释义 |
im·pu·ni·ty /ɪmˈpjuːnɪtɪ/ n. | phr. n. (惩罚、损失、伤害等的)免除 The verdict seemed to be impunity. 看来裁决可能是免予惩处。 [< L impūnitās freedom from punishment < impūnis unpunished < IM-: in-² + poena punishment] phr. with impunity 不受惩罚地;无恙地 break laws with impunity 犯法而不受惩罚 You will not escape with impunity. 你不可能逃脱惩罚。For 30 years the same political party has run that country with absolute impunity. 30年来,就是这个政党安然无恙地统治着那个国家。 |