

单词 involve
释义 in·volve /ɪnˈvɒlv/
1. 卷,裹;包围,围住
He was involved in a howling dancing crowd. 他卷入了边吼边舞的一群人之中。
Fog involved the village. 迷雾笼罩着村庄。
The building on fire was involved with heat, smoke and flame. 着火的大楼给热浪、烟雾和火焰紧紧包围住了。
2. 使陷入,使卷入;牵涉,连累;使参与 (in,with)
involve the country in a war 使国家陷于战祸
He is already emotionally involved. 他已在感情上介入了。
The investigation involved many innocent people. 这次调查牵涉到许多无辜者。
He became involved with plant rackets. 他牵涉进诈骗勾当。
She was involved with the Student Union as Treasurer. 她曾在学生会干过一阵子财务。
She never had the slightest intention of involving herself with him. 她压根儿就不想跟他有任何瓜葛。
involve trade unions in company management 使工会参与公司管理
She likes to get involved in everything and know all the details. 她事事都爱管,而且喜欢打听得详详细细。
3. 需要;使承担;包含,含有 (in)
Swimming necessarily involves long hours of strenuous training. 游泳势必要进行一连数小时的艰苦训练。
Refusal of permission will involve them in paying huge compensation. 他们如不同意,就要承担一笔巨额赔偿。
The best of her housekeeping jobs involved looking after a family of ten. 在她所做过的管家工作中,最上乘的要算是照管一个十口之家了。
They will consider a plan that could involve a quick visit to the United States. 他们将考虑制订一份计划,有可能要把对美国的短期访问包括进去。
4. 影响;引起;与…直接有关
The symptoms of hepatitis are similar no matter which virus is involved. 肝炎不管由哪种病毒所引起,其症状都大同小异。
This problem is closely involved with the management of pastures. 这问题跟牧场的管理密切相关。
5. 专心于,忙于
involve oneself in the teaching of literature 从事文学教学工作
I was involved in a research project. 我忙于一项研究工作。
Being involved in these imaginings she knew nothing of time. 她沉醉在这些想象之中,时间就在不知不觉间流逝了。
6. 旋转;盘绕
7. (某数字)乘方
[< OFr involver < L involvere < IN-¹ + volvere to roll]




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