释义 |
i·ro·ny¹ /ˈaɪərənɪ/ n. 1. 反语法 the irony of calling a stupid plan “clever” 称愚蠢计划为“聪明”的反语法 2. 反语;冷嘲;讥讽文体 say with conscious irony 有意挖苦说 There was irony in his tone. 他口气里带有讥讽。 3. 具有讽刺意味的事;出乎意料的事情(或结果);令人啼笑皆非的局面;嘲弄 It was an irony that the firehouse burned. 消防站被火烧了,这可是个讽刺。 The situation has its ironies. 这局面本身颇带几分嘲弄的意味。 the irony of fate (circumstances) 命运(环境)的嘲弄 4. 佯作无知 5. = dramatic irony [< L īrōnīa < Gr eirōneiā dissimulation < eirōn dissembler < eirein to speak] |