释义 |
in·junc·tion /ɪnˈdʒʌŋkʃən/ n. 1. 命令;指令;训谕;嘱咐 She dismissed them with a harsh injunction to keep their mouths shut. 她打发他们走时厉声喝令他们得守口如瓶。 his father's death-bed injunction 他父亲的临终嘱咐 2. 【律】禁制令(法院强制被告从事某项行为或不得从事某项行为的正式命令) We can go to court and get a preliminary injunction to stop an ad. 我们可以去法院领取一份停止刊登广告的预发禁制令。 The employer sought an injunction against the walkout. 雇主想搞到一份对付罢工的禁制令。 [<LL injunctiō <L injungere to enjoin<jungere to join] |