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in·ves·ti·gate /ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 调查;调查研究;审查 investigate a crime (a murder) 调查罪行(谋杀案) investigate conditions at the grass roots 对基层情况作调查研究 If you hear such a rumour, investigate it thoroughly. 如果你听到这样的传闻,就彻底调查一下。 Scientists investigate nature to learn more about it. 为了更多地了解自然界,科学家对它进行调查研究。 ❷ vi. 作(官方)调查;调查研究;审查 investigate into an affair 调查一件事情 [< L investīgāre to search after < IN-¹ + vestīgium track¹, footstep] |