

单词 issue
释义 is·sue /ˈɪʃjuː,ˈɪsjuː/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. (血、水等的)流出,放出;流出物,产物;流出力,冲力
the issue of water from a broken pipe 破管内水的外流
a constant entrance and issue of visitors 参观人流的进进出出
A nosebleed is an issue of blood from the nose. 鼻衄就是鼻孔流血。
an issue of smoke 喷出的一股烟
Potentialities remain repressed for lack of issue. 潜能由于缺乏冲力而未能发挥出来。
2. 河口,水道口;出口
a lake with no issue to the sea 无出海水道的湖泊
The dark labyrinth had no issue. 这座昏暗的迷宫不见有出口通道。
3. 结果,结局
abide the issue 承担后果
There is no chance at all of a happy issue. 绝无可能获得圆满的结局。
Suspicions were the issue of a deranged mind. 心智迷乱则多生猜疑。
His enterprise would have a prosperous issue. 他的企业会有兴旺之日。
4. 子女,后代,后嗣
die without male issue 死后无子嗣
The house will go to his issue. 房子将归他的子女所有。
5. [issues] (地产或其他不动产等的)收益
6. 问题,议题;争议,争论点;议决(阶段)
the burning issues of the day 当今燃眉之急的问题
the issues at stake 存亡攸关的大事
skirt the real issue 回避实质问题
get down to issues 认真研究问题
tension between families on lifestyle issues 因生活方式的矛盾引起的家庭与家庭间的紧张关系
settle an issue 解决争端
There was no issue at all between us. 我们之间毫无争议。
bring a case (a matter) to an issue 将某一案件(问题)付诸议决
an issue(s) man (竞选中协助候选人确定对重大争议问题立场等的)争议问题谋士
7. 发出,分给,分配,分发
the issue of cigarettes (军中)香烟的配给
prison- issue clothing 监狱发给的囚衣
an issue weapon 分发到的武器
8. 发行;颁布;一次发行额;(书刊的)期,号;版次
government issue of new bonds 政府发行的新公债
the issue of the enlarged edition 增订版的发行
regular issue stamps 普通邮票
the issue of commemorative stamps 纪念邮票的发行
sell 8000 copies per issue (杂志等)每期售出8000本
in the May issue 在5月号的一期上
the latest issue of the magazine 杂志的最近一期
9. (脓、血的)排出;脓疮口;(排脓、血的)切口
10. [issues] 个人问题(或困难)
11. 结束,终止
12. 行为,进行

II vi.
1. 流出;出去,出来;发出;出现 (forth,out)
Blood issued from the cut. 血从伤口流出。
A blue flicker issued from the gas cooker. 煤气炉窜出蓝色的火苗。
issue out into the street 涌上街头
issue forth to battle 出战
A woman's screams issued from the lane. 巷子里传出一个女人的尖叫声。
Limousines issued forth from the hotel. 豪华轿车一辆辆从饭店开出来。
2. 由…产生,由…得出 (from);导致,造成 (in)
issue from that cause 出自该原因
The game issued in a tie. 比赛结果不分胜负。
3. 诞生,传代
4. 收益;生息
Little money issued from the stocks. 股金收益甚微。
5. 发行;颁布;出版
A flood of currency issued each year. 每年发行大量货币。
His first novel issued. 他的第一本小说出版发行了。
6. 分配,送,给
7. 结束,终止
1. 使流出,放出,送出,排出
A volcano issues smoke and fire. 火山喷出烟与火。
2. 分配,发给
issue a passport to sb. 发给某人护照
The school issued uniforms to the players. 学校给运动员发运动服。
The convicts were issued (with) new clothing. 犯人们发到了新衣服。
I have issued myself with a challenge. 我提出鞭策自己的严格要求。
3. 发行;颁布;出版
issue currencies (commemorative postage stamps) 发行通货(纪念邮票)
issue an announcement 发表一项声明
He issued instructions that the prisoners (should) be set free. 他下令释放犯人。
issue a new book 出版新书
[< OFr eissue way out < eissir to go out < L exīre < EX-² + īre to go]
phr. at (或 in) issue 争议(或讨论)中的;待解决(或裁决)的;有分歧的,不一致的
the point at issue 争论点
They were at issue as to who would go first. 他们对谁先去的问题意见不一致。
cloud (或 confuse) the issue 谈枝节以掩盖重要问题,把水搅浑
evade (或 duck) the issue 回避问题
face the issue 面对现实
force the issue 迫使作出决定
in the issue 结果,到头来
join issue 1. 参加争论
I am ready to join issue with them on this very point. 我已准备好就这一问题同他们进行争论。
2. 共同将争议点提交裁决
make an issue of 制造争端,挑起争论;引起讨论
They made a big issue of the fact. 他们利用这件事挑起重大争端。
raise an issue 引起争论
This then raises the issue of the next priority, the social services. 于是,这就引起对下一个须优先考虑的事项,即社会服务问题的争论。
raise complex ethical issues 引起错综复杂的伦理问题的争论
take issue 持异议,不同意
He took issue with me on my proposal. 他对我的建议持异议。
I would take issue with his opinions. 我想对他的看法提出异议。
take issue against sb. 反对某人
the whole issue 全部
Not a soul got back; the whole issue were done in last night. 没有一个人活着回来;昨儿晚上全都完蛋了。




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