释义 |
arm¹ /ɑːm/ n. | phr. n. 1. 臂;(脊椎动物的)前肢;(无脊椎动物的)腕;(肉类的)前腿部分 She took the baby in her arms. 她把婴儿抱在怀里。 I saw him walking with a girl on his arm. 我看见他臂上挽着一位姑娘走着。 Police linked arms around the Queen. 警察在女王周围臂挽臂地形成保护圈。 2. 臂状物;狭长港湾(或通道);靠手,扶手 an arm of the sea (a river) 海(河)湾 He turned and walked down the arm of the hall. 他转身沿着狭长的过道走去。 3. 大树枝 4. (机器、仪器等的)臂;杆;(轮)辐 the arm of a derrick 起重机的吊臂 the arm of a record player 电唱机的唱头臂 5. (锚)臂;(横桅)杆臂 6. (衣服的)臂部,袖子 7. 职能部门;分部 the sales arm of a company 公司的销售部 the intelligence arm of the organization 那个组织的情报部门 8. 权力;力量 the arm of the law 法网所及 by the strong arm 用强硬手段 9. 得力助手;可依靠的人 He is my right arm. 他是我的左右手。 10. 【体】投掷能力;有投掷能力的球员,投手 He has a good arm. 他投出的球又准又狠。 11. 〈美俚〉〈忌〉鸡巴 [< OE earm] phr. an arm and a leg 〈口〉过高的代价 Renting a car will cost me an arm and a leg. 租一辆汽车要花我好多钱。 arm in arm 臂挽臂地 The two girls went off arm in arm. 两位姑娘臂挽臂地走了。 as long as my (或 your) arm 〈口〉很长的 a fellow with a face as long as my arm 马脸人 a lease as long as my arm 期限很长的租约 at arm's length 见 length chance one's arm 〈英口〉冒险;做冒险的事 give one's right arm 〈口〉付出极大代价 He'd give his right arm to know more about her. 为了更多了解她,他愿付出极大代价。 in arms (小孩)需人怀抱的,幼小的 My son is still a baby in arms. 我的儿子还是个需人怀抱的娃娃。 in sb.'s arms 在某人的怀抱中;被某人拥抱着 Justice has long arms. 〈谚〉天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 make a long arm (for sth.) 伸臂(去拿某物);努力攫取(某物) on one's arm 由手臂支撑着 put the arm on sb. 〈美口〉 1. 向某人摹捐;向某人借钱 2. 拘捕某人;强行约束某人 talk sb.'s arm off 〈俚〉对某人唠叨不休 the arm of flesh 人力,人的努力 twist sb.'s arm 1. 倒扭某人手腕 2. 向某人施加压力 I'm not trying to twist anyone's arm. 我并不试图向任何人施加压力。 under one's arm 在腋下 under the arm 〈俚〉低劣的,质差的,不好的 This book is right under the arm. 这本书就是质量低劣。 with folded arms 抱着胳膊 look on with folded arms 袖手旁观 with open arms 热烈地,友好地 He was welcomed with open arms. 他受到热烈的欢迎。 |