

单词 jump
释义 jump /dʒʌmp/ vi. | vt. | n. | a. | ad. | phr.
I vi.
1. 跳,跃;跳跃
He jumped three feet into the air. 他跳起3英尺高。
How far can you jump? 你能跳多远?
The cat jumped to the table. 猫跳上桌子。
The boy jumped across the puddle. 小男孩跃过水坑。
jump for joy 欢跃
jump up and down in excitement 兴奋得跳来跳去
2. 一下子站起;快速行动
jump to one's feet 一跃而起
jump up from one's seat (out of one's chair) 蓦地从座位上(从椅子里)站起
He jumped onto a moving bus. 他跳上一辆正在行驶的公共汽车。
3. (受惊等后)猛地一跳;突然一跳;跳动
The noise made me jump. 那声音吓我一跳。
Her heart jumped when she heard the news. 听到那消息她的心猛地一跳。
4. (从飞机上)跳伞
Ben jumped, but his parachute failed to open. 本从飞机上跳下,但他的降落伞打不开。
5. (价格等)突升,暴涨;激增
Gold shares jumped on the Stock Exchange yesterday. 昨天证券交易所里黄金股票暴涨。
In the last five years the number of physicians has jumped 30 per cent. 在最近5年里内科医生人数猛增了30%。
6. 越级晋升
He jumped rapidly from captain through all the grades to colonel. 他飞快地从上尉一路越级提升为上校。
7. (影视图像等)上下跳动,抖动
8. 跳越正常位置
His typewriter jumps and needs repairing. 他的打字机老是跳键,需要修理一下。
9. 转移
jump to a subroutine 转移到一个子程序上
10. 过于匆促地作出判断 (to,at)
jump from general observation to a solution 约略观察后仓促提出解决办法
jump to conclusions 匆匆作出结论
He saw my case in the hall and jumped to the conclusion that I was leaving. 他在过道里看到我的箱子,就贸然以为我要离开了。
11. 突然转换;弃约他就
The traffic light jumped from green to red. 交通灯忽地由绿转红。
jump from one subject to another in a speech 演说中突然从一个题目跳到另一个题目
jump from job to job 经常跳槽
He jumped without notice. 他擅自离职他就了。
12. 踊跃奔忙;表现急切 (at)
13. (西洋跳棋中)跳吃对方的棋子
14. (桥牌中)跳叫
She jumped from three clubs to four spades. 她从3梅花一下子跳叫到4黑桃。
15. 符合,相一致 (together,with)
The scenery jumps with my humour. 风景与我的心情正相吻合。
16. 活跃;(爵士乐等)奏出强节奏
By midnight the party was jumping. 到半夜时舞会进行得极为热烈活跃。
17. 突然袭击,猛扑;呵斥,严厉批评
18. (报刊用语)转入他页;由他页转来
1. 跳越,跃过
jump a ditch 跃过堑沟
His car went out of control, jumped a curb and struck a lamppost. 他的汽车失去控制,跃过路缘,撞上路灯柱。
2. 使跳(过);使颠动
jump a horse over a fence 纵马跳过篱笆
jump a child on one's knees 把小孩放在膝上颠动
3. 美俚跳上(或跳下) (车辆等)
jump a freight (非法)扒货车
jump a crowded bus 跳上一辆拥挤的公共汽车
He jumped a plane for Chicago. 他跳上一架去芝加哥的飞机。
4. 略去,跳过
jump the long descriptive passages of a novel 略过小说中长段的描写章节
The typewriter jumped a space. 打字机空跳了一格。
jump the third grade in school 跳过小学三年级
5. (级)晋升;使越级晋升
One of the junior officers jumped several ranks. 有一名下级军官跳升了好几级。
The college jumped him from instructor to full professor. 学院把他从讲师越级提升为正教授。
6. 使(价格、股票等)突然上升,猛增
They jumped admission prices from 50 dollars to 200 dollars. 他们把入场费一下子从50美元涨到200美元。
7. 美俚(偷偷地)突然离开;逃离;逃避,逃脱;弃约离(职)
The robbers jumped town. 盗贼们逃离了市镇。
jump prison 越狱
jump a hotel bill 未付旅馆账单而溜走
jump a labour contract 背弃劳工合约而离去
8. (火车、有轨电车等)(轨)
jump the rails (或 the track) 出轨
9. (规定时间、发出信号等)之前过早行动
jump the green light 在转绿灯前开车过街
10. 霸占(他人的土地或采矿权等)
11. 猛地扑向,突然袭击;(突然)从空中攻击(目标)美俚抢劫,拦路抢劫
The thugs jumped him in a dark alley. 歹徒们在一条黑乎乎的胡同里向他突然袭击。
12. (口头上)猛攻,严责,严厉批评 (out)
jump sb. out 把某人痛骂一顿
13. 使跳起,使惊起;把(猎物)从隐蔽处惊出
The fire alarm jumped us out of bed. 火警警报把我们从床上惊起。
jump a mule deer 把黑尾鹿从躲藏处惊出
14. [常用被动语态]偶尔抖摇着在煎锅中煎煮(马铃薯等)
15. 跳吃(对方的子)
16. (桥牌中)以跳叫呼应(搭档的叫牌)
17. 跨接
The thief broke into his car, jumped the ignition and got it started. 那贼钻进他的汽车,跳线点火把车发动起来。
18. 用长凿在(岩石)上冲击打眼;冲击打(眼)
19. (报刊用语)(报道等)转入另一页
20. 主美俚与…性交
21. 冒…的危险;冒险作出

II n.
1. 跳,跃
clear a fence with a jump 跳过篱笆
2. 突然的一跳;惊跳
He got to his feet with a jump. 他霍地站起。
She gave a jump when the door suddenly banged shut. 突然间门砰地关上了,把她吓了一跳。
3. [the jumps] 心神不安,心惊胆战;震颤性谵妄;舞蹈病
This gloomy place gave me the jumps. 这个阴森森的地方令我惊悸不安。
4. 跳跃比赛(如跳高、跳远)
5. 跳过的距离;跃过的高度
a jump of four metres 4米远的一跳
6. 需跳越的障碍
a racecourse with jumps 设有障碍的赛马场
Her horse fell at the third jump. 她的马在第三障摔倒了。
7. (从飞机上)跳伞
a jump area 跳伞区
a (parachute) jump into enemy territory 往敌国领土的跳伞
8. 跳变,突变,跃变;突然转换
the jump from liquid to gaseous state 从液态到气态的突变
the jump from one dialect to another 从一种方言到另一种方言的突然转换
9. 略去部分,跳过部分
10. 短途旅行;(马戏团或巡回演出等的)一段行程
a plane jump 乘坐飞机的短途旅行
go farther west at each jump 一次次停留后继续西行
11. 急升,猛涨;激增
a big jump in oil and food prices 油和食品价格的猛涨
an enormous jump in salary 薪金的大幅度增加
12. (西洋跳棋中的)跳吃
13. (桥牌中的)跳叫
14. 转移
a conditional jump 条件转移
15. (竞赛等开始时的)占先,抢先
16. (报道等的)转页;转入他页的部分;页附注
17. 主美俚性交
18. 抢劫
19. 强节奏爵士乐
20. 舞会;社交聚会
21. 冒险

III a.
1. 美俚(多即兴重复段)强节奏爵士乐风格的
a jump band 强节奏爵士乐队
2. 跳伞用的;伞兵部队(用)

IV ad.
phr. a jump ahead = one jump ahead
(at a)full jump迅速地,全速地
at one jump一下子
at the (first) jump一开始
be all of a jump心惊胆战,在惊悸中
be jumping up and down 显得非常愤怒(或不安、兴奋)
for the(high) jump(或for the jumps1. (因行为不端)受审
2. 应受惩处(尤指处以绞刑)
from the (first) jump从一开始
get (或 have) the jump on 主美口抢在…之前,比…占先;胜过,优于
Don't let the other runners get the jump on you at the beginning of the race. 不要让其他运动员在赛跑开始时抢在你的前面。
He thinks he has the jump on us. 他以为他占我们的优势。
jump aboard 参加,加入,介入某团体(或某项活动等)
jump a claim 见 claim
jump all over sb. 毒骂某人,严斥某人
jump at 1. 跃向
2. 急切地接受,欣然应承
We jumped at the chance to go to Guilin for ten days. 我们忙不迭抓住了去桂林10天的机会。
jump at a job 欣然接受一份工作
3. 匆匆作出(结论等)
jump at a conclusion 仓促得出结论
jump bail 见 bail¹
jump down sb.'s throat 见 throat
jump in 1. 跳入;一步进入(汽车等)
Jump in, Francis. There's room for one more person in the car. 弗朗西斯,快进来,汽车里还可以坐一个人。
2. (热切地)参与,欣然加入
jump in the lake 见 lake¹
jump into 1. 跳进;一下子进入
She jumped into the swimming-pool. 她跳进游泳池。
He jumped into his car and drove off. 他一步跳进汽车,一溜烟地开走了。
We got up at the crack of dawn and jumped into our clothes. 天刚亮我们就起床,三两下穿上衣服。
His invention jumped into popularity. 他的发明一下子普及了。
2. (欣然)参加,(一下子)投入
We jumped into the discussion right away. 我们立即积极参加讨论。
jump into bed with 见 bed
jump in (或 into) with both feet 见 foot
jump off 1. 跳离
He jumped off the wall. 他从墙上跳下。
The bus stopped and he jumped off (it). 公共汽车一停,他便跳下车。
2. 出发;开始;开始进攻
The attack jumped off under cover of a barrage. 进攻在炮火的掩护下开始了。
At 3 a.m. the assault companies jumped off. 凌晨3点,各突击连开始进攻。
3. 离开
4. (骑马超越障碍比赛中)平分决胜
jump on 1. 跳上
He jumped on the train. 他跳上火车。
2. 向…猛扑,突然袭击
He was waiting round the corner and jumped on me in the dark. 他守候在拐角处,乘着黑暗向我猛扑过来。
3. 责备,责骂,严厉批评
jump on sb. (或 sb.'s back) for the slightest fault 为小小的过失责骂某人
He'll jump on every little mistake you make. 对你所犯的每一个小错他都会痛叱一顿。
jump on board jump aboard
jump on the bandwagon见 bandwagon
jump out 产生很强的视觉效果,惹人注目
jump out of one's skin 见 skin
jump over 1. 跳过,越过
jump over a fence 跳过篱笆
2. 略过,略去
jump over a page or two while reading 在阅读时跳过一两页不看
jump over the broomstick 见 broomstick
jump salty 美俚发怒,上火
jump sb.'s bones 见 bone
jump ship 见 ship
jump smooth 美俚
1. 心平气和,态度友好
2. 诚实处置
jump the bite 见 bite
jump the gun 见 gun
jump the queue 见 queue
jump the shark 见 shark¹
jump to it赶快干起来,积极行动
Get the tables set and cut the bread up. Jump to it. 去把桌子摆好,把面包切开,快点!
If you don't jump to it you will miss the train. 要是你不赶快些,会误了火车的。
jump to the eye(s) 见 eye
jump up (西印度群岛用语)跳一种乱蹦乱跳的即兴舞
jump upon jump on
one jump ahead (of)(比…)超前一步;(比…)抢先一步;刚能避开
stay one jump ahead of the law比法律棋高一着
on the high jump= for the (high) jump
on the jump1. 奔忙;东奔西跑
keep the foe on the jump 使敌人疲于奔命
2. 迅猛地;急忙地
He went out the door on the jump. 他风风火火地走出门去。
3. 惊悸不安,神经紧张
on the keen jump 迅猛地;急忙地
take a jump up the line(巡回马戏团、流浪汉等)奔下一站而去
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