释义 |
a·round /əˈraʊnd/ prep. | ad. | a. | phr. I prep. 1. 环绕;围绕;包围 The children danced around their teacher. 孩子们围着老师跳舞。 tie paper arounda package 用纸包扎一包东西 2. 在…四周;朝…四周 the stands around a stadium 运动场周围的看台 She looked around her. 她环顾四周。 3. 在…各处;遍及 The boy left his toys around the room. 这男孩把玩具丢得满屋都是。 get around town 在市区各处走走 leaders from around the country 来自全国各地的领导人 4. 在…的边缘 a skirt with braid around the bottom 底部镶花边的裙子 5. 绕过;越过 steer a ship around reefs 驾船绕过暗礁 Unable to meet the Secretary, he went around him and spoke with White House aids. 他由于无法见到国务卿,就绕过他直接与白宫助理谈了。 6. 在…那边 The shop is just around the corner. 过了拐角就是那家店铺。 7. 〈口〉在…附近 the country around Boston 波士顿周边乡间 Are you from around here? 你是这儿附近地区的人吗? Please stay around the house. 请别离开屋子太远。 8. 〈美〉大约在 around 1950 在1950年前后 9. 以…为中心;以…为基础 plan a lecture around a single writer 围绕一个作家准备讲稿 build modern military power around the cruise missile 以巡航式导弹为基础建立现代化军事力量 10. 在…身边,接近 Only those around the President understood his motives. 只有那些接近总统的人了解他的动机。
II ad. 1. 兜着圈子;迂回地 The windmill kept turning around. 风车不停地转动。 The road goes around by the lake. 公路绕湖伸展。 The wind has gone around to the south. 风向已转南。 2. 在周围;向四周 all the children from blocks around 来自周围街区的所有儿童 The land is fenced all around. 这块地的四边都用篱笆围着。 They both looked around. 他俩环顾四方。 3. 〈主美〉以圆周计算 a tree 5 feet around 合抱5英尺的一棵树 The track is 400 metres around. 跑道一圈为400米。 4. 到处;随便地 wander around 漫游 show sb. around 领某人四处看看 The news soon got around. 消息很快传开了。 Chickens ran around in the yard. 鸡在院子里乱跑。 5. 〈口〉在附近;在旁边 Did you see Tom around? 你在附近见到过汤姆吗? He is a good man to have around. 有他在,很有帮助。 6. 朝着相反方向;向着对立面 Turn around! 转过身来! He was finally brought around to our view. 他最后被说服,转而接受我们的观点。 7. 循环地;从头至尾 The election has rolled around. 选举又来临了。 His turn came around. 轮到他了。 the year around 一年四季 8. 挨次,逐一 Pass the note around. 把字条挨人传阅。 The apples are just enough to go around. 苹果刚够分。 9. (健康或意识)恢复过来 He has fainted, try to bring him around. 他昏过去了,设法使他苏醒过来。 10. 至(特定的)某地 He came around to see us. 他过来看我们。 11. 大约 around forty people 约40个人
III a. 1. 存在着的;可得到的;活着的;活跃的;流通着的;被见到的 Diesels have been around since the 1890s. 内燃机19世纪90年代起就有了。 He is one of the best pilots around today. 他是当今我们能找到的最好飞行员之一。 She is very healthy, and is going to be around for a long time yet. 她很健康,还可活很久。 Some film stars are around only for a few years. 有的电影明星活跃不了几年。 She hasn't been around since her exposure. 自从被揭露以来她没露过脸。 2. 〈美〉走动的 She is not yet fully well, but is able to be (up and) around. 她还没有痊愈,但已能(起床)走动。
◇注解around 和 round 作前置词和副词的意义基本相同, around 多用于美国, round 多用于英国 [< A-¹ + ROUND] phr. have been around 〈口〉见过世面;经验丰富;老于世故 This guy's been around. 这个家伙见过世面。 |