释义 |
in·vest /ɪnˈvest/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 投(资) He invested his $100,000 in a business enterprise. 他将自己的10万美元投资于企业。 He invested his savings in stocks and bonds. 他用存款购买股票及公债。 2. 耗费,投入(时间、金钱、精力等) (in) invest years of effort in a project 为某一项目耗费多年的精力 The author has invested maybe a year in writing the book. 作者写这本书大约已花了一年的时间。 She invested all her love in her younger sister. 她把自己全部的爱倾注在妹妹身上。 She invested her future in the drunken oaf. 她把自己的未来全托付给了这个酒鬼糊涂虫。 3. 覆盖,笼罩;给…披上 (with) Fog invests the city. 迷雾笼罩全城。 Spring invests the trees with leaves. 春天给树木披上绿叶。 4. 授以 (with) The president is invested with certain important political powers. 总统被授于某些政治大权。 5. 赋予;使充满;赋有 (with) invest sb. with legal rights 给某人合法的权利 The palace was invested with glamour and romance. 这座宫殿充满了魅力和浪漫气息。 His whole life was invested with a new significance. 他的全部生活有了新的意义。 6. (以正规仪式)使就职 A queen was invested by being crowned. 女王加冕登基。 He is officially invested as prince and heir to the throne. 他被正式册立为王子和王位继承人。 7. 〈古〉【军】包围;围攻 The enemy invested the city. 敌人包围了这个城市。 8. 〈古〉打扮;给…穿衣 ❷ vi. 1. 投资,入股 (in) 2. 运用,利用 (in) invest in a phone call to find it out 打个电话探明底细 3. 〈口〉花钱买 (in) invest in the equipment 买进设备 4. 花篇幅 (in) The document invests heavily in policies of further nationalisation. 这文件花大量篇幅阐明进一步实行国有化的各项政策。 [< ML investīre to clothe < IN-¹ + L vestīre < vestis garment] |