释义 |
ac·claim /əˈkleɪm/ vt. | vi. | n. I ❶ vt. 1. 向…欢呼;为…喝彩;称赞 acclaim the heroes 向英雄们欢呼 a book widely (highly) acclaimed 一部受到广泛(高度)赞扬的书 They acclaimed the article (as) the masterpiece of investigative reporting. 他们盛赞这篇文章是调查报道中的杰作。 2. (以欢呼声)宣布;拥立;推选 They acclaimed him (as) president. 他们欢呼拥戴他为总统。 3. 〈加拿大〉一致选举(或推举) ❷ vi. 欢呼;喝彩
II n. 欢呼(声);喝彩(声);称赞,欢迎 He clearly enjoyed every minute of the acclaim he received. 他显然完全陶醉在他所受到的喝彩声中了。 critical acclaim 评论界的赞扬 gain wide acclaim from college students 受到大学生普遍欢迎 The film has won him nationwide acclaim. 这部影片为他赢得全国上下的赞扬。 [< L acclāmāre to shout at, shout applause < AD- + clamāre to shout] |