释义 |
in·ter·est /ˈɪntrɪst,ˈɪntər-/ n. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 兴趣,兴味;关注;爱好 have interest in poetry 对诗歌有兴趣 She tried to stir his interest in the story. 她试图使他对这故事发生兴趣。 She was full of interest. 她兴致很好。 engage one's interest 引起某人的兴趣 Painting is my chief interest. 绘画是我的主要爱好。 2. 趣味;令人感兴趣的事物(或人) a question of great interest 极有趣的问题 the city's historical interests 该城的历史名胜 She is his current interest. 眼下,她是他感兴趣的人。 3. [常作 interests] 利益;私利;福利;利害关系 sacrifice personal interest 牺牲个人利益 look after one's own interests 照顾自己的利益 I have his interest at heart. 我极为关心他的利益。 It is your interest to go. 去对你有利。 He acts always out of his own interest(s). 他不论干什么都是出于私利的考虑。 4. 权益;股权,产权 He purchased a third interest in a schooner. 他买下了一条帆船的⅓的股权。 have an interest in an estate 在某地产中拥有一份产权 5. [常作 interests] 利益集团;同业,同行;利益相关者 the landed interest 地主们 the special interests 特殊利益集团 the business interests 公司同业 the brewing interest 酿造业者 enable the affected interests to reconsider 使涉及利害关系的人能重作考虑 6. 重要性;个人影响,势力 a matter of little (considerable) interest 无足轻重(相当重要)的事 Her interest with him is such that she governs him absolutely. 她对他的影响很大,可以说完全把他给控制住了。 7. 利息;利率 interest spread 利息差额 loans made at heavy interest 以重利借取的贷款 negative interest 逆利率(或倒利息) 8. 添加(物),附加(物) add sth. for interest 加某物作为添补 9. 【经】(资本货物)利息(指对不包括土地和货币的用于生产的资本货物所付出的利息) 10. 〈废〉损害;赔偿
II vt. 1. 使感兴趣;引起…的关注 interest children in reading 使孩子们对阅读发生兴趣 It may interest you to know that I love you both the same. 你们两个我都一样喜欢;你们知道了大概很高兴吧! 2. 使参与,使介入,使有关系 interest a banker in a loan 使一位银行家参与一项贷款 [L: it concerns < interesse to be between < INTER- + esse to be] phr. at interest (贷款)付息的 declare an interest 宣布与一件事 (尤指遭非议之事)有联系 in the interest(s) of 为了 (或符合)…的利益,有助于 in the interest of the company 为了公司的利益 political broadcast in the Conservative interest 支持保守党的电台政治宣传 act in the best interests of the patient 行事尽量为病人着想 It is in our interest that there will be peaceful coexistence in that area. 那地区能出现和平共处的局面对我们有利。 lose interest 不再引起兴趣;失掉兴趣 He has clearly lost interest for her. 他显然再也引不起她的兴趣了。 His writings have lost their interest for me now. 他的作品现在已引不起我的兴趣了。 The public was steadily losing interest in the recollections of the then President. 有关前总统的往事,公众已越来越不感兴趣。 lose interest in getting Congress to provide increased aid 无意使国会增拨援款 make interest with (或 for) sb. (因利害关系)对某人施加影响 make interest with the administration 对当局施加影响 They made interest with me to get beer and pay for them. 他们拉我去喝啤酒,让我为他们付账。 of interest 吸引人的 some local places of interest 当地的一些景点 sink one's own interests 不考虑自己的利益 take (have, show) (an) interest in 对…产生 (有,表示)兴趣 take a keen interest in wildlife conservation 对保护野生动物产生浓厚兴趣 I have an interest in new products and technology. 我对新产品、新技术很有兴趣。 Congress has shown little interest so far in changing the law. 国会至今无意修改这项法律。 with interest 1. 有兴趣地 Common things are looked at with a new interest. 这么一来,寻常事物都得用新的眼光来看待了。 She is studying him with interest. 她正在饶有兴味地对他进行观察。 2. 附利息;添加,加重地 return the blow (sb.'s kindness) with interest 加重回击(报答某人的善意) 3. 通过某种关系 obtain a position with interest 通关系获取一个职位 |