢里
keep children after school (作为一种惩戒)把孩子们关晚学
Nothing will keep me in this job after August. 8月以后我再不干这份工作了。
13. 守卫,防卫;看守;(三柱门)
May God bless and keep you always! 愿上帝永远保佑你!
keep a fortress (town) 守卫堡垒(城镇)
keep goal(球)
14. 主持;经营,开设;管理
keep a meeting 主持会议
keep a bar 经营酒吧
keep a shop 开设商店
15. 经售,经销
I'm sorry, we don't keep such things in stock. 对不起,我们不备这些货物。
16. 庆祝,纪念;过(节或生日等);守(宗教节日);经常遵守,习惯于
keep the sabbath 守安息日
He kept Christmas in his house as well as Jewish holidays. 他家里过犹太教节日,也过圣诞节。
keep chapel 按时上教堂
keep late hours 经常晚睡
keep diet 按规定进食(或节食)
17. 履行(诺言等);遵循
keep a schedule 按日程表行事
keep an appointment 守约
keep the centre of the road 走在道路中央
18. 跟上(节奏等),合着(拍子等)
A musician must be able to keep time. 乐师必须能合着拍子演奏。
19. 定期记录;记载
keep accounts 记账
keep notes 记笔记
keep a diary 记日记
No record of this conversation was kept. 这次谈话未作记录。
20. 与…交往
keep bad company 交坏朋友
1. 能保存下去;持久不坏;保持健康
How long will this milk keep? 这牛奶能保鲜多久?
Fish doesn't keep well. 鱼不易保鲜。
How is your father keeping? 你父亲身体好吗?
2. 维持原状;保持下去
Will the train keep on the line? 这条路线火车照常开行吗?
If everyone keeps in line, we'll get through the Customs more quickly. 假如大家排好队,我们过海关就会更快些。
He kept making the same mistake. 他老是犯同样的错误。
Keep quiet. 保持安静。
3. (朝某方向或沿某道路)继续前进;坚持
The wind kept to the east all day. 整天一直吹东风。
Traffic in Britain keeps (to the) left. 在英国,车辆是靠左走的。
keep along the main road 一直沿着大路走
4. 留在某处;保持某状态
keep indoors 不出门
He keeps fit. 他身体健康。
5. (秘密)被保守住
If you tell that big mouth there is no way the secret will keep. 假如你告诉那个快嘴家伙,秘密就没法保得住。
6. 能耽搁,可拖延
The matter is urgent and won't keep another minute. 事情很紧急,一分钟也不能耽搁了。
Sorry to disturb you, but this problem won't keep. 对不起,打扰你了,可是这个问题急待处理。
This news will keep. 这消息可以过些时候宣布。
7. 交往
He was unable to keep with the older boys. 他同年岁大一些的男孩合不来。
8. 美口进行;(学校)上课
Schools keep six days a week. 学校每周上课6天。
9. 英口居住;(尤指在英国剑桥大学)住宿
We could not find where he kept in town. 我们找不到他在城里的住处。
Where do you keep? 你住在哪个宿舍?
10. 美橄(四分卫) (佯传后)继续控球

II n.
1. 生计,生活所需;饲料和畜棚;牧场,牧草
work for one's keep 为糊口工作
The horse was hardly worth its keep. 这匹马简直是白吃饲料。(指吃得多干得少)
2. 保持;保养
3. 供养,抚养;照管;饲养;放牧
The child is in my keep for the day. 这孩子白天由我照料。
4. 要塞;堡垒中最强固的部分,城堡主楼
5. 监狱
6. 看守人;抚养者;照管人;饲养者
7. 看守;监禁
8. 定位器,帽,盖
9. 美橄继续比赛
10. [keeps] [用作单](可以保有赢得弹子的)玻璃弹子游戏
[<OE cēpan to observe; 与 OHG chapfēn to look 有关]
phr. earn one's keep 1. 谋生,挣饭吃
Now he can just earn his keep working in a mine. 现在他在一家矿井干活,所得仅够糊口。
For the first time in many years, this country is earning its keep. 这个国家多年来第一次能够自给了。
2. 值得雇用;值得豢养
Mary thought her servant didn't earn his keep. 玛丽认为她的仆人(工作太差)不值得雇用。
for keeps1. 归赢者所得
The two men were playing the game for keeps. 两个男子在玩赌输赢的游戏。
2. 认真地,当真地
His rival was not fooling but competing with him for keeps. 他的对手不是在跟他闹着玩儿,而是一本正经地跟他竞争。
3. 持久地,永久地;完全地;终于
He came home for keeps. 他回家来,再也不走了。
I'm through with him for keeps. 我和他一刀两断了。
settle a dispute for keeps 一劳永逸地解决争端
in good keep (尤指马)豢养得好:
The horses appear to be in good keep. 这些马看上去膘肥体壮。
in low keep (尤指马)豢养得不好
keep after
1. 一再要求;不断提醒
I kept after him and later on he agreed. 我向他一再要求,后来他同意了。
Mother kept after me for not getting enough sleep. 妈妈老是提醒我,说我睡眠不足。
2. 不断追求;紧紧追赶
The police kept after the bandits until they were finally caught.警方对匪徒紧追不舍,直到把他们捕获。
keep ahead 领先
keep ahead of one's rivals 超过对手
keep ahead of the competition 在竞赛中领先
keep at 1. 继续做,坚持干
The only way to get your thesis written is to keep at it, day by day. 你要写成这篇论文,唯一的办法是日复一日地坚持写下去。
He keeps at his diet faithfully. 他不折不扣地坚持按规定食谱进食。
2. 使(某人)继续做;使(某人)坚持干
The teacher kept his students at their studies even on weekends. 教师要他的学生在周末也坚持学习。
3. 对…不断施加压力;缠住(某人)不放;硬要
His wife kept at him not to smoke (drink). 他妻子缠着他要他别抽烟(喝酒)
keep away (使)不靠近,(使)离开
The spectators have to keep away. 旁观者不得靠近。
Children should be kept away from the river. 不可让孩子们接近河边。
He kept away from liquor and tobacco. 他烟酒不沾。
Keep away from that woman or you'll regret it. 离那女人远点,不然你要后悔的。
Would you keep that dog away? 把那条狗牵走好吗?
keep back1. 留在远处,不前进;(使)不靠近
Keep back! 离开些!(或:别向前!)
The policemen kept the spectators back from the President. 警察不让围观群众靠近总统。
2. 阻止,抑制;妨碍
She made an effort to keep back her tears. 她竭力忍住泪水。
I don't want to keep you back (from your work). 我不想(在工作上)拖你的后腿。
The boy was kept back in the fourth grade. 男孩在四年级时留级。
3. 隐瞒
She told us most of the story but kept back the bit about herself. 她把事情差不多都告诉了我们,但隐瞒了关于她自己的那部分。
You are keeping something back from us. 你对我们瞒了一些事情。
4. 扣下,不给
National Insurance keeps back five percent of my wages. 国民保险扣去我工资的5%。
5. 保留,留出
keep rare items back for customers who would pay the best prices 把紧俏商品留给肯出大价钱的主顾们
keep down1. 压制,压服;镇压
You can't keep a good man (或 woman) down. 有能耐的人什么困难也压不倒。
The military government tried to keep down the rebels. 军政府试图镇压叛军。
2. 压缩;控制;限制
keep down spending 压缩开支
keep prices down 控制物价
keep down one's anger 制怒
do exercise to keep down weight 锻炼身体以减轻体重
3. 除去;杀灭;使不繁殖(或不生长)
Hoe the garden to keep down the weeds. 在花园里锄锄草,以防杂草蔓生。
chemicals to keep insects down 灭虫的化学剂
4. (使)变柔和;(使)减轻;(使)缓和
keep down a light 把光线弄暗些
I wish you two would keep your voices down. 我希望你俩把嗓门放低些。
The wind kept down for a while. 风停息了片刻。
5. 不使升起;匍匐,蹲下
Keep your arms down by your side. 把两臂放在身旁不要举起。
Keep down and don't make a sound! 蹲下,别作声!
Keep down or you'll bang your head on the bridge. 弯下身,不然你的头要撞上桥了。
6. 咽下,吞下;不使(胃中食物)吐出
I can't keep these powders down at all. 这些药粉我实在咽不下去。
The patient couldn't keep anything down. 病人吃什么吐什么。
7. (学生)留一级
8. 用小写活字排印(或留空)
keep from 1. 避开;阻止,防止
He keeps from alcohol and tobacco. 他烟酒不沾。
2. 克制,抑制
I can't keep from laughing. 我忍不住大笑。
keep going (使)维持下去;(使)不停顿地继续进行
The mines could keep going only if costs were pared to the bone. 只有将开支缩减到最低限度,这些矿才能维持下去。
They somehow kept his lungs going until the doctor came. 他们设法在医生来到前不让他停止呼吸。
keep in 1. 留在里面,留在屋内,不外出
It's best to keep in while the temperature is below zero. 气温在零度以下时最好呆在屋里。
2. 继续燃烧, 不熄灭
Will the fire keep in until we get back?炉火能烧到我们回来的时候吗?
3. 把…关晚学,罚…课后留校
keep misbehaving pupils in after class把过失学生课后关晚学
4. 控制
He tried to keep his emotions in.他力图控制自己的感情。
5. 走在(或驾车行驶在)路边
Keep in! You'll be run over if you don't watch it!走边上!不当心你会给车撞着的!
6. (活字)排紧
keep in with 与…友好相处;不得罪,不冒犯;取得…的欢心
keep it up1. 不松劲;保持成绩;继续下去
If only he could keep it up, he would break the world record. 只要他坚持不懈,他是能够打破世界纪录的。
Keep it up and you are going to jail. 你再这样下去,会坐牢的。
2. 狂欢作乐
keep off1. (使)让开;(使)不接近;挡开
Danger! Keep off! 危险!别靠近!
Draw the curtain to keep the sun off. 拉上窗帘遮住阳光。
2. (使)不来;(使)不发生
If the rain keeps off, we shall go out. 如果不下雨,我们就出去。
3. 不吃(食品、药物等)
John keeps off drink. 约翰不喝酒。
4. 不提,避开
The negotiators kept off the religious issue. 谈判代表们避开了宗教问题。
keep on1. (使)继续下去,(使)不停
Prices keep on increasing. 物价不停地上涨。
keep on talking 讲个不停
keep one's radio on 让收音机一直开着
2. 继续前行
Keep on till you reach Broadway, then turn right.一直向前走到百老汇大街,然后向右拐。
3. 穿(或戴)着…不脱下
Keep that dress on, you look beautiful in it.就穿着那套衣裙吧,你穿着它显得很美。
4. 继续雇用,继续留用
The Prime Minister keeps him on as a consultant.首相继续留用他当顾问。
5. 继续拥有,保留
I'll keep the flat on through the summer.整个夏天我将继续租用那套公寓。
6. 坚持下去
Despite all setbacks, he keeps on. 尽管遇到种种挫折,他仍坚持下去。
keep on about 就…喋喋不休;在…上纠缠不休
keep on at 1. 对…纠缠不休;不断催促,不停地困扰;对…责骂不休
Don't keep on at me the whole time. 不要老是对我唠叨啦。
2. 留在(某地),不迁离(某处);继续雇用(某人)
keep oneself to oneself 事不关己不过问;不与人交往
They had kept themselves to themselves ever since they had come here. 他们自从搬来此地以后,从来不与别人交往。
keep out 1. (使)留在外面,(使)不进入
wear a highnecked pullover to keep out the wind 穿一件高领套衫以御风寒
Keep out! 20000 volts. 20000伏高压线,不可靠近!
Private property. Keep out. 私人产业,不得入内。
2. 保留,留出
keep out of 1. = keep out
2. 不参加;不卷入
Keep out of what doesn't concern you. 不关你的事不要插手。
keep sb. going 使某人能维持生计;使某人能维持某种状态
My dad's salary is barely enough to keep us going. 父亲的工资仅够我们糊口。
The doctors managed to keep me going. 医生们设法让我活下来了。
keep to1. 遵守,信守;不背离,不离开
keep to the original purpose 遵守原定宗旨
keep to one's promise 信守自己的诺言
Keep to the point, please. 请勿离题。
2. 坚持
Keep to your task till you've finished. 望你坚持工作,直到完成为止。
3. 留在(某处),不离开(某地);局限于
She kept to her bed because of a fever. 她因发烧卧病在床。
He kept to the mainroads in his travels. 他旅行时总是走大路。
keep together1. (使)在一起
2. (使)协调一致;(使)团结
The eight men kept together throughout the race as though they were one. 在整个跑步比赛中8个人配合协调如同一人。
He hopes to keep the family together. 他希望家庭团圆和睦。
keep to oneself1. 不与人交往
She kept to herself in the ship and would speak to no one. 她在船上一人独处,不与任何人交谈。
2. 对…秘而不宣,不把…讲出来
Don't keep it to yourself, we need your knowledge and experience. 别保守了,我们需要你的知识和经验。
keep under1. (使)留在下面
The escaping prisoner, swimming across the river, managed to keep under as the searchlight raked the surface. 当探照灯扫过水面时,泅水过河的逃犯潜入水中。
2. 控制,压制,约束
We tried to keep the fire under. 我们力图控制住火势。
The boy needs keeping under. 那男孩需严加管教。
The dictator had kept his people under for 50 years. 人民被那个独裁者欺压了50年。
3. 使失去知觉;使处于麻木状态
The patient was kept under with a mixture of morphine and chloroform. 病人用了吗啡和氯仿混合剂,现已麻醉。
keep up1. (使)继续下去,(使)不停止
Rain kept up all night. 雨下了一整夜。
The weather is beautiful, but it's not supposed to keep up! 天气晴好,但怕不能维持下去!
keep up the attacks on enemy strongholds 持续不断攻打敌人据点
Please keep up my subscription to the magazine. 请为我续订那份杂志。
2. 坚持;保持
keep up a correspondence 保持通信联系
Splendid! Keep up the good work! 好极了!继续好好干!
3. (使)保持良好状态
He keeps his credit up by paying his bills regularly. 他按期付账保持良好信用。
Keep up your French. 不要荒废了你的法语。
The mansion was too expensive to keep up. 要保养这幢大厦所需费用太大了。
4. 不落后,并驾齐驱
The younger boys were not able to keep up in the race. 年龄较小的男孩在比赛中跟不上。
5. (使)不下降;(使)浮起;(使)不倒下
wear suspenders to keep one's trousers up 用背带吊住裤子
The cost of raw materials keeps up. 原料价格坚挺。
The surviving sailors managed to keep up until the life boat came. 幸存的水手们努力设法浮在水面,直到救生艇来到。
6. (士气等)保持高昂
Her spirits have kept up very well despite all her bad luck. 虽然遭到种种厄运,但她仍毫不气馁。
7. (使)熬夜
A: I hope I'm not keeping you up. B: No, we often keep up late. 甲:我希望没有害得你们熬夜。乙:不,我们经常睡得很晚。
keep up with1. 跟上(人、潮流、形势等)
keep up with the predecessors 跟上前辈(的成就)
My salary doesn't keep up with inflation. 我的工资跟不上通货膨胀。
He hired a tutor because he wasn't able to keep up with the rest of the class. 他请了位家庭教师,因为他的功课跟不上班上其他同学。
keep up with the latest developments 跟上最新发展
keep up with current events 对时事消息灵通
2. 保持联系
He keeps up with his colleagues even after his retirement. 他在退休后仍和同事们保持联系。
you can keep it 你自己留着吧;我才不想要呢,我才不希罕呢
A: My hobby's writing plays. B: You can keep it. 甲:我的业余消遣是写剧本。乙:那你去写你的吧。(或:我可一点也不喜欢。)




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