释义 |
in·flu·ence /ˈɪnflʊəns/ n. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 影响;作用 the influence of religion on society 宗教对社会的影响 He had a great influence on my career. 他对我的职业生涯有过巨大的影响。 We are all subject to influences from the mass media. 我们都受着大众传媒的影响。 the influence of rain on plants 雨水对植物的作用 Tides are caused by the influence of the moon and sun. 潮汐是由月球和太阳的作用引起的。 2. 支配力;感化力 She won't obey me — I have no influence over her. 她不会服从我,我没有支配她的力量。 I believe she has some influence with the headmaster — she might persuade him. 我相信她的话在校长面前有一些分量,她有可能说服他。 Her influence made me a better person. 在她的感化下我变好了。 3. 势力,权势 return to influence 重新掌权 a position of influence 有权有势的地位 He used his influence to get his son a job. 他利用权势为他儿子找了个工作。 buy influence with sb. 贿赂某人 4. 有影响的人(或事物) He is an influence for evil in the class. 他是班级里带头干坏事的人。 5. 星力(占星学用语,一种被认为来自星体的能影响人类性格和命运的力量) 6. 〈古〉【电】感应
II vt. 1. 影响;感化;对…起作用;左右,支配 He was influenced by a high-school biology teacher to take up the study of medicine. 他受了一位中学生物教员的影响而选学医科。 influence public opinion through the press 通过报刊来影响舆论 Don't let yourself be influenced by others. 别让你自己听凭他人摆布。 2. 〈美口〉在(饮料)中加烈酒 [OFr: emanation of power from the stars < ML influentia flowing in < L influere to flow into < fluere to flow] phr. under the influence 〈口〉喝醉酒 He was arrested for driving under the influence. 他因酒后开车而被逮捕。 |