释义 |
in·oc·u·late /ɪˈnɒkjʊleɪt/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 【医】给…接种;给…作预防注射;给…注射预防针 inoculate a child against polio 给儿童注射小儿麻痹预防针 2. (为促进生长、固定氮等而将微生物或浆液等)移入(土壤、培养基等);将(微生物)移入合适环境 inoculate the soil with bacteria 将细菌放入土壤 3. 〈喻〉向…灌输 His parents inoculated him with a strong desire for knowledge. 他父亲灌输给了他强烈的求知欲。 4. 【冶】(为改变金属的微型结构)对(金属熔液)进行孕育处理 The cast iron often is inoculated just before pouring. 铸铁在即将浇铸前常要加以孕育处理。 5. 〈古〉【植】芽接 ❷ vi. 【医】接种;作预防注射;注射预防针 Doctors inoculate against diphtheria, smallpox and other diseases. 医生给人们作预防白喉、天花及其他疾病的注射。 [< L inoculāre to implant, engraft < IN-¹ + oculus eye, bud¹]in·oc·u·la·tiv·i·tyɪˌnɒkjʊləˈtɪvətɪ n. |